[Wednesday, Afternoon]
I've been walking around for some time and I've already eaten more bread than I should. The problem is that Lily's bread stand is too good. The whole corridor was crowded and I had to wait in line for over 20 minutes, but it was worth it. I don't have any plans for today, I told Ruby I'd see her Music performance and I guess I'll go see the Drama performance with Kaylee. Both the performances are an hour apart and won't last longer than 30 minutes so my day isn't exactly difficult.
"Hey, dude. Come to watch?" Outside in the queue for the drama performance, Ethan stood eating some of Lily's bread.
"You like the bread as well?"
"Of course. I've been snacking on it all day. They are expected to perform the best out of everything else." He replied.
"Are you here to support Kaylee?" I asked.
"Stupid question, I'm going to all her shows."
Isn't that a bit too much? Aren't they doing this show 5 times today? Will he really be at all of them?
The show started several minutes later, and the two of us sat down next to each other at the back. I attempted to talk to Ethan just before the start but was quickly silenced. He even attempted to pull out flags and merchandise with Kaylee's face on it. Luckily I stopped him before everyone judged me for knowing him. I just wish he would take off the glasses with Kaylee's face on the lenses. Not even her parents would support her this much.
The performance started and the crowd watched closely. Kaylee's acting entranced the audience with ease. It felt so real that she had the whole audience locked onto her. She controlled the stage and her presence felt as if we were watching someone who had spent their whole life on the stage.
It was about a child and his mother. Kaylee played the mother. It shows the life of the two of them dealing with nothing. The child ends up getting bullied and resorts to a life of violence and drugs, destroying his mother emotionally. The relationship built throughout made me feel lonely. Maybe because I'm always alone without my parents. Even now, everyone's parents are at this festival, except mine.
The play ended with an explosive finale. I was trying to hold back the tears but it was useless. Ethan next to me felt the same way. I'd even say he focused more on the performance than he did Kaylee. The amount of effort they put into this was inspiring. It's a shame I'm good at procrastinating and will never be inspired.
"Man! That was so good!" After the performance, Ethan and I went behind the stage to speak to the lead actress, Kaylee. Were we looking at a future star?
"Thanks, guys! I'm glad you enjoyed it."
"It was amazing. You were amazing, everyone was amazing." I wonder if Ethan thought it was amazing.
"Thanks! My parents should be coming to the next show so I hope they enjoy it."
"P-p-parents?" Ethan said unprepared for this moment.
"Of course! Aren't yours here." She asked.
I have a feeling Ethan's parents are here but he has told them nothing about Kaylee.
"Haha, yeah they are," Ethan said. "They seem to be a bit busy so they are coming later, I think."
"Really? Bella told me she was also coming to the next one." Kaylee added.
"Wow, isn't that amazing!" I said. "Both Bella AND your parents? I heard Ethan is also staying for the next one. Maybe you can introduce them?"
"WHAT!?" Ethan screamed. "I-i mean… Sorry, I promised Ruby I'd watch her performance with Owen. Yep, that's what I did. I'm sorry I won't be able to meet them this time."
Smooth… Real smooth…
"Come on Owen." He said pushing me away. "Let's go, We'll be late. See you around. I'll be back!"
Jesus, when will these two stop flirting? Ethan missed his important opportunity to meet the parents, it would have been the first major step in their relationship.
"What a coward," I said to him once we were out of earshot of Kaylee.
"Shut it. I'm not mentally prepared for this."
We walked to the stage of Ruby's performance. Although it was expected to do well it seemed rather empty. This room could easily fit around 300 people, but there must be less than 50.
There are still around 10 minutes so hopefully, people will show up.
"Do you think people will show up?" Ethan asked as if he could read my mind.
"I hope so. It would be upsetting considering she went through the effort to write an original song."
"Wow, A classical piece?" He asked.
"Nope, rock I'm guessing. She's always liked rock second to classical."
We both stood at the back in silence, as the timer counted down the numbers started to fill, but it didn't look like anyone else would show up.
"Hey, Look over there." Ethan pointed to someone who just walked in. "is that her mum?"
"Looks like it," I said making minimal eye contact.
"Is her stepdad going to appear?" Ethan asked.
"Probably not. He isn't that type of person."
"Oh, I see." Ethan didn't say anything else. "Let's move closer to the front, I want to get the seat with the best sound." As we took our seats, the musicians took to the stage.
Ruby's group were second. It wasn't easy going first, especially with this small crowd. The first group needs to try their best to draw the biggest crowd for the following groups, but it looks like that won't happen. After their performance ended, Ruby came to the front of the stage, along with her band. She stood in front of the microphone and calmed her nerves.
"You look nervous," Ethan whispered to me.
"Shut up." He wasn't wrong. I was nervous. I didn't know what was going to happen. I know she can sing but I don't know about composing a rock song.
"H-hello, everyone." Ruby began to speak. "We don't have a band name yet but we are members of the music club."
She didn't have the attention of the audience, it was painful to watch but there were very few people in this room fully focused. I could see her eyes scanning the crowd to look at every one. Most people weren't fully focused, but as her eyes passed by her mother, they met mine. She looked at me as a smile rose on her face.
"We are going to be playing a song I wrote called Troublesome Past. I hope you enjoy it." Before she began, it seemed as if she felt more confident with speaking that time.
The band took a while to get themselves composed before they started. The drummer counted them in whilst the guitarists accompanied them. It wasn't until Ruby started singing, that her powerful voice brought us in. Her voice was raw emotion, and different from what she normally sings. The audience that was half asleep jumped out of their seats. The band were perfectly in sync, mostly due to their dedication to practice. The whole time the drummer and guitarist were stealing the show, but Ruby wasn't backing down either. It was undoubtedly a rock song. The drums were heavy and battling it out against the guitarist. The two of them seemed to be having the most fun. Except, Ruby was stealing everyone's eyes.
The lyrics of the song were something that I think most of the audience didn't pay much attention to. They were filled with emotions from her past. Her friends and family, but most importantly, how she wished she could do more with the person she loved most, her dad.
She displayed her talent fully to us today. The audience was all jumping up and down, cheering for more. I didn't realise until it was over that I turned around to notice a full room behind me. The audience wanted more. A giant grin appeared on Ruby's face as if she was waiting for this moment her whole life. They were given 15 minutes to perform, so they did a few fan-favourite covers before their time to leave came.
By the end, it was clear Ruby was worn out, her hair was a mess from moving around whilst singing and she was covered in sweat, but her smile when the cheers happened was something I don't think she, or even I, will forget.
"She was so good," Ethan said. "Are you going to go up and talk to her?"
I could hear Ethan talking but part of me didn't listen. I knew what he said but I was too focused on the song.
"I'm sorry, what did you say?" I asked.
"Are you going to see her?" He repeated.
"Oh, no. I don't think I will."
"Why not?" Ethan begged. "You have to go see her. She probably wants you to give feedback."
"Hmm. I don't really have anything to say. Maybe I'll message her later or something."
I didn't do much after the performance, I went home quickly and didn't think of anything. I texted Ruby that evening congratulating her on the performance. Rumours even began circulating about her song, saying that she'll form a band and continue writing. I honestly couldn't say if the rumour will come true. That's for her to decide. But, if she wished to continue this path, I wouldn't see anything wrong with it.
While I was walking back to the Drama room with Ethan after, we heard even more rumours:
"I heard she is single." Someone in the busy hallways said.
"Oh, did you hear that?" Ethan said to me, but I just ignored it.
"It's not like they are wrong..." I mumbled.
The song was stuck in my head all day and night. Even the school teachers were proud and wanted to make it the school anthem. There was a buzz that surrounded it and me. The image of Ruby performing wouldn't leave my mind. It felt like she was having so much fun, that I almost felt jealous. Music to her was a passion she enjoyed, yet to me, it was nothing of the sort.