[Saturday, Afternoon]
Ah, this is bliss. It's warm under this blanket and I don't plan to move. I bailed on Ethan's stupid revision session with Kaylee so now it's just me. I can spend as much time sleeping.
At least that is what I would be doing, but he won't stop messaging me.
"Just… Don't… Do… Anything… You'll… Regret…" and send! There! Hopefully, he should stop messaging me now.
Ding Dong
That's strange. I must be imagining things. No way Ethan ran over to my house just to get me. Would he?
Ding Dong
I'll just ignore it. It's probably someone trying to sell something.
Ding dong ding dong ding dong.
"WHAT IS IT!" I slammed open the door and looked at the issue on the other side. "Sorry. If you are here to clean up the wine on your head then go somewhere else."
"Haha, very funny." Ruby pushed past me and waltzed into my house as if she owned it.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"I'm here to revise for the music exam."
"Revise somewhere else," I said pushing her back out the door.
"I don't have anywhere to go. I was hoping you could help me."
Help her? Why would I want to do that? No? But, hang on? The more I think about it, this could be a good chance.
"Well, since you insist." I'd be a fool to pass up the opportunity for me to have the mental high ground against her. Whatever she needs help with I'll make sure she understands, then she'll owe me a favour.
"Just go wait in the living room. I'm still in my pyjamas."
"Aren't you embarrassed? A girl seeing you in your pyjamas?" she asked, almost as if she was laughing at how cute I looked in a spotted polka dot dark blue shirt and trousers.
"Should I be? It's only you." I replied but was quickly kicked in the back of the leg by Ruby.
"What was that for?"
"Nothing. Just get ready."
# # #
I wasn't expecting much out of this. I wanted it to be over. When I came back down from changing, Ruby already had everything set out. She had tons of exam questions sitting in front of her.
"Are you going to play the piano?"
"Are you going to leave?" I asked as politely as possible.
"Smartass. I meant for the performance."
"Obviously. I'm not going to play the didgeridoo, am I?"
Ruby didn't seem pleased with my attitude, what does she expect when she's woken me up this early?
"It's 1 pm, have you eaten?" She asked.
"Why do you care?"
"I don't. I just don't want you dying when I'm in the room. I wouldn't want to give a statement to the police."
"It's fine. I'm sure you can hide my body well. You can hide blood in your hair easily."
"Whatever. Let's just start revising." Strangely, Ruby didn't react like I thought she would. I was expecting another comment back, but instead just got a side eye as she looked down to her books.
We began studying and I was looking forward to having the high ground that I mentioned earlier. We started quickly and it didn't take long for me to realise that I was the one that needed help.
"Stuck already?" Ruby said condescendingly.
"Shut it, gnome. I can do this."
"Shall we see who gets more marks on these exams then?" Ruby said initialising the competition.
"Sure thing. I hope you are prepared to lose."
The music exam usually lasts around 1 hour 45 minutes and consists of multiple annoying sections. It wasn't the easiest exam in the world.
I was first to finish and waited patiently for Ruby to hurry up. She writes so slowly, but she does have neat handwriting. A lot better than my unreadable mess. Looking at her writing made me jealous. I tried to improve my writing, rereading and going over some things I thought were unreadable, but that just made more of a mess.
"Ok. I'm done." Ruby said putting down her pen.
"Let's mark each other's," I suggested. I hate marking other people's work. I always hope that whoever marks my work can read my handwriting. I knew Ruby could which is why I gave it to her.
"I can't read this." She said instantly.
"Sigh. Well, try your best."
We sat in silence whilst comparing with the mark scheme that Ruby also printed out. Looking at her answers I could see she wrote down some good stuff. It was clear that I wasn't going to win this. I knew that this was going to happen.
"Well. That was certainly interesting." Ruby said, striking fear in my heart.
"Yours isn't that great, either." I passed it back as if I knew I had won.
Who am I kidding? Hers was great. She got such a high mark that she didn't need to study. She's easily going to pass.
"What did I get?" I asked.
"35," She said. "Out of 100."
That was better than I expected. I'd say that is a win.
"What about myself?" She asked.
"Errr." I almost don't want to say. "87"
Ruby tried her best to hide her excitement, it wasn't long before she started cheering and reviewing her score, rubbing it in my face.
"Alright! Stop rubbing it in!"
"Sorry sorry. It's just I got 87 and you got 35."
How annoying.
"Alright then," I said with a master plan in mind. "How about a little bet?"
"Oh?" Ruby sat up like a meerkat, eager to hear what I was about to say.
"Whoever gets higher on the final exam gets to make the loser do whatever they want."
"Really? Do you think you can improve your score that much in so little time? Sure I'll take part."
Before Ruby could back out we shook hands. Of course, this deal was risky for me. I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but this might be the last time I'm in a class together with her, so it's alright to have a little fun.
"What should I do when I win?" Ruby started thinking out loud.
"Don't start thinking just yet. I could win this."
"Eugh," I said looking at my phone with disgust. "Why does Ethan keep messaging me?"
"Is he with Kaylee?" Ruby asked.
"Yup. They are studying together. I was supposed to be there but now I'm here. Honestly, I'd rather be with them. OW!" Ruby repeatedly kicked me in the side of my legs until I was unable to move.
"That's what you get." She said like some mob boss putting down the rat in the group.
"Hey," Ruby began to speak. "Can I have your phone number?"
"What? Why do you want it? You're not going to give it to some creep are you."
"No idiot. I might need your help with practising for something. Plus we have the drama performance as well. You are the only number I don't have."
Jeez, I wonder why I haven't given her my number.
"Sure. here." I wrote down my number and handed it to her.
I looked over at the time and noticed that it was getting quite late. I looked down at my phone and felt bad about bailing on Ethan for sleep. Even if I didn't get any sleep, I still felt bad, I am human.
"What do you say about getting something to eat?" I asked Ruby.
"Whatever." Her reply was static as she faced the wall, typing my number into her phone.
"Ok. I'm going to invite Ethan and Kaylee. I was supposed to help Ethan so I guess I'll help him by setting this up for him. OW OW OW PLEASE STOP HITTING ME!" I screamed at Ruby to stop. She is going to become a serial killer one day.
"Let's just go." Ruby rapidly picked up her books placing them into her school bag, and was ready to leave.
"ACHOO." How strange. What a random place for a sneeze.
"That means someone is talking about you," Ruby said.
"Maybe. I get the feeling someone just called me a bitch."
"Well, they aren't wrong." Ruby rushed out the door and waited for me outside my house.
I really hope Ethan repays me one day for the stuff I do for him.