The Tales of Drizz and Gang Episode 8

Last time on Drizz and Gang, after waking up with a hangover the adventurers decided to continue travelling. They follow Reela and Crow only to get lost in a large open field.


"Sorry… my bad." Reela apologised.

"It's not your fault," Nicholas said attempting to cheer up Reela. "We all get lost now and then."

Drizz and Eden looked at Nicholas with eyes full of hate. Drizz began to repeatedly punch the ground in anger from hanging around with idiots with no sense of direction.

"Sorry… My bad." Reela apologised again.

"Whatever," Drizz said immediately calming down since he punched the only tree for miles. "I'm done with you all leading. This time I shall lead."

"Do you know where to go?" Nicholas asked.

"Of course. An elf always knows where to go!" Drizz sounded confident, he has a perfect record of always finding his way. He wasn't going to ruin the record now.

"One question though," Drizz asked. "Where are we heading?"

The group looked at one another as if they knew where they were going. They originally planned to head to the orc camps but they have no way of knowing where they are.

"I guess we just find a village," Crow suggested.

"Good thinking, Crow!" Nicholas screamed scaring the rest of the group. "We can restock and get a decent sleep for one night."

The group walked following Drizz's lead. He leads them in a straight line, unsure if it was the way they had come from.

They spent hours walking before encountering a village.

"See, that wasn't so hard," Drizz said acting as if he almost didn't get lost, whilst also being fully out of breath from all the walking.

The village was smaller than the one Reela and Crow lived in. It looked as if every resident was awake and active whilst the few children played together.

"Isn't this cosy?" Reela said.

"I guess. They probably won't let us stay here. I doubt there are enough houses."

They moved around the village hoping to find someone to talk to. They noticed all sorts of empty shops and various signs about shops closing down.

They continued to walk with no one even noticing them. No one looked at them or attempted to talk to them. They all carried on with their activities.

"Well, looks like this is an inn," Drizz said as he walked in.

Inside the inn was an empty front desk covered in dust. Drizz ran up the stairs to check to see if anyone was in but found no answer.

"Oh. Visitors!" A voice called out through the floorboards.

"A ghost!" Reela and Eden screamed.

"Heeeheeeheee." The voice let out a wheezy laugh through the sound of creaking floorboards.

"Definitely a ghost!" Crow added.

"It's not a ghost," Drizz said. "It's just some old lady slowly climbing out from the basement."

"Hey, you!" The old lady said hitting Drizz's legs. "I'm not that old you know."

"Ow… alright alright. We are looking for a place to stay for the night. Do you have somewhere?"

"Heeeheeeheee. I do indeed. I only have one room available. It will fit all 5 of you. It may be quite cosy. Heeeheeeheee."

"Well, we have no other option, so I guess we'll take it," Drizz said taking the keys from the old lady.

"Wait? You want us to stay in a room together?" Reela asked.

"What? We all sleep together at night. What's so different?"

Reela was shocked at Drizz's logical responses. She had never slept in the same room with someone of the opposite gender before and didn't consider what they were doing for the last few nights to be 'same room'.

Crow approached her attempting to comfort her by threatening the two boys in the group.

# # #

"She wasn't lying. It isn't the largest room." Nicholas said.

"Well, it was cheap. And since I had to pay for us all I'm glad it was cheap." Drizz replied.

Despite 5 of them living in one room together, there were only two beds. The floorboards that they walked on all creaked and the ceiling looked as if it would collapse at any moment.

"Let's decide who sleeps where," Drizz suggested. "I don't mind sleeping on the floor."

"We should give the girls beds." Nicholas' said being chivalrous.

"Agreed. Well, girls. Decide who sleeps where. You'll have to have two people in one bed."

"U-um." Reela began to speak. "I think we might all be able to squeeze in one. You two can have the other."

It was a good idea for them to all sleep on a bed, if possible. Nicholas cheered at the thought whilst Drizz panicked and feared being hugged in his sleep by the bear he was about to sleep with. He didn't know if his spine could take it.

They all went to sleep that night with the three girls tightly next to each other, sound asleep.

Drizz and Nicholas occupied the other bed with Nicholas spreading himself across, taking up most of the room. Drizz stared at the ceiling hanging onto the side of the bed.

That night there were no sounds inside the village. All the lights were off and all the villagers were asleep.

# # #

"God. What an awful sleep." Drizz said climbing off of the floor.

"Why are you done there, my friend?" Nicholas said peeking over the side of the bed.

"I wonder why..."

"I slept like a log." Eden sat up and looked at Crow and Reela who were asleep in each other's arms with pure smiles on their faces.

"We'll let those two sleep more, I'll go and see if the old lady from before is around and ask her about the village."

Drizz left Nicholas and Eden to themselves. They didn't want to wake up the others and Eden couldn't move without waking them up.

"Let's just pretend to sleep until Drizz gets back," Eden suggested. "He shouldn't be long."

The two of them awkwardly laid back down. Silence filled their ears as they both attempted to fall back asleep. Not even the birds were chirping. No footsteps were outside and no children were playing. The silence continued until it was broken by Reela's snoring.

Several minutes later Drizz ran back in. He approached Reela and Crow to wake them up. The two of them were confused as to what was going on, thinking they were back in their old village.

"We have a problem," Drizz said.

"What is it?"

"That old lady from before. I can't find her."

"We couldn't find her yesterday? Did you check the basement?" Nicholas suggested.

"I did. I checked everywhere. I even went outside but there was nothing. No one was around. Not even animals. No children. No birds. Nothing. There is nothing here. Every living creature has just vanished."

"Calm down. Calm down." Nicholas said trying to understand the situation. "They could all be sleeping."

"I thought that until I looked up at the sun. We couldn't tell from here. But follow me."

The group followed Drizz as he ran out into the blazing heat. He pointed towards the sky, the sun that was situated directly above their heads. Perfectly still at the centre of the sky. It never moved. The empty sky was sat with no clouds, and an isolated sun, lighting up the early morning as if it was the middle of the day.