Going To Lesson

[Monday, Lesson 3 - French]

School can be a jungle. A large maze, full of annoying kids who run about and do whatever they feel like, screaming their heads off as teachers try and calm them down. You can see some of the teachers try and hold back tears from all the students that weren't raised properly, it's kinda sad to watch. I wish we could purge all the annoying and rude ones so school becomes a more peaceful place.

Anyway, before I get lost as to what the topic at hand was about. Me, Sean and Ethan are on our way to our next lesson, that lesson being French. Our French teacher is a very relaxed person, he doesn't care if we show up late, so we made a game from it.

Instead of going directly to our lesson, we take a long and convoluted path, we like to see how far we can go without going down the same path we've already been down.

"So which way do we go?" Ethan asked as we came up to a crossroads.

"We can either keep going straight or go up to the next floor."

"I vote up." Sean voted for up giving 1 point to up.

"Down there are the Maths corridors so I say straight." It's now 1 all and looks like I have the deciding vote.

"I say up." I knew that straight ahead would lead us on a slightly shorter route, so I voted against Ethan.

"YAY!" Sean exclaimed and was visibly excited to be on this journey whilst Ethan let out a large sigh.

Taking the stairs took us to the first floor or floor B as it was called. There were 3 floors in this school. A - ground floor, B - first floor, C - second floor. There were rumours about an addition Z floor which was under the school that the teachers have stocked full of video games, comfy seats and even a full-sized Olympic swimming pool. It seems a bit difficult to hide a swimming pool but everyone believed there was one.

"Where are we now?" Ethan asked.

"Looks like the English corridor. The English classes are all down here." I pointed.

We walked down the corridor as quickly as we could trying to dodge the teachers that would tell us off. We power walked quickly with Sean dominating us and making it to the end within seconds whilst me and Ethan slugged behind.

"You are pretty fast, huh?" Ethan said, running out of breath from that quick walk.

"I'm about average."

Average? If he is about average then I must be really really below average.

"So where to now?" Sean asked.

This time we had three choices to pick from. Up, down or keep going straight.

"Let's not go straight as that leads to the staff room." I said.

"I vote down!" Sean was still excited.

"Down for me." Ethan voted for down as well so I guess my vote means nothing.

"Ok let's go down then."

We walked down the stairs and the lighting seemed to be pretty dim, we were in the back area of the school so it wasn't strange for the lights to be perfect. No teachers came down here, not even the caretakers.

"Wow. I can't see a thing." for some reason Sean seemed excited about being blind. Maybe he enjoys it?

"I didn't know our school had a place like this."

We looked around and there were several unused classrooms, the doors were all worn out with what looked like several knife cuts in them. We walked further down and saw more damaged doors and empty rooms. The only sound was from our footsteps. There were no cameras or even teachers in this area. We were all alone.

"Shall we try going in a room?" It seemed like Sean's excitement was about to get us killed. Perhaps this is a horror novel after all.

"S-sure." I was unsure of how to proceed, I'm a big scaredy-cat but by using reason and logic I can act tough to make it look like I'm not scared.

We walked into one of the rooms and attempted to turn on the lights, the lights flickered several times before turning on. Only to turn off seconds later.

"There is no such thing as ghosts, there is no such thing as ghosts. There is no such thing as ghosts." I kept repeating to myself to apply the placebo effect.

"Hey, Owen."

"EEAAHHH!" Ethan came up to me and touched me on the shoulder, I jumped on the spot and let out what I would look back on and describe as a manly and cool scream.

"Sorry. didn't mean to scare you." I could see that he was trying to hold back his laughter.

"What did you want?"

"I was just gonna ask if you knew what room we were in and if you have a torch."

"My phone is still broken so nope, use yours or Sean's."

"Both our phones are out of battery."

"Well, Looks like we are going to die." How awfully pessimistic of me, but I think by now I've come to accept my death. I always knew that Ethan or Sean would get me killed.

Wait… Where is Sean?

I looked around the room, I couldn't see that well but I could see several figures standing in a corner, next to each other, perfectly lined up. Almost as if I've walked into some sort of cult sacrifice.

I slowly approached them and stuck out my hand, but quickly retreated before I could touch it.

"There is no such thing as ghosts, there is no such thing as ghosts. There is no such thing as ghosts."

"What do you keep saying?" Ethan asked.

I looked at him and pointed to the line of people standing up. I had trouble getting the words out but I think he figured that I wanted him to go and touch them. I'll admit, he was braver than me.

Ethan slowly approached, he stuck out his hand and touched one of them on the chest but pulled back after feeling it. He looked at his hand and saw some red liquid on it. He frantically decided to shake it off but it wasn't coming off.

"There is no such thing as ghosts, there is no such thing as ghosts. There is no such thing as ghosts." I kept repeating to myself huddled up on the floor whilst Ethan ran around the class screaming because there was something slimy on his hand.

All of Ethan's running around made him crash into several things. He ended up running into a pole that was hanging from the ceiling and passing out onto the floor.

"AH, ETHAN!" I noticed he passed out and slowly crawled over to him.

"What do I do? What do I do?" I started to panic and looked around the room for anything. I came to one conclusion.

"Ok, you're on your own. Goodbye, Ethan! Was nice knowing you!" I ran out of the room without looking back or an ounce of shame.

I ran as quickly as I could to our French classroom to start the lesson.

I walked through the door as calmly as I could. Prepared to forget about everything that happened. My face was pale from what I saw, but I knew that I could fix that. No one would ask questions, I had to be as calm as possible.

I sit down at my desk and notice that someone was sitting next to me.

"Hey, Owen. what took you so long?" Ethan sat next to me in his usual spot whilst I looked at him. I stood up in a panic and look across the class to find Sean who was sitting in his spot waving at me.

I sat back down and curled up as much as possible whilst rocking back and forth in my chair.

"There is no such thing as ghosts, there is no such thing as ghosts. There is no such thing as ghosts."