This story is fiction. All people, groups, places and names that appear have no relation to the real world.
[Monday, Lesson 5 - L4L]
"Finally, losers! It's my turn for this." One of the last lessons of the day was Learning for Life, the lesson where we debate and question each other, and it was my turn for the topic.
Ethan and Sean waited in their seats expecting great things from me, amazing things. I had a lot of pressure that I would be better off without but I believe I can deliver.
"Hurry up then." Ethan was growing impatient, I could see in his eyes he was already bored. He is a tough judge to impress.
"Well, my topic should satisfy you both. I hope."
"Go ahead then"
"Ok. Here goes." I waited for several seconds before announcing to build up some hype in the crowd, it didn't seem to work very well.
"Why is it that people call us loners and lame? We hang out with people, sometimes. We also have some female friends, Doesn't that count?"
Ethan and Sean both looked at me, confused. Sean seemed slightly interested whilst Ethan's face showed no interest at all. He looked disgusted with me.
"It always somehow ends up like this doesn't it." Ethan said
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"Nothing. Anyway, to answer your question. We are called losers because it looks as if we only have a few friends. We hardly ever talk about anyone else. At this point, our other classmates might as well just not exist."
"Ah. I understand." I said, satisfied with the response I got. "So? Shall we just call it quits for now then?"
"Are you serious? If you want to discuss this we can carry on. No point giving up when we just started."
For some reason, Ethan seemed annoyed with me today.
"I think it's just you two." Sean added "It's just you two that are the weird ones. I just get included in that group because I hang out with you. I'm actually very popular."
We both stared at Sean blankly, unsure if he was joking or not, so we just looked at him to see if he would crack.
"Are you serious?" Ethan said
"I think he is serious?" I replied.
Looking back on it Sean is surprisingly popular. He is part of the football team and does talk to girls. My initial thoughts about him have changed a lot over the years. He continues to surprise me at every turn. He might already have a girlfriend. he could have surpassed us both a long time ago.
"Ok, explain this, how many girls talk to you outside of school?"
"Hmmm... I get approached a few times about the football club."
I can believe that. One time I was walking back from school and was approached by a girl in our year, she seemed nervous so I was hoping it was a confession, I remember acting all cool and trying my best to be brave and sadly reject her, as I didn't know her well. It turns out she just wanted Sean's number. I remember screaming into my pillow when I got home because of how embarrassing it was. Maybe it would have been less embarrassing if I had let her speak before rejecting her. I remember she looked disgusted at the thought of her asking me out.
"I think we are just unlucky." Ethan said.
Well, I'm sure our lack of social skills has something to do with it. Sean can seem to muster up some confidence even if it is just for a little bit. And here I was thinking he was awkward like me. Today has opened my eyes, I need to stalk Sean more to figure out who he truly is.
"Why don't you both practise asking each other out?" Sean suggested.
"Nope! Nope Nope Nope! I am not asking Owen out!"
Aw, why won't Ethan ask me out? I bet it feels nice to be asked out.
"Why not?"
"Well, where do I begin? You have a really bad personality. You aren't funny. You have problems committing to things. You have a terrible fashion sense. You'd rather be sleeping instead of hanging out with friends. You say depressing things. You scare everyone away. You don't listen to people. You are dumb sometimes. You are annoying. And sometimes you look at me funny."
Well. What do I say to that? Do I try and deny it all? Can I deny it all, some of it does seem true. Actually, a lot of it seems true.
"T-Thanks?" I said, trying to hold back tears. His words were just a bit too harsh.
"Hmmm. Yes. Everything Ethan said is true. I agree with him." Apparently, Sean agrees with him. Wow, I have such great friends. I don't deserve these people.
"Well, now you know what to improve on. Fix all those and you're set."
"Thanks, you have just solved every and all the problems that were currently in my life. Why don't you worry about yourself instead of worrying about me?" "I said.
"You know Ethan? Owen is right." Sean interrupted, it was his turn to speak, but part of me wanted to stop him. "You are arrogant. You are obsessed with a girl that doesn't love you back. You have a relationship with your sister that isn't normal. You don't know how to talk to girls. You don't know how to even talk to your parents. You boast about your exam scores and class position whilst making us look bad and sometimes your house smells weird."
Sean clearly doesn't know how to hold back, and Ethan looks like he is on the verge of tears. His top lip is quivering and has started to whisper words of encouragement to himself.
I hope he doesn't start crying in the middle of the class.
I don't want to deal with all the people looking at us.
-sniff sniff-
Oh No! He's Crying!
All I can do is change the topic and cheer him up.
"So, anyone read any good books lately?"
Sean and Ethan both looked at me, Ethan could tell I was trying to change the topic, his face lit up as he tried to regain his senses.
"Don't try and change the topic, Owen." Sean was out for blood. "We are talking about both of your failing and miserable lives."
It seems my plan has failed. My only option is an attempt to roast Sean back.
"Listen, Sean. Allow me to explain something to you..." I jumped into this too quickly. I should have at least thought about my words before sounding so confident.
"Yeah, I got nothing. You're a pretty alright guy."
It's true, apart from his stupidity he was a good guy.
"Don't Lie, Owen. Allow me to tell you about Sean's shortcomings... First, You suck. Boom! Nailed it!"
Ethan was pleased with himself, more so than he should. He started pumping his fist slightly in the air but still wanted to hide his excitement to not expose and embarrass himself. It was a strange display we were witnessing. I was wondering if he would stand up on the table and start to dance because he seemed so excited.
At least he isn't crying anymore.