[Wednesday, Registration]
"And that is how I ended up fighting a giant dog with my hands tied behind my back whilst my parents enjoyed a cup of tea with our teachers."
"Interesting dream, Ethan. But I bet I can one-up you on the dream front. So… There I was sitting in my room with nothing but the Tv on. I thought that was normal until I was rudely interrupted by a loud and obnoxious noise."
'And here is the loud and obnoxious noise.' I thought to myself.
Sean was once again running and screaming. If there was an Olympic sport for running and screaming then I say he should give up on football and go into that.
What would a sport like that even be called? Run-Scream? Scream-Run? Scrunning?
"What is it this time?" Ethan asked.
"Well, I was walking to class, perfectly on time, as usual. Where I see a girl I've never seen before talking to the teachers. She had beautiful pearl black hair with a timid smile that I just found so cute."
"Ok. What about her?"
"Ah right!" Sean was stuck in a fantasy land that he forgot to tell us whatever it was that he wanted to say. Typical Sean.
"So. I mentioned she was talking to the teachers, right? Right?"
"Yes yes. Get on with it."
"Ah right. So I've never seen this girl before."
"YOU SAID THAT GET ON WITH IT!" Ethan snapped. Luckily he snapped first because I was about to if he didn't.
Ethan and I sat in silence. Our mouths were tightly sealed, and not even gas was getting in or out.
"So this girl was wearing a hoodie underneath her school blazer. I thought that was a bit weird because the temperature is getting hotter but I guess it is still kinda cold. We don't live in the warmest parts of the world so I guess I can understand it."
I'm going to hit him.
"Anyway, so I observe from the shadows for a bit and noticed that I wasn't the only one looking at her. Some other people were looking and talking about her as well, don't know what they were saying. So I guess she is popular. But this is where the weird thing happened, ok. You listening?"
Does he want us to speak now?
"She just left. She just walked out of the building with the teachers watching her. They didn't stop her or anything. She left in such a hurry that I didn't get to find out her name or even what class she is in. All I know is that she is in our year."
"Hmmm… are you done?" Ethan asked. Although it may sound rude, after hearing Sean complain so much about interruptions this was actually very polite.
"Yes, I'm done. I would like to hear your opinions now."
A strange girl we've never seen before, huh? Very Mysterious. Is this the illusive Pars? Probably not.
"Is she perhaps a transfer student?" I asked.
"Hmmm possibly. Anyway, I was wondering if you guys could ask around. Like maybe Owen you go and ask Ruby and Ethan ask Kaylee."
"I will happily take any reason to go and talk to Kaylee!"
Well, I'm glad someone is happy. Unlike him, I have to talk with the devil.
# # #
"So you've come to talk to me, huh? What exactly do you want this time?" Ruby leaned back against the window with her arms spread out and legs crossed; as if she thinks she is some almighty ruler looking down on her subjects.
"Come on, Ruby. Let's hear what they have to say first."
I'm glad Kaylee is kind enough to not kick us out without hearing what we have to say. I guess the spoiled phone box needs to learn some manners.
"We just wanted to ask if you have ever seen a girl before."
"Of course, I've seen a girl before. Every time I look in the mirror, I see a girl. What kinda question is that." Ruby said sarcastically.
"Really? Every time I look at you all I see is a giant red crab."
As always, Ruby's frustration was entertaining. I held the high ground. It was a better feeling than winning the lottery.
"So what exactly are you guys after?" Kaylee asked
"We are looking for a girl in our year." Ethan said. "It's not for us, it's for Sean. We were just wondering if you have ever seen a black-haired girl that wears a hoodie under her blazer. Sean attempted to draw a picture but we had to burn it because it looked as if it would start a plague."
"Well, I've only been here since the start of this year. But I don't think I have seen anyone. Sorry guys."
"Do not worry Kaylee!" Oh no, the lover boy has escaped. Please return our normal Ethan to us. "You did everything you could and we appreciate you for it."
What a strange choice of words.
"I think I know the girl you are talking about," Ruby said. "Although the last time I saw her was 2 years ago, back in Year 9. I think that was when she joined the school."
That long ago. I suppose there is less chance than I thought.
"I heard rumours saying she never comes to school but still studies and does her homework."
"Kinda like Pars!" Ethan added.
"Yeah. Kinda like Pars. Except not because we've seen this girl. Anyway, Ruby, Continue."
"From what I know it doesn't seem like people like her. I know she does history and geography but I don't know her final subject."
"Ah!" Kaylee suddenly jumped up in surprise. She was sitting so quietly that I forgot she was there.
"You mean Lily, right?"
"Lily?" We replied, Ruby included.
"Yeah. She does Geography and Home Economics with me. Well, she is in our class but doesn't show up. I tried asking the teacher why but all they said was her parents didn't want her to come to school. It's a shame. I thought she was quite cute from the picture I saw on the register."
Lily, huh? So we know her name and subjects. but we don't know when we will next see her. Sean walks the same route to class at the same time every morning and has never seen her before. How do we know when she will next show up? But then again, Sean was probably too stupid to notice her.
"Sean, claims to have seen her this morning talking to a teacher, do you know why?" I asked.
"This morning? Hmmm. Perhaps she was handing in some work? we do have some Home Eco homework due today."
So she hands her homework in the mornings and then leaves. What a strange girl.
"Do you know when she will next be in?" Ethan asked. He looked at me with a smug expression plastered on his face. Did he perhaps think I was talking to Kaylee too much and get jealous? Does he think I would be jealous of him suddenly taking over the conversation?
"Perhaps tomorrow?" Kaylee said, "But I don't know."
"But we don't know if she will stay for long. She may not even try to speak. She might just run away." Ruby was right, we don't know much about this girl. All we can do is hope.
"We better tell Sean this. Thanks for the information."
"No problem!" Kaylee said cheerfully. "If you manage to talk to Lily make sure you bring her to me, I'd love to be friends with her. If there is anyone I believe will become friends with her, I believe it is you three!"
I think I can see what Ethan likes about this girl. I think my face is going red. A compliment from her felt strangely relaxing and therapeutic.
"OUCH! What was that for you Red pepper!?" I cried out as a sharp pain hit my leg.
"No reason. Just felt like kicking you that's all."
Tsk… I still don't like Ruby though.
# # #
We went back to our table where Sean was practising his drawing skills, trying to draw Lily from memory. We broke it to him gently about how he would never become an artist before telling him everything we had learnt.
"Lily. What a cute name." He said, smiling to himself as if he was matching up the name with her face in his head.
"Yeah, so we can guess she might be in tomorrow. So if you wait in the morning you may see her. We don't know if she will talk or even want to talk to you."
"That's good enough for me!"
I wonder why Sean is doing all this. He's never done something like this before. He always kept to himself and would never ask us for anything. Anytime we joke about girls with him he always just laughs it off and acts as if nothing has happened. I wonder what changed. However, there was one person uncertain of the situation.
"I don't think you should go tomorrow." Ethan said.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Because she clearly doesn't want to go to school. So why not leave her alone."
"True. But I don't think Sean is the type of person that logic will work on. And besides, we don't know why she won't come to school. Ruby said people don't like her but Sean isn't really 'people'. I'm sure there is more to it than we know."
"But don't you think it's rude to interfere?"
"Hmmm. What is with you, Ethan? Why are you suddenly against something like this? Are you jealous because Sean is interested in someone so you will no longer be needed as the obsessed character?"
"No! that's not it!" It was clear Ethan was trying to defend himself. "I don't know. I just feel like some things are better left. This girl seems happy with the way she is, why not just leave her."
He does have a point. If she was happy to do what she does then we can't change that. But if Sean wanted to try and ask, then we have to support him. What an interesting scenario we are in. As his closest friends, we have to give him the best advice possible.
"I think it's up to you, Sean. If you want to go and see her tomorrow and talk to her then we will support you. If you don't we will also support you. Even if it doesn't work out then we will still support you. Take it at your own pace, Sean. Three-steps-forward, two-steps-back. Or so they say."
Although I'm more of a three-steps forward, five-steps back kinda guy.
Ethan is a one-steps-forward, ten-steps-back person.
"Thanks, guys. I think I would like to talk to her. She seemed like she wanted to talk to people, she spoke with the teacher just fine so I'm sure she'll be fine around me! I shall find out why she doesn't want to come to school and solve all her problems!"
That's the stupidly optimistic Sean we all know and love. I hope this doesn't backfire in his face. I've already got a lot on my plate by looking after Ethan when he's depressed.
"Well, let's just hope she shows up tomorrow."