[Wednesday, Afternoon]
Finally, the holiday is here. Two weeks off of school then we go into the final term before summer. I'm excited. As it's already Wednesday it means I'm a few days into the holiday and each day I've woken up after midday. Isn't that crazy? I'm loving life. My parents are never around to wake me up. No one ever phones me and it's all great. It's nice and cosy under my blanket. I plan to just do nothing but chill for the whole holiday.
Ding Dong
I'm just going to ignore that and go back to sleep
Ding Dong
Ding Dong
Ding Dong
"STOP RINGING THE DOORBELL!" I said as I swung the door open almost ripping it off the hinges. Hasn't something like this happened before?
"Sup dude," Ethan said as he pushed passed me and walked into my house.
"Excuse me," Sean said following behind him. At least he has some manners.
"What are you guys doing?" I asked them.
"I said that we were coming round. We want your help, remember?"
I guess I do remember something like that. They could have at least messaged me.
Oh? 200 unread messages. I guess they did message me. Well, I guess this is my fault. Isn't it?
"Ok so…" Ethan said. "We need your help. As we said we need help cooking."
"And why have you come to me?" I asked.
"Because you live alone so you should be able to cook."
He is technically correct. I should be able to cook but I cannot cook. I can pretend I can cook but I live off instant noodles and premade food that my mum made for me. All I have to do is reheat it and it's done. So if you ask me, 'can I cook?' I would say no. if you ask 'can I reheat?' then I would say yes, yes I can.
"Right… Ok…" I said trying to fulfil their illusion of me. Hopefully, I can keep it going.
"So. What are we making?" I asked, hoping it was something easy. It better have less than 5 ingredients.
"I have no idea." Ethan and Sean replied.
"Perfect! Here is the door, please leave." I escorted them off the premises and walked back into my house and jumped straight into bed.
Ding dong Ding dong Ding dong Ding dong Ding dong Ding dong Ding dong Ding dong
# # #
Several painful minutes later we managed to all agree on some stupid chicken recipe. I don't even know what it's meant to look like. I'm no professional and never will be.
"Why are we even doing this?" I asked.
"Because I want to do something for my sister."
Does he really? Isn't that adding fuel to the fire?
"And I want to do something for my brother."
That I can understand.
We began shortly. I wanted to get this over with so I quickly cut up everything within seconds. Each onion was finely diced all to the same size and perfect shape. I cut up all the remaining ingredients, amusing my spectators.
"Wow. I knew you could cook." Ethan said.
"Haha… anyone can cut up things." That makes me sound like a serial killer.
"That makes you sound like a serial killer." Sean read my mind.
We followed the recipe word for word, never missing a step. It was like building furniture. If we miss even the smallest screw or bolt we would have messed up and would have to sit on our failures.
"This is turning out better than I expected," Ethan said.
"What did you expect? Did you really think we would set the house on fire?"
"I guess so."
"Errr… Guys…" Sean said. "I have a problem."
Oh no. Here it comes. Someone has dropped a screw down the back of the fridge and we can't get it out. Looks like we have to sit in our failures.
"What is it?" I said.
"I added too much salt."
Oh, dear. Too much salt. What an awful thing.
"It's fine. I'm sure Ethan's sister won't mind. It'll just be adding it to her giant salt pile."
"What are you implying about my sister?" It was clear Ethan didn't get my creative insult, but to be honest, I'm not sure I did.
# # #
"OK!" Sean screamed. "We've finished."
We all gathered around and tried a bit. We were all nervous. I was too young to die but I'm sure Ethan and Sean were nervous for over reasons.
We all took one big gulp and chewed slowly, inspecting each flavour as it entered.
"It's good." Ethan was the first one to critique it.
"You're right," I said.
"Yummy," Sean said as we all continued to stuff our faces.
"What have we done?" Ethan said looking at an empty plate. "I'm going to be killed."
Whilst Ethan was wishing he stopped eating, I was cleaning up. It didn't matter to me if there was food leftover or not. To me this was lunch.
"I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going to die."
"Please die outside and away from my house," I instructed him.
"It's not a bother to me. I'm sure my brother will understand."
See, it's only Ethan who cares. What's his problem?
"Just tell her you were hungry. Or just don't tell her anything. Did you even say you'd be bringing her something?"
Ethan's eyes said many things. It was almost as if he had promised his sister something highly impossible for him. Perhaps the best meal she's ever eaten? Either way, his promise won't be fulfilled anymore.
"We have to do it again," Ethan said grabbing my hands and forcing a knife into them.
"I just cleaned that. And we don't have the ingredients."
"No problem. I'll be back."
Ethan ran out the door before anyone could stop him. Looks like this is going to be a long day.