Last time on Drizz and Gang. The adventurers returned to the village to find it engulfed in flames. After learning that the cause of the flames was an orc invasion they set off and encounter an orc camp set up not too far from the village. Having just experienced the terror that this camp has caused, the adventurers plan to make sure they never do any harm again.
Crow and Drizz watched the camp from atop a tree, monitoring their movements. Although it was almost midnight most of the camp was on guard, illuminated by several torches burning around. They attempted to figure out who the leader of the camp was and found a large tent set up at the back, heavily guarded by orcs that regularly patrolled.
"That must be where the big guy is," Drizz said. "We can pick off a few of them when no one is looking. But once a body gets discovered then we need to rush in."
Crow jumped from the branches and landed without making any noise. She dashed from bush to bush, equipping herself with two daggers, picking off several orcs who split apart from others. Drizz sat atop the tree branches and began to focus his breath. He took 3 arrows from his quiver and readied his bow.
He carefully watched a group of orcs talking outside a tent. He knew that he could make the shot but he also knew that when he did, they would all be alert to his presence.
Nicholas, Edan and Reela sat waiting on the ground below Drizz. He looked down towards Nicholas waiting for the signal to begin the assault.
Nicholas lifted his hand and began to sprint at full speed into the camp. Alerting all the orcs of his presence. As he heroically darted, Drizz released the string piercing the three orc's heads before they were even aware of the invasion.
Reena and Eden followed behind Nicholas. Reena chanted various spells, encasing Nicholas in magic armour to protect him whilst Eden surrounded him in an invisible ball of fire, burning any arrows before they can get close.
Throughout their journey, they had many disagreements and many arguments regarding who was their leader. However, during this moment, these three adventurers have never been more in sync.
"Reela," Nicholas whispered. "In there." he pointed towards a tent, hidden away from the crowd. With only the main guards left, Crow and Drizz left to deal with the stragglers.
"We can hide here and hope the guards leave the main tent."
"Are you ok? Are you injured? I can heal you? I knew we should have prepared more." Reela inspected Nicholas' armour which was covered in scratches.
"Don't worry. I've got tons of energy left. Ready to kill whatever comes my way!"
"Oi bonehead. Keep it down." From the front of the tent Drizz, Crow and Eden entered. The three of them had finished up everything they needed to do and were ready to storm the main tent.
"Perfect. We are all here! Let's do this!"
Nicholas cut a path through the tent and the others followed. Crow and Drizz protected their backs whilst Eden unleashed an onslaught of fireballs at the guards. Their sneaky approach was over, it was time to cause havoc.
"Remember! We need him alive!" Drizz shouted over the sound of the flames.
Nicholas bashed through the guards who were barely standing up and forced his way into the tent.
Drizz quickly followed behind with Reela whilst Crow and Eden guarded outside.
"We were too late." Nicholas said.
"Tsk. Where did he go?" Drizz ran around the tent checking every possible hole that someone could hide in, finding nothing.
"Perhaps he was never here."
"No that doesn't make sense. There must have been a leader! There is always a leader!"
Drizz wandered around the tent restlessly, unable to shake his anxiety and disappointment.
"Drizz." Reela said."I understand how you feel. But we took out one camp. Isn't that something?"
"Indeed! Come on, Drizz. What Reela says is correct. Today is a day we celebrate."
"Hmmm. Celebrate all you want. I'm just going to head straight to sleep."
# # #
The group left the camp and continued to travel east. They were all tired after the various battles but knew that they had to get far enough away before setting up camp. As it was still dark out they decided to travel and set up a campfire on a small hill on the edge of a forest.
"Let us celebrate this wonderful day!" Nicholas pulled out a mysterious bottle stolen from the orc camp and began pouring it into various small cups, passing them around to everyone.
"You guys celebrate. I'm off to bed."
"Don't be like that Drizz," Nicholas said. "We deserve to celebrate once in a while."
"We've been moving since we first met up. We haven't had a decent sleep in days. Let me just sit this one out."
Drizz walked away from the campfire that illuminated the starry sky.
"Tsk… What's his problem? I was just trying to help."
"I-I'll go talk to him." Reela stood up and walked over to Drizz who was laying on a thin piece of cloth facing away from the people behind him, into the dark forest.
"Are you ok?"
"I'm fine… just tired that's all."
"Ah… ok."
The two of them stayed in awkward silence for a while, with the only noise coming from Nicholas who could be heard dancing around the fire with Crow. Drizz refused to turn his back but he could feel that Reela was crouching behind him.
"Is there anything else?" Drizz asked.
"Ah… um… n-no… I mean, yes, there is."
"What is it?"
"Umm, you're an elf, right?"
"As far as I know."
"What happened to the elves?" Reela asked, curiously.
"They were being hunted by the orcs. My village got attacked and we were left with nothing. I don't know how many survived as I left to look for a new home as soon as I could. In their eyes I abandoned them. I could be the last of my kind and I wouldn't even know it."
"It's ok… I'm sure no one blames you." Reela replied as if she had ignored what she just heard.
"What are you talking about? It doesn't matter if they blame me or not. I'll never see them again. The orcs killed them all. They took everything from me and left me with nothing but a party of weirdos."
"Did you forget that I also lost everything?"
Upon hearing those words Drizz sat up and faced Reela. Her blue hair reflecting in the moonlight lit up her face. Drizz stared into her eyes where he saw a distorted version of himself. He placed his hand upon her cheek and gently moved her hair back behind her ear.
"A half-elf," Drizz said.
"Ha...ha. Sorry I didn't mention it soon."
The two of them stared at each other and smiled. Reela quickly pulled away Drizz's hand and turned away. Covering up her face.
"Why do you hide it?" Drizz asked.
"No reason. I was told by my mum to hide it. My dad was an elf who went away when I was young. I stayed with my mum in the village and was told to hide it so I wouldn't get bullied but the other kids."
"Oh… I'm sorry. I won't tell anyone."
"No, it's ok. I was watching you because I haven't seen an elf in so long. You reminded me so much of my dad that I couldn't take my eyes off you."
"Oh great, I'm the dad, am I?" Drizz rolled his eyes, attempting to humour himself.
"I would like to go back." Drizz began to speak "to my village, that was destroyed, once this is all over. But I don't know."
Reela placed her hand on Drizz's head and emitted a warm gentle light from it.
"What about now?" Reela said.
"Huh-?" Drizz was about to answer but couldn't as tears began to roll down his eyes.
"W-why am I crying?"
"It's because you want to go home. That spell was one my dad used on me when I was younger. I don't know what it is either but it helps calm me down whenever I use it."
"Ah… I see."
The two sat in silence as Drizz wiped away the tears whilst hiding his face in embarrassment.
"I'll come with you." Reela said.
"Excuse me?"
"When this is over. I'll go back home with you."
"Huh?" Dirzz sat but said nothing. His mind was blank as he tilted his head up to the sky and watched the stars.
"I'll have to hold you to that." He mumbled.
Drizz and Reela continued talking as the night went on. The two of them shared stories of their past before going back to join the others. Nicholas ran up to Drizz and squeezed him as hard as he could. Eden and Crow were dancing hand in hand next to the fire as they all took one drink together.