Helping Hand

[Wednesday, Lunch]

For some reason, Ethan, Sean and I, decided to do a small bet. As usual, the same prizes were up for grabs, being the loser has to get the others a drink. I sadly lost the bet. Which is why I am now walking around the school looking for a vending machine that sells the drink Ethan wants.

I walked the crowded corridors with money in my pocket, anxiously looking around at everyone's stares, eyeing me up and ready to surround me. I could only listen to their conversations.

"Yeah so, Over Christmas I didn't really do much."

A voice that sounded familiar was coming from in front of the drinks machine that I needed to get to. I didn't want to expose myself, as that would be awkward. So I hid behind a wall and looked slightly past to see if I could confirm who it was.

"I bet you hung out with all the boys in our class, hahaha." Another voice spoke.

I could see Charley hanging out with a group of girls I hadn't seen before. I'm assuming they are her friends from her class. She was speaking to them with a smile and the other girls were agreeing with whatever they were talking about, not even listening.

"No. I didn't. I just spent it with my sister that's all." Charley smiled as she answered the group leader's question.

"Ehhh? How lame."

Yikes, what is this conversation? It seems like Charley's friends aren't exactly people I'd want to hang out with. Although we do enjoy insulting each other, there is something in their tone that makes it come off as genuine. Part of me almost feels uncomfortable spying on them, but the other part of me wants to stay.

"Haha. yeah, It kinda was." Charley said. "I'd much rather be out with you lot talking to all the boys."

Is this really what Charley is like at school? I knew she acted differently but this is really something else.

"There is this boy in my maths class that has been looking at me recently. I'm going to try and talk to him during the next lesson. Hopefully, we'll connect. Let's go sit out in the usual spot, I don't want to be around all these people listening in."

I don't know who this girl is but she clearly seems to be the leader of the group. Everyone else is just agreeing with her and laughing whenever they think they should. She doesn't shut up so the others can't get a word in. From the brief conversation, it was either her talking or someone answering her questions.

"Charley." The girl spoke. "Can you get us two bottles of water, one chocolate bar and two fizzy drinks? We'll wait for you at the usual spot. Bye!"

"Ah.. but I don't have-"

The group had walked off ignoring Charley, once they were out of sight Charley's smile fell and she let out a huge sigh.

What an awful group of friends.

"Is it difficult?" I went up and asked.

"Huh?" Charley didn't turn around to see me at first, I assumed she thought a teacher had come up to her, but once she turned around, her sunken expression stayed. "Oh. It's you. I'm kinda busy now buying drinks so I don't have time to talk to a loser like you."

There is something refreshing about normal Charley. Watching her school persona doesn't feel right.

"I know they are forcing you to get their drinks. I was watching the whole time."

"Wa- U...Um… I don't know what you are talking about."

"Well, either way, you don't have enough money so here I'll split it with you. I am also on drink-getting duty. Us lackeys have to stick together."

"Hmpf Whatever." Charley pouted, snatching the money from my hand.

After we got everything Charley took off, I should also get back and give Ethan and Sean their drinks but I'd rather keep watch over Charley. It would make a far more interesting story.

I followed her closely until she ended up meeting her friends at the bottom of the stairs where they must sit during lunch, hidden away at the back of the school.

I hid on the other side of the wall where I was out of sight. I was able to hear the whole conversation without being undetected. It also seemed like not many teachers go down this area.

"Yeah. This isn't what I wanted." The bossy one spoke the second she saw the colour on the label was wrong.

"B-but you just said get a fizzy drink."

"Isn't it obvious what I meant? Clearly, this wasn't what I asked for."

"W-well I can't do anything about that. Sorry." The drink was snatched out of her hand, and Charlie was forced to stand as the small group took up all the seats on the top stair.

"Whatever, we were just talking about the boys in our class."

Do they talk about anything else? It seems like they only know how to gossip or talk about boys.

"So, Charley? Who do you like? You cut your hair for a reason, right? Trying to impress someone? Who is it? You can trust me. Is it that football boy?"

I would definitely not trust her, but I hope she chooses her words carefully.

"Oh, it's no one. I just cut my hair because I wanted to see what it was like."

"Right. Well, you should grow it out long again. It looks awful on you. You look like some sort of troll Hahaha. No one thinks you look good like that. I heard the boys in our class laughing, probably about you again."

The group of sheep laughed along with the leader.

I couldn't see any of them. I couldn't see what kind of face Charley was making but I didn't have to. I knew what face she was making, I also knew what kind of face I was making.

"Come on, Charley. Don't look so down. It's only a joke. Hahaha."

Tsk, How can she hang out with this girl? Everything she says just seems to piss me off.

"Haha. yeah." Charley's voice was deflated. She was being pushed around but always took it with a smile on her face. She was brave because she doesn't want to be lonely. But is all this really worth it?

"You know. I bet it was that Football guy. We heard you had been making your way around the football team."

"Huh? N-no?" Charley sounded genuinely confused about what she just heard. "I told you. it's nothing."

"Huh? What was that? I can't hear you, speak up." The girl stood up and walked down the stairs and was now in Charley's face. I peeked around slightly and saw that Charley couldn't look away from the ground. The girl shoved her face in front of Charley, actively provoking her. I can tell she never wanted to be friends with Charley in the first place. How can Charley just stand there and take it? This girl really is pissing me off.

"You better not be talking to the football team still. I don't want us to be on bad terms if something were to happen. Who knows what would happen if I found out you were dating one of them." The girl grabbed Charley's hair, pulling her closer to her face, almost spitting on her.

"N-no. i-it's fine. none of them would want to date an ugly girl like me." Charley lightly laughed at herself as she spoke, hiding the tears she had mastered how to keep hidden.

"Yeah. That's right. Why would they want to date you? You are ugl-"


"Ah. Sorry." In my sudden rush around the corner, the drink in my hand had magically opened and poured all over her face. "My bad I didn't see you there. I accidentally spilt my drink all over you. hehe. my bad. I have some tissues if you want?" I didn't have any tissues.

The girls all looked at me unsure of what was going on. The main girl was visibly angry. whilst Charley stood there equally as shocked.

"W-wa-what? Who are you?" The main girl said, looking as if she was ready to hit me.

"Sorry. I really am. but you should really wash that off. It kinda is a fizzy drink. I don't want you to get sticky."

"What?!" The girl was now visibly pissed, I could see steam expelling out of her ears. "You think you can throw a drink over me? I'm going to tell the teachers about you! I can have you expelled!"

Charley looked up at me, she seemed scared and worried about what I had done.

"Huh? Really? Do you want to make threats? Do you understand the position you are in? I recorded everything you said just now. If you want to tell the teachers you can and I'll bring in the recording to show them. I sure hope they don't tell your parents how you treat others."

The girl stepped backwards, almost tripping on the stairs, she didn't want to get in trouble so all she could do was run off with her followers and act as if nothing happened.

"W-why. Why did you help me? I didn't ask for your help." said Charley.

"You just can't be honest, can you? I just happened to be passing by and overheard the whole thing, that's all."

"Hmpf. I guess it's fine since you recorded the whole thing." Charley was back to her usual self, pouting to hide her feelings.

"Oh, that was a lie. I don't have a phone, it's broken."

"What! You would lie in a time like this? What if they go and tell the teachers? What if they know you were lying? You could get expelled? W-why. Why would you go so far for me?"

I had seen people cry before. I used to watch my parents tell people awful things. but something about this was different, it was different knowing that I had caused it. It's different when it's someone caring about you.

"Why I helped you, huh?" I said, in thought.

I placed my hand on the top of Charley's head, patting her, as she looked up at me. Her tears went away but I could see her shaking.

"Isn't it obvious? It's because I love you."

Charley was surprised as her face turned bright red and her mind filled with confusion. She turned around to cover her face and forced my hand off.

"Only kidding!" I said before my joke dragged out too long. "You better hurry off. Lunch will end soon."

I couldn't see her face as she was turned around but I didn't need to. As long as she was annoyed that was good enough for me. I had to leave as I needed to give Ethan and Sean their drinks, although I did kinda spill Ethan's drink on that girl.

Consider this revenge for what your sister said about me.

"Grrr. You really PISS ME OFF!!"

It's good to see Charley back to her normal self.