[Wednesday, New Year's Day]
The new year was finally here, we were about one-third of the way done with the school year and I was dreading going back to school. I was so anxious about messing something up that I was hoping I'd suddenly get hit by a car just so I don't have to go.
To celebrate the new year and to take my mind off things, Ethan, Sean and I were out in the park enjoying some time on the swings. As it was the first day of the new year and also -2 degrees no one was out and we were all wrapped up really warm just to make sure that we weren't ill for school. I tried to jump into the lake in the middle but Sean and Ethan stopped me. Maybe if they didn't try to show me how much their singing had 'improved' I wouldn't have tried to jump.
"So how was everyone's New Year?" Sean said as he went back and forth endlessly on the swing.
"I didn't do much. My parents managed to get time off so I spent it with them." I said.
"Aw, how sweet. Maybe your pessimism that was formed because of your parent issues will clear up."
Sean has surprised me many times so far, but for this, I don't even have a comeback. I'm not even angry, I'm just surprised
"Well, I spent it with my family as well." said Ethan. "How does that fix my issues?"
Ethan was in a bad mood, which is nothing new. There were many ways I could tell this, one was that he was angrily swinging whilst standing on the seat, there was so much anger in each swing I was worried he was going to do a full loop. Actually, that would be kinda cool. I hope he does a full loop.
The second reason is that he hasn't looked at his phone since we got here. He is someone who is often on their phone checking random things when me and Sean are around. It's a different story when he is talking to a girl though.
"You have too many issues to fix. Try isolating yourself in a cave in the middle of nowhere and then coming back in 20 years when no one cares about you. I hear that works for some."
My insult wasn't as good as Sean's towards me but I still wanted to get involved. Now all Ethan has to do is insult Sean and the triangle of insults is complete.
"I guess you are right. I do have a lot of problems."
No! You aren't supposed to agree with me! Insult Sean! Without the complete triangle, we won't be able to obtain the ultimate balance!
"Anyway, I don't want to be here. It's cold and deserted, no one is around. People must think we are creeps or drug dealers."
I guess Ethan is one to worry about his image now.
"I see your point. Ok Sean, have you got the goods?"
"Yes right here" Sean reached deep into his coat pocket before Ethan stopped him.
"No that was just a little comedy routine. We planned it in advance, to make you laugh." I said.
"Your monotone voice doesn't really help with any of that!"
Our comedy routine clearly didn't work at cheering him up. Maybe I'll try something else.
"You know Ethan, you remind me of a cat."
"Aw, thanks, dude." Ethan's face lit up, it was working.
"Oh. That wasn't a compliment, I'm deathly allergic to cats. I was just saying how sometimes you make me feel like dying."
Well from the looks of it, he didn't seem very impressed with what I said. This time I'll try a direct approach.
"What's wrong? Why are you being such a downer today?" I asked.
"Nothing it's stupid. just forget about it."
How can we forget about it when you won't shut up about it?
"No, say it. There is no such thing as something stupid."
"Well. I-i just... I just don't want to go back to school."
Sean and I looked at each other. Then we looked back to Ethan, and then back to each other. Unable to comprehend what we just heard.
"You're right. It is stupid."
Sean said before continuing his swing.
"Sean's right, that is kinda stupid. I thought you liked school. It's a place where you can escape your family."
"Yeah. " Ethan was shying away, something seemed to be really bothering him. I guess I was a little harsh on him. It must hurt him every time he looks at Kaylee, and working with her must be even harder.
"I-it's just. Exams are coming up, you know?"
I take it back. I was too easygoing, next time I will bring him to the depths of hell and make him regret being born.
"You really are annoying aren't ya?" I said.
I continued with my swinging. Ethan didn't seem too happy but he was awkwardly standing in front of us whilst me and Sean enjoyed ourselves. Eventually, he gave in and joined in with the swinging. And, with that, one triangle was complete. We were all swinging.