[Thursday, Lesson 3 - Drama]
"Finally!" I screamed. "It's my turn!"
"Oh please, glorious leader, please give me an easy role." Ethan was on the ground in front of my feet begging that I, the director, give him an easy and wonderful role. Of course, I'm a kind person. I shall give him whatever role I believe he will do his best at.
"I'm happy with any role!" Kaylee cheerfully exclaimed.
"I'll take on any role. Since you did what I said when I directed you I'll go with whatever." Ruby said.
This was a tough decision for me. I had all the power in the world but don't know how to use it. Should I just go mad with power? Will that not get boring?
"Hey, Ethan come here." I pulled Ethan to the side away from the girls.
"I'll help you out. I'll give you a role with Kaylee."
Ethan's eyes shot up. Stars shone in his eyes.
"Yup. I'll try my best."
His eyes stayed bright. He looked at me like I was some sort of god. Although the glow in his eyes didn't last for long.
"What are you after?" He said suspiciously.
"Nothing. I'm just trying to help a friend out."
Ethan looked at me and didn't want to believe what I was saying. But he was willing to do anything and take every opportunity to be with Kaylee.
"Ok. I'll work with you. Let's do this."
To screw with him, or not screw with him, that is the question.
"Alright, everyone!" I said. "I will now begin distributing the roles."
Ethan looked at me with high hopes. I was prepared to help him in whatever way I could. All I need to do is give him a role with Kaylee and he can take it from there.
"Here is my vision."
Since we were doing improv we could improvise anything. Meaning I have full control.
"The story is about 3 people, a loving boy and two girls. Both girls are in love with this one boy. The boy is forced to marry one of them. The two girls must persuade him and try to get him to agree to marry them. Oh! And you are all Cowboys/girls. ACTION!"
I set the scene for them all now it was up to Ethan.
# # #
The story began with Ethan sitting on a stool, pretending to drink and chat with an invisible actor. He sat with one foot atop the high bar on the stool, whilst his arm rested on his raised leg.
Kaylee approached and sat on the vacant seat next to him.
"Howdy, cowboy." Kaylee pulled back the cowboy hat she borrowed and pretended to order a drink.
"Well, hey there little missie," Ethan said with a toothpick in his mouth.
'Damn he looks cool' I thought to myself.
"I ain't seen you around these parts in so long. You leave me behind and show up suddenly. You just know how to mess with a girl's heart."
Kaylee's acting was superb. She has completely gotten into the role. Her improv skills are not to be messed with. She could be a professional.
"I just go where the wind takes me. Barkeep! Get this missie a little drink."
"Why, sure thing" Ruby appeared from behind the block they were leaning on and prepared a drink for them. Meanwhile, I was leaning forward in my director's chair. The scene was coming into view around me, I could imagine the scene perfectly. This bar was dusty but filled with customers. It was rowdy yet quiet. The whole bar was with themselves, yet the main attraction was them.
"How much is it?" Ethan asked.
"For you? Free of charge."
"Never say no to a free drink. That's my motto."
"For you?" Ruby said looking up and down at Kaylee. "That'll be the normal price."
"Well, hang on there," Ethan said in his best cowboy accent. "I don't think that's very fair."
"Why not? You've done great things for this little place, she's just sat there. I'll give you all the free drinks you want."
Nice one, Ruby. Use free drinks as a way to get to someone's heart. I agree with that method. Free things will work on me.
Ruby moved closer to Ethan, talking to him with a smile on her face. Her eyes looked only at him. Almost as if she was genuinely in love with him.
"W-well I can give you something no one else can," Kaylee said reaching out her hand to stroke his face. Her warm hand placed against his cheek as she looked into his eyes. Ethan looked back unable to break the stare that these two had.
"Eh?" Ethan's face went red after noticing what was happening. "W-well. What exactly do you mean?" He said, losing his accent. He better not ruin this for me. I'm enjoying this film.
"Eh?" Kaylee replied, finally realising what she was doing and also turning red.
"CUT!" I screamed, I better stop them before this gets a higher rating.
"That was good, guys. I feel like we forgot about the original concept but that's ok. We can work with this. Let's change it up a bit."
"I feel like I'm always playing Ethan's lover, hehe," Kaylee said.
We all looked at Kaylee unsure of what she just said. We weren't sure if she had realised something was up or if she was making a joke. Either way, we should be careful. Or can I turn this around and help Ethan even more?
"Is that ok? Do you want another role?" I asked.
"No. It's fine. I'm cool with whatever role I get! I was just saying because I thought it was weird, that's all."
"I see." I went back to thinking about what to change the idea to. I looked over to Ethan whose face was as white as paper.
"Ethan? Are you ok?" I asked.
"H-huh?" He replied, barely forming the words. "Y...yeah."
He doesn't seem normal. Could he be ill? I can't remember the last time Ethan got ill. Knowing him this is probably something stupid. He's probably playing what just happened with Kaylee over and over in his head. Stuck on a loop like a broken DVD player. Not that I can blame him, I would probably do the same. Any guy would.
"Well, let's ignore him and get back to it."
"Are you sure?" Kaylee said. "He doesn't seem that well?"
Kaylee went over to him and placed her hand on his forehead.
"It is kinda hot."
That's probably because you are touching him and he doesn't know what to do. Robots overheat sometimes and malfunction.
"Ethan, would you like to sit down? We can have a break?"
Kaylee pulled Ethan away to the side and the two of them sat down to rest. She took a water bottle out of her bag and handed it to him.
"What if we told him that could be an indirect kiss," Ruby said to me.
"He'll probably pass out. Let's just leave him for now. We can continue when he isn't lovesick."