[Saturday, Afternoon]
"What are we doing?" I asked following behind Ethan as he snuck around the town, dashing from wall to wall just to stay out of sight, like some sort of ninja who dropped out of ninja school after two weeks.
"We are following them." He whispered to me.
"I seem to be doing a lot of following lately. This reminds me of when you asked me to stalk your sister who was stalking you. I can see stalking runs in the family."
"Yeah… that was kinda weird. When she came home that day she ignored me and didn't speak to me for a while."
Of course, Ethan didn't know the reason why she ignored him. It was my job as guardian of the secret to make sure he didn't find out. I have to lead him into a scenario where he can ask out Kaylee. Whenever that will be.
"Ah!" Ethan said. "They are moving. Quick quick."
"Alright, I'm coming."
It may seem weird to someone who doesn't know what is going on, so allow me to explain. Yesterday, Sean encountered Charley and the two of them started talking. I don't know what about, but one thing leads to another and they are now both here, shopping in the town centre. It seems like the only thing you can do in this small city is go shopping.
"Quick quick quick," Ethan said pulling me along. "What do you think they are talking about?"
"Don't know, don't care," I said.
"Why don't you lip-read? You were good at that before."
Ah, lipreading. One of my many talents. I remember when we were hiding in a bush following around these two idiots. Now we hiding behind buildings, how times have changed.
"Alright, I'll give it a go." Ethan handed me a pair of binoculars to add to the suspicion. I had seen these before. I think they were the same ones Bella used.
"Where do you want to go next?" Charley said.
"I think we should go get some cards," Sean replied.
"Cards?" Ethan said. "Are you sure you are reading it right?"
"Yes yes yes. Please stop doubting me. I definitely understand how to read lips and also don't need a new pair of glasses."
"Oh, dear," Ethan replied as if he was concerned with my skills. Well, I'll show him. I'll flawlessly translate their sentences with 100% accuracy. Once I have done that, I shall rub it in his face and taunt him for the rest of his life. This is going to be-
"Ah! They are talking! What are they saying?" Ethan said interrupting my internal monologue.
"Hmpf. I'm not happy you interrupted my internal monologue."
"Your what now?"
"I'm in the mood for some mean humans," Charley said.
"What an asdvdaw, me too," Sean replied.
Damn, this is harder than I thought. I have no idea what Sean just said. I know I got Charley perfectly right but Sean seems to be stuttering. This can't be my fault, it must be Sean's fault for not speaking properly.
"We shall sit," Charley said.
"Sit we shall," Sean replied.
"Are you sure this is correct?" Ethan kept asking.
"Yes yes yes. How many times have I told you? I am a pro."
I was starting to get annoyed at Ethan's attitude. Honestly, I don't know what I'm doing here. He only invited me because he didn't want to go alone. I don't have to help him. I could even expose us both right now.
"What are they saying now?"
"This tastes dishwasher," Sean said
"This is very dishwasher" Charley replied.
"Shall we get more dishwasher dishes?" Sean asked.
"I don't see why not."
Euugh. Something is very wrong. This isn't like Charley at all. Sean is 100% correct. It sounds exactly like something he would say, but why is Charley speaking like that? I'm starting to doubt my own skills. but wait? What if Charley is putting on a fake persona around Sean? God damn, Owen. You're a genius. You've just reassured yourself yet again that you are flawless.
"I'm convinced you are wrong," Ethan said as if he was doing anything besides standing behind me.
"Well, Shut up," I replied.
"Rude. Look just read what they are saying."
"That Ethan guy is a real dick," Sean said.
"I know right, I can't believe anyone would be friends with him," Charley responded.
"He should really leave Owen alone. He should also pay him for being such a good friend and going along with all his ridiculous plans for the past 5 years."
Wow, Sean, that's so true. Ethan should pay me.
"You just made that up," Ethan said.
"Pfft. No, I didn't. You can't prove that I made it up. So pay up."
"I'm not giving you shit," Ethan said taking the binoculars from my hands.
"I may not be able to read what they are saying, but they seem to be having fun."
"What, are you jealous?" I asked. "Upset because Kaylee will never love you back."
As much as it hurts to say, I had to keep up the charade.
"It is kinda sad though." He said.
"What is?"
"Us. We are just watching these two have fun. It probably doesn't mean anything and they are probably just friends. So why are we watching them?"
Why does he ask that now? He could have thought that at the start and I would have been able to go home.
"It seems someone else has shown up now," Ethan said. "They look kinda like Charley, I think."
"Wait? what? Who? Let me see." I yanked the binoculars out of his hands and hastily looked around trying to find them.
"Oh no," I said. All the lights in my head were flashing bright red. We were in a dangerous area.
"Who is it?"
"It's a vile child."
"That's not a nice thing to say to a child," Ethan said.
"Well, that's me done. Goodbye."
Before I could leave Ethan grabbed me by the collar and forced me to stay. I was begging him to let me leave as I didn't want Charley's sister to find me.
"She's a child. What's so bad about that? Why do you look like she bullies you?"
"Such a vile child." I kept saying. "If she finds me she'll kill me."
At some point, Ethan gave up on me and went to speak to them. He pointed them in my direction and the horrific smile that grew on Charley's sister's face was in my dreams. She attempted to chase after me but I was lucky enough to escape and run away. It was surprisingly easy to run away from someone so small. Although I'm sure my memories of her weren't as bad as I remember. I still want nothing to do with her.