[Wednesday, Christmas Day]
For most, today is a day that is celebrated differently. It's a day some may remember for the rest of their life. A day to forget about everything negative in the world and just have fun. Of course, it's not always the best day, some people hate the thought of it and don't enjoy the family time it creates.
For Sean, it was the day he spent with his family. A day when he and his brother play together and enjoy the cold morning breeze as they play football in the frozen park. In the evening his small family gathered together over a meal that they would remember for life.
For Ruby, she spent the morning planning for a Christmas performance, that her mother has forced her to perform. She locks herself away until her relatives come over. She often greets them with a nervous smile but a sterned expression, thinking about how she isn't prepared for the impossible critic that was her stepdad. Every year, despite her nerves, she always puts on a brilliant performance, one worthy of the highest grade.
Kaylee spends the day preparing and cooking with her mother, while her dad tries to entertain his wife's parents. Afterwards, she spends the evening dancing around her house, still excited that the day isn't over. Her family gather and play board games in what has become extremely competitive over the years. Only for the result to be the same each year with Kaylee losing.
Ethan spends it with his family and constantly wishes he was somewhere else. They gather around the dinner table with a mighty turkey roast in the centre and discuss whatever comes to mind.
Bella sits opposite her brother and worries about him each year. She wishes that they were closer, as do her parents. But to Ethan, they were close enough already.
"So, how is school going you two?" Ethan's mum asked, a rather posh and neat woman.
"-Fine" Bella and Ethan said in sync
"Just fine?"
"Everything is fine…" Ethan said
"Well, for me school has been going ok," said Bella. "I don't have to worry about exams until next year…"
"You still have some exams at the end of this year… don't slack off now" Ethan replied as he slowly bit into the last potato on his plate.
"Don't worry, I'll make you proud, big bro."
This level of distance was normal for this house. Ethan coldly ate and kept conversation to a minimum in hopes that his school life isn't mentioned. The parents didn't think that anything was wrong with it, they had gotten used to how detached Ethan was. Even if Ethan was dealing with a large amount of stress, they wouldn't notice, because Ethan had worked to make it this way.
Not everyone sees today as a special day. For others, it's just a normal day.
For Owen, he spends the day as he does any other, he spends the early morning, before the sun rises, with his parents who work for the whole of Christmas day. He gets up early to spend what little time he has with them on this special day. After his parents leave he heads back up to his room where he goes back to sleep.
In the evenings, he locks up the house and goes out to the local park as the sun starts to set and the wind gets colder. On the way, he looks into the windows of passing houses and thinks to himself what it must be like.
It's normal for him to be alone on Christmas. As his parents were both doctors, they have to work most days and nights. Leaving Owen to be alone.
At the park, which is usually filled with people, he sat by himself on the swings and started to play around with his clearly visible breath. He checks his phone to see tons of messages from Ethan and Sean, all wishing him a happy Christmas with Sean enjoying his family whilst Ethan complains he doesn't want to be with them. For Owen, this was enough. He was happy with just this. The little moments with his friends were more than enough. They were his second family.