[Friday, 3 Years ago - Year 8]
We had just gotten out of school on one cold winter's day and we didn't know what to do.
"Why don't you come over to my house, we can play some games. You've already met my family before so it won't be awkward." Ethan said.
Since we don't have anything else to do I guess we could.
"Sure, let me just call my mum and tell her I'll be home late."
"I should probably call my brother." Sean said.
Going to Ethan's house always had problems. I called my parents to make sure it was ok, whilst Sean called his older brother to confirm, we didn't want them worrying about us.
We arrived at Ethan's and found the house was empty for once, we have only been here a few times before and there was always someone home. It was weird to see an empty house for him.
"Where is everyone?" Sean asked.
"I guess they are out picking up my sister…"
Ethan quickly ran around the house checking the usual spots his family would be in, all of which were empty.
"Yup, looks like it's just us…"
"So, what are we going to do?" I asked.
"I've got a great idea!" Ethan said with a grin as he pulled a deck of cards out of his pocket. I was expecting something digital but I guess physical can work.
It wasn't the first time I had been in Ethan's room, but the bed was pushed up against the wall and there were many video games posters hanging up above, looking as if they were ready to fall off.
We gathered around a small table in Ethan's room on the floor and Ethan started to deal out the cards without telling us what we were playing.
"Right then…." Ethan was scheming something. "We are going to play Old Maid."
Old Maid is a simple game, you have a deck of cards plus a joker, you match pairs and if you have the joker at the end you lose. It was a fun and simple game, but when you match it with some sort of punishment it becomes a game of bluffing.
"So… What happens to the loser?" I dared to ask.
"Well. It's not that bad, the loser must simply confess to someone."
Confess to someone? I wouldn't care if I win or I lose, but there was more to it than just any of that. I don't want my first confession to be to someone Ethan picks, and I'm sure Sean is also thinking that. However, I can make Ethan confess to his sister. Ethan confessing to his sister sounds like it will be amazing. It will definitely cause issues in the future if he confesses. I have to make Ethan lose. Which means I need Sean to win first.
Ethan seemed confident in his plan as if he was studying us for the year we have known each other. Little does he know, that when it comes to card games like this, I cannot be beaten. I'm the card master!
"Very well! Shall we begin?"
The game started with every discarding their pairs, we were already down by a lot. Only a couple of pairs were left already and the location of the joker was unknown.
Ethan starts since he was the dealer.
Ethan turned to pick a card up from Sean, without any issues. His face didn't change but he didn't create a pair either.
Sean's turn. He picks from me, I needed Sean to win so I was trying to use my eyes to avert him into picking a card I think he might have. As it's the first round I don't have any clue as to who has anything. Since I don't have the joker, it doesn't matter what Sean takes.
Sean picked up a card, creating a pair. My plan worked, somehow. Sean was down to 4 cards in his hand whilst me and Ethan both had 5.
It was my turn to take a card. I turned to Ethan and watched him closely. I could see his pure soul in his eyes. He has the Joker.
I reached out towards one of the cards, hovering my hand above it to check his reaction. He didn't budge. Not so much as a hint. I guess I'll take any card then.
I picked a card at random and was lucky enough to create a pair. We were all on 4 now. I don't know if Sean has worked out who has the joker, but I'm confident that it's Ethan. I just hope I'm not overthinking this.
Ethan took from Sean making a pair, and Sean followed by taking from me and making a pair. This was going well. Sean was down to 2 cards whereas both Ethan and I had 3.
I have to pick from Ethan, Ideally, I need to pick a card that doesn't create a pair.
I pick up a card at random without thinking about it. I didn't want to look at that idiotic face which looked as if he had an obvious poker face painted on.
The card I got didn't create a pair. I was now back to 4 whilst the others had two.
I just need to hope that Ethan doesn't create a pair…
Ethan stares Sean down. The chances of it being a pair are slim but the way this has been going it couldn't have been shuffled correctly, or the deck could be marked.
… Wait a minute.
Did he mark the deck?
"You didn't mark the deck anywhere did you, Ethan? Just saying 'cause if you did and you were exposed, then you would have to do the punishment."
Ethan wouldn't stoop that low, would he?
"Pfft. Come on, why would I mark the deck? Stop joking around."
As 'convincing' as it was, Ethan's brain was a mess. If he had marked the cards he will try to play in a way that seems as if he doesn't know the cards. If I was him and did mark the cards, I would try to pick the wrong one to throw off a trail. Falling right into my trap. On the other hand, I'm definitely overthinking this.
BUT! Just like I predicted Ethan didn't form a pair. Sean had one card left. I have a feeling Ethan has it but I could be wrong. Since I have more cards in my hand it's likely I have it.
Sean picks from my wide hand and goes all in with his eyes closed, missing a few times before finally landing on a card.
"YESSSS. LUCKY ME!" Sean exclaimed as he formed his final pair. I guess I was wrong as to who had the card he needed.
"Well done Sean. Now it's just me and Ethan."
Sweat was pouring down Ethan's face. He didn't expect to be in the final two. Perhaps he meant to shuffle them in a certain way but failed. At this point, I'm confident he is cheating, but how? I may have a chance of winning if I can figure it out. Exposing him results in an instant win. But how? Nothing seems strange here.
We continued on to when there were just three cards left, one pair and a joker.
I had to pick. I could end it right now. If I get the pair I win.
Ethan's face was bloated like a balloon trying to hold something in, he is definitely cheating.
"Come on hurry up and pick." Ethan was rushing me along. He doesn't want me to figure out the trick.
I spent my time thinking. Ethan was getting impatient, unable to sit still as if he needed to go to the toilet.
"Ah, I got it!" I said out loud.
I reached forward slowly looking at his face as his eyes were locked onto my hand. I go to grab the left card and see my reflection in his sweaty face as his eyes widened.
I picked up the right card. Forming the pair and winning the game.
"YESSSSSSS!" I screamed out loud. Normally I wouldn't say something as embarrassing but Ethan just lost and I can't wait to see him confess.
"WHAT! HOW?" Ethan was shocked. He didn't understand why I suddenly changed my card right at the end.
"It was simple, I'm sure you didn't expect us to notice, did you, Ethan?"
Ethan went silent and his body stiffened.
"What do you mean?"
"Look at the back of the joker, It's unnoticeable because it's hard to visualise but the pattern on the back of the joker isn't symmetrical like the others. It was only slightly off that you wouldn't notice unless you looked really close. The right side of the card is slightly different. Had you held the cards to cover the joker's right, I wouldn't have noticed. You failed because you lost."
Ethan fell in defeat. He crumbled to the ground ashamed of his cheating. None of that mattered to me. I was about to experience what I wanted. I want to see him CONFESS.
"Alright, which girl in our class should I confess to..." Ethan asked, strangely accepting his fate.
"Class? What do you mean? I want you to confess to your sister."
# # #
Ethan's sister was being picked up from school by his dad. The two of them got home a few minutes after the game had entered.
Ethan stood waiting at the door for her. He stood there awkwardly with a rose in his hand as if he was asking someone out to prom. His face was bright red unable to do anything but repent for the sins he had committed.
She stepped through the door and was greeted by an awkward plank of redwood.
Bella strongly resembled her brother. They both have the same colour eyes and hair, the only difference being the length of the hair and that Ethan is taller.
"What do you want?" Bella said coldly towards Ethan.
"W-wo… I-i L-love You!" Ethan put his heart and soul into the confession bowing as he handed the rose to her. Bella was shocked to have witnessed this. Unsure what to say she accepted the rose and turned bright red before running off upstairs to her room. Ethan fell to the floor defeated whilst his dad laughed silently from the kitchen.
"What have you done..." He muttered under his breath as if I just caused the end of the world.
Let's hope that he learns to never cheat again.