[Tuesday, Lunch]
Towards the end of the year, a lot of people in Year 11 like to eat lunch in the classroom. This is why everyone is eating lunch in their classroom, including us. Do we really need a reason to? Most people can't stand the younger years because they are all annoying, and we are included in that.
"So what subjects do you plan to do next year?" Sean said with a mouth full of food, having just taken a bite from his apple.
"I don't know. I'll see based on my grades." Ethan replied.
I wasn't sure what I'd be doing. I didn't even know if I wanted to stay here or go somewhere else.
"I'm not sure. I don't think I'll pick Music." I said "It was stressful enough this year and next year is on a whole new level, same with Drama, too stressful. I'm not even sure if I enjoy playing the piano anymore."
"You're not picking Music? Does Ruby know?" Ethan asked
"Why does it matter if she does or doesn't?"
"You aren't picking Music?" Ruby had come over and must have overheard our conversation. Well, I guess she knows now. This is going to get super annoying. I could already feel my skin tensing from frustration of how this was going to go.
"Why aren't you going to pick Music? I thought you liked Music?" She asked as if she knew every little detail about my life.
"I just said I wasn't sure. I still have time to decide, ok?"
"What? But you have to pick Music. If you don't then you'll be wasting your potential."
Ok. I get it, she doesn't want to be lonely in class but If I don't want to do it I shouldn't be forced to.
"I just said, I am still thinking. Give me time to think and stop forcing me to decide right now."
Ruby kept going on. She kept talking about why I just HAD to pick music instead of any other subject, everything she came up with didn't seem like it was a real reason. She just kept talking and talking. Ethan and Sean moved to another table just so I was stuck alone with her, unable to get a single word in to explain myself. I had my head resting on my hand, trying to ignore her but I couldn't. She wouldn't leave. She just kept talking and looking at me.
Why won't she leave me alone?
She's starting to get on my nerves.
"Why would you just leave the piano? It doesn't make sense? What else will you do? Do you have any other plans?"
"ALRIGHT!" I snapped. "Stop talking already. You keep going on and on repeating the same shit. I decide if I keep playing. Stop forcing me to do what you want. Just leave me alone. I'd happily stop playing the piano if it meant I never had to speak to you again."
I don't know why I said it. I guess you could say that it was what I honestly thought. I wouldn't say I felt bad, but when she ran off crying, a part of me did regret it.
"Wow, dude. What an asshole." Ethan said from the other side of the room, not that everyone else wasn't thinking it. The whole class heard what I said. Everyone was looking at me.
"Piss off," I replied.
I don't care what others call me, normally I'll accept it and joke about it with them. So why am I so angry?
"Ooowwweeen?" Across the room, I heard someone call my name, it sounded rather cheerful so I looked over to see a skipping demon happily make her way over to me. The smile on her face was deceiving. As she got closer I could feel the bloodlust leaking off of her. She seemed so innocent normally but now it looks like I might actually die.
"Oh, hello Kaylee," Ethan walked back over to me. However, I feel as though he'll be leaving soon.
"Hello." She replied, worryingly cheerful. "Owen? Can I speak to you in private?" Her tone was too happy, although Ethan called me lucky for spending time with Kaylee I could tell it wasn't going to end well.
"Do you know why she was upset?" Kaylee said sounding like a teacher.
"Should I?" I asked although I was scared to say. My heart was pounding as if I had finally told those annoying kids on the bus to stop playing their loud music.
"Of course." Kaylee stared at me with her threatening smile. It looked as if she could see right through me. I wasn't sure what to do, I was hoping she would lead the conversation.
"Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr," I said breaking down.
"You don't know, do you?"
I didn't say anything back purely out of embarrassment. Forget dying, I've moved on from that in the past few minutes, and now I fear embarrassment.
"Do you remember when you first met Ruby?" Kaylee asked.
"I do."
"Good, because she also remembers meeting you. Although she is certain you've forgotten."
"How strange, I thought she was the one who forgot."
"Aw. Aren't you a cute couple?" Kaylee said. Normally I would fight back and deny it but her smile is too much for me, she's been moving closer to me this whole time with her hands low behind her back, she might even have a knife there.
"You should go talk to her," Kaylee suggested.
"Why. It'll only make things worse."
"Hmm, I wonder." Kaylee was being surprisingly cryptic. In my internal rankings of meddlers she was somewhere near the bottom, I guess I should move her up.
"I don't even know where to find her," I said.
"Hmm, I think you do."
What is with this girl? Am I speaking to the same Kaylee? Is this really Kaylee? Why can't she just tell me the answer?
I spent several minutes walking around the school looking for Ruby. I don't know why I looked around the school, Kaylee was right, I knew where she would be. Perhaps I didn't want to see her, which is why I avoided going to the music room.
As I got closer to the rooms I could hear the faint sound of piano playing. It wasn't perfect and I couldn't work out what it was from this far.
I was intrigued as to who was playing it, I wanted to hear more.
Ballade Number 4 by Chopin. That was the piece they were playing, although it was far from perfect. It sounded very disjointed and I could hear they were struggling with some of the chords. I can't blame them, it's not an easy piece. Although I'd be lying if I said it wasn't one of my favourites.
I stood outside and listened to them attempting to play the first phrase over and over again. They never made it very far before restarting. Although I was listening, I was waiting for a chance to go in. It would be awkward if I just walked in and started talking.
I knew who it was in there. It was obviously Ruby. She's too persistent and wants it to be perfect which is why she keeps restarting. Maybe I should just go in.
After several minutes of debating in my head and listening to the same notes over and over again. I forced myself in.
"Why are you learning that piece," I said to her. She seemed surprised to see me and stopped playing as soon as I entered.
"No reason," she replied in a cold tone, unable to look at me.
"You should stick to the violin. You're much better at that." I said to her, although she didn't seem very happy to hear it.
"I see."
I was right, I knew I shouldn't have come here.
There was a brief pause of silence. I was standing by the door whilst Ruby sat behind the piano. The two of us were unable to say anything, until...
"I...I'm sorry," Ruby said. "I shouldn't force you to carry on music if you wish to stop then that's fine."
"You shouldn't have to apologise. I was rude to you. I'm sorry."
With both of our apologies out of the way, we both avoided eye contact with each other in silence. There wasn't anything else to do or say. Ruby started pressing random notes on the piano to break the silence, but it was more annoying if anything.
"Do you remember when I first met you? Back when we were 6 years old? " Ruby asked.
"I do."
"You seemed happy to play the piano. You seemed like you enjoyed it." She said.
"Perhaps I did, but times change," I said. "Just like you, I had a reason to play the piano, but I'm not as strong as you. I give up much easier."
The bell rang indicating that lunch was over and we had to go to class. I don't know if it saved me from this awkward conversation or not. Once I heard it ring, I felt annoyed more than relieved. As if I wanted to talk to her more.
"Looks like we've got to go," I said.
"Y-yeah." Ruby followed behind me in silence. The two of us walked down the corridor to our lesson without saying another word. We met up with Kaylee, Ethan and Sean on the way and things went back to normal. Ruby spoke to Kaylee like she normally does and I spoke to Ethan and Sean like normal.
"What happened?" Ethan asked.
"Nothing," I said.
"Are you still going to drop music?"
"I don't know. I'll think about it. It was a very awkward encounter we just had."
"I don't blame you," Ethan said. "I'm the king of awkward conversations you don't want to have. I'm sure things will go back to normal tomorrow. You can even watch her at the upcoming festival."
"Oh yeah. That's soon. I wonder what piece she'll play?"