[Friday, Lesson 3 - PE]
"Here is it! A sport I'm good at." I screamed at my two companions, Ethan and Sean. "Let's have a good match!"
"Errr no…" Ethan said. "I don't really want to."
"Aw, come on. Don't be like that. We should have fun. The sun is shining and the grass is lovely and warm. What more could you want."
"What's with you? You are creeping me out." Ethan said.
"He has finally accepted the wonders of sport." Sean triumphantly stated.
It was true, I did very much enjoy Danish Longball more than any other sport. The weather was lovely. It turns my seasonal depression back into normal depression. What isn't there to love?
I was looking forward to this match. I didn't care who I was with, I was excited about this.
I shall quickly explain the basic rules of Danish Longball for those wondering. There are two teams and each take turns batting and fielding. The batting team takes turns hitting the ball and then running to the safe zone at the other end of the pitch. Even if you miss the ball you gotta run. The job of the fielding team is to get the ball and hit the runner with it before they make it to the safe zone. They can throw the ball as long as it's below the head. When at the safe zone the runner is safe. The next batter goes and the process is repeated. To score points the people in the safe zone must run back down to the batting area where they line up to bat again. They can run back as soon as they get to the safe zone or wait for more people to join them. Typical rules apply like catching the ball before it bounces once is an out for the batter, and some house rules do exist, we like to play with a cuboid of cones on the side which is the area they have to run back down in. It's a fun and easy game.
"And that's it!" I said.
"Who are you talking to?" Ethan asked.
"Just the wonderful readers at home who haven't heard of the Secondary School rules."
The field was laid out in front of us. Several small plastic cones were placed to mark the batting area and the safe zone at the end. The teams were quickly decided and I found myself separated from both of my friends.
"Well, Well, Well," Ethan said. "Look who is all alone."
"I'll still win. Don't worry."
"Why would we worry? We are fielding first. You better go and hit it far."
A typical strategy when playing is to save some people at the top so that when the fast ones want to return they can take a shield down with them. The only problem with this is the uncontrollable bounce of the ball. No one will expect the ball to hit two people in one bounce, but when playing against Sean, anything is possible.
Our team decided to store all our players at the top until the last man went up to bat. He was our ace so we wanted him to do well. I have been sitting at the top for a while waiting to run down with everyone. Sean was bowling for the other team which was a good thing for us. He was unable to catch this last ball. Our last batter hit the ball with all his might while somehow keeping it inside the playing area. If none of us made it back, our go would end and we would have to start fielding.
Like a stampede we all ran back to the batting area, there was nothing the enemy team could have done. They were too relaxed and we were too nimble. We managed to score 10 runs for our team.
With the first inning over, we swapped sides and proceeded to spread ourselves out. There wasn't much point to this, it seemed as though they had the same plan as us. Although we did manage to get one person out we couldn't stop them. I attempted to heckle Ethan and Sean when they were batting but they flew past without worry.
They successfully scored their team 9 points in that inning.
We swapped again but our team's morale was failing. I don't blame them, today was one of the hottest days of the year, and we were all tired from running up and down. So this time the plan was to do the same thing but halved. Instead of waiting for the last person, we went in groups of three or four. The first group of four got passed because they weren't expecting it, but the next group got taken out. We brought our score up to 14 that inning, and finally, it was time for the last inning.
Ethan started for his team and taunted me as he ran past. No one caught the ball because it only bounced off his bat, but by the time we got it, he was already at the end.
Somehow, using Ethan's weak hit strategy, they got 14 points. At this point, we could only hope to draw. It was the best chance we had. However, the only player left was Sean. He was stuck in the safe zone and had to make this run back now before time ran out.
They hit the ball but it didn't go as far as they hoped. The ball landed in someone's hands and they were out immediately, all that remained was Sean who was quickly running back down the side. The ball was quickly passed to me who was the closest and I caught it with zero hesitation. I jumped in the return box and faced Sean who stopped in his tracks.
This was it. He had to get past me but couldn't leave. He could try and wait for me to throw it and miss but that wasn't going to happen, all I had to do was touch him with it.
I was a moving gate. He had no way of getting past me without getting touched by the ball.
Sean's approach was quick, I didn't have long to think. He ran straight up to me with no hesitation and slid through my legs, forcing me onto one knee as he ran to the goal.
I could hear the team cheering but I couldn't look, it was over in an instant.
I can't even believe it happened. Something like this, no one could have predicted.
I stayed against the ground, on one knee as the ball in my hand was against the ground. I was defeated. He was too powerful for me. I was foolish to think I could do anything about it.
"Good game!" Sean had come over and put his hand out, pulling me up.
I was speechless, I didn't believe what had just happened. It was over in seconds.
"That was fun," Ethan said. "I'm going to miss PE."
The amount of adrenaline that this match had created, made me forget that this was going to be our last ever PE lesson. In school, once you reach Year 11 PE is mostly optional. For us, we kept doing it because it was fun to mess around with each other, it wasn't a serious lesson. But now, our exams were approaching, and we had no more time for fun.
We may never again play like this again. I may have hated PE most of the time but it was good to end it on a high.