[Friday, Afternoon]
The other day when I was around Ethan's house I promised I would go shopping with him and Kaylee at some point after Christmas, well it looks like that day is today.
I asked Ruby to come and she somehow agreed, for some unknown reason. I stopped by to pick Ruby up along the way and the two of us were waiting for Ethan and Kaylee to show up in the centre of town. I just hope Ruby told her Ethan was coming.
"What time are they supposed to be here?" Ruby asked.
"I think around 1-ish? We are 15 minutes early. I suspect Ethan should be here soon. I can't imagine he would want to be late."
"Oh, so it's just us?"
Huh? Well now that she has said that I can't help but feel awkward. I think I've gone red. I must be overthinking again. People often go red when they think they're going red.
We both stood awkwardly in silence, there was an empty bench next to us but for some reason, we weren't sitting on it. Don't ask me why we just happen to be standing.
As it was still Christmas break there were tons of families out and about. All the screaming kids were running while their parents tried to not go insane. All the shops were busy from what I could tell. The local town was decorated with Christmas decorations from top to bottom. The open roof had strings of lights spread from rooftop to rooftop in the shapes of various Christmas novelties.
There was a sharp wind blowing about, which is why Ruby had decided to cover herself as much as she could. A red scarf covered her face which accompanied her brown coat, long enough to only just reveal part of her skirt.
I don't know why I've suddenly taken interest in her clothes. I guess I'm very bored. As for me, I'm just in a jumper and jeans. Zipped up to as high as it could go.
Please hurry up.
"Oh hey, guys!" Here comes Ethan perfectly on cue.
"You're late. We were waiting here for ages."
"Technically I'm early, anyway forget about that. Is Kaylee here yet? You did tell her to come right, Ruby?"
Ethan was as desperate as always
"Yeah yeah. she said she was coming, no need to drool all over her when she gets here."
A typical cliché in these types of school romances is seeing the 'love interest' in clothes other than their school uniform. Ethan was probably super excited to witness something he hadn't really seen, almost like the holy grail. What kind of idiot would care about stuff like that, haha. Wait a minute?
"Look she's over there."
Ruby pointed into a crowd as if I was supposed to be able to tell which person I was meant to be looking at. Ethan, on the other hand, found her in an instant. All I had to do was follow his eyes to figure out where she was. Like a laser targeting system, he was already locked on.
Wrapped up in a fluffy black coat and jeans, she ran up to us with a cute little stumble at the end, her ear muffs matched her coat and added to her cute charm, which she rocked with her typical ponytail. I must say she is kinda cute.
"Sorry. I'm not late am I?"
"No, not at all. We just got here, hehe." Ethan was as awkward as ever.
"So? Where are we going to first?" I looked at Ethaan whose idea it was in the first place, he looked back at me and seemed visibly confused with what was happening.
"Ah. R-right. I wanted to buy things didn't I."
I really wish I could kill him.
# # #
The four of us walked around aimlessly for a while, Ethan and Kaylee talked in the front whilst Ruby and I walked in awkward silence. I wish I didn't break my phone the other day, I'd be able to play a game or something to make it less awkward. I mean sure she'd hate me but who cares.
"So, how was Christmas?" Luckily, I had the perfect way to break the awkwardness, this time of the year comes with a free opening line to stop any and all awkwardness. It was a free win.
"Fine. What about you?"
"It was alright, didn't do much just the usual." I said.
"Spent it alone then?"
"Yeah." Great, I forgot she knows how lonely I am.
"Y-you know. You could have come over to mine." Ruby said, coyly.
Huh. is this what I think it is? The harsh Ruby is being kind for once? There is no way.
"Hmmm. maybe, But I'd rather not. I wouldn't want to interrupt the time you spent with your family"
"Ah right-" Ruby's face shrunk as she spoke.
"Hey, let's go get something to eat." Ethan interrupted our conversation and to be honest, I forgot he was there.
We found a local cafe where we sat inside away from the cold to eat. It was very retro and claustrophobic, the four of us sat around tiny tables with shoulders touching. Ethan had managed to be sly and somehow sat next to Kaylee. From the look on his face, I could tell he was ecstatic to be touching shoulders with her. His eyes were wide open and he was breathing very heavily. His eyes seem to be looking towards her chest, what a pervert. Hopefully, he won't get a nosebleed.
"So, Kaylee, how was your Christmas?" Ruby asked.
"It was alright, just spent it with the family, that's all."
"Spending it with family is great. Isn't it, Owen?" Ruby turned to me.
I don't know why she asked me, she knows I don't care.
"I guess." I replied.
"What about you, Ethan?"
"I spent it with family. Nothing too exciting."
Seems like we all had riveting Christmases, what a festive bunch we are.
"It's kinda cold don't you think? Even in this cafe, it's really cold." Kaylee who had the largest coat out of all of us appears to be really sensitive to the cold. Even now we had all taken our coats off but she still wore hers.
"Ah, here take my coat." Here comes the white knight, Ethan, to save the day.
"No, It's ok."
"You know," Ruby mentioned, "It is kinda cold in here."
I was enjoying the food that had appeared in front of me whilst Ruby was glaring at me, I had a mouth full of food but didn't really understand what was going on. Maybe she asked me a question and I missed it.
"What do you want me to do?" I said with a full mouth.
"Tsk, Whatever." Ruby was disgusted. I'd seen that look many times. I never understand why but things always go back to normal later.
"Psst, Owen." Kaylee was whispering across the table to me, whatever she plans to say is clearly going to be heard by everyone.
"You should give her your coat."
"Huh? Why? She has one?"
Kaylee looked at me and smiled. She seemed surprisingly relaxed almost as if she was trying to be patient with a baby, but I've never been more confused in my life.
Her eyes were shifting towards Ruby, clearly hinting that I should say something.
Fine, whatever I guess.
"Did you know," I began to speak "Did you know that there is about a 1 out of 5.4 million chance of you being in a plane crash?"
Everyone looked at me with various expressions. Ethan seemed intrigued by my sudden fact whilst Ruby tried her best to ignore me but was looking it up online to check if I was lying. Kaylee sat opposite me and sighed gently with the same relaxed expression, her intense smile gave off a weird bloodlust.
"You really are something, huh?" Kaylee said.
"What?" Ethan suddenly turned towards me and watched me with suspicious eyes. It seems one compliment was enough to get him jealous.
"Hahaha" Kaylee let out a little laugh. "I need to go to the bathroom."
"Ah, I'll come to." Ruby said standing up.
Ruby and Kaylee both left, and me and Ethan were sat at the table when the bill arrived.
"I wonder why girls go to the bathroom at the same time?" Ethan asked.
"It means they are probably talking about something that just happened. It always happens in romance stories. Kinda cliché if you ask me."
"Huh? I see. You aren't coming onto Kaylee though right?"
"Relax, I'm not interested in her. Plus, she has a boyfriend, don't forget that idiot."
Ethan was unsure of what to say but he didn't seem depressed at hearing that Kaylee was in a relationship, maybe he has gotten stronger, or at least hides it better. I wonder how long that will last.
# # #
"I can't believe that Owen didn't give you his coat." Kaylee said to Ruby as they both checked their makeup in the bathroom mirror.
"Whatever. he is always like that. Nothing I can do about it."
"He could try and be a little more considerate to those around him."
"Why? It's not like we are dating or anything." Ruby said with heavy shoulders.
"But you like him, right?"
Ruby's face went as red as her hair as she tried to get her words out to argue the claim.
"N-n-no. I-i-i don't. We are just friends."
"Ah. ok ok. 'Just friends' I know what you mean."
Ruby was on the defensive after suddenly being attacked. However, she wanted to have this type of conversation with Kaylee and now was the time for it.
"What about you? You and Ethan?"
"Ethan is a great guy. but I am sadly taken." Kaylee said. Her face didn't show any pleasure in her statement.
"But you know about his feelings, right?"
Kaylee stopped what she was doing and step back from the mirror with her head hung.
She looked back up at her reflection and thought to herself.
"Nope! I don't know what you are talking about."
Kaylee brushed off the question. It was obvious to Ruby that she was fully aware and that she was refusing to think about it. If she kept pushing it would only ruin the rest of the day.
"Right! Shall we go out?" Kaylee wanted the conversation to end, she didn't want to have to worry about anything over the holiday. This was a time to escape from it all. Even coming out to meet up with them today, she was nervous something would happen. But she was doing all she could to avoid it.
Kaylee and Ruby walked out and saw Ethan and Owen had paid and were ready to leave.
"Hang on, just let us pay and we'll be right out."
"No need." Ethan said. "We've already paid for you!"
"Aw, how sweet. Who do I owe?" Kaylee asked.
"No one. I paid for mine and yours whilst Owen paid for his and Ruby's."
Ruby was surprised to hear that Owen had paid for her food. She looked over at him as he stood awkwardly at the back, swaying from side to side with his hands in his pocket, smiling as Ruby looked at him.
Ruby remembered what Kaylee said just now and her face turned red again but she couldn't do anything about it. She attempted to cover her face again with her gloved hands.
"What's wrong with her?" Ethan asked.
"Oh, nothing. Don't worry about her."