[Monday, Night]
When you've spent a year, studying your ass off, you'll often find a large pile of paper and textbooks. You aren't going to use them, so why not burn them? Obviously, this is a stupid plan. It is possible you may have to resit an exam, so premature burning is never a way to go. Plus fire safety is important and an adult should always be present.
But the sight of a large warm pool of fire, dancing around the night sky, was a bonding experience for most.
"It looks pretty," Sean said
"It sure does," Ethan replied.
Owen, Sean and Ethan, joined together to celebrate the end of their exams. They stood in front of the bonfire that raged loudly.
"What do we do now?" Ethan asked but received no reply. The others were too busy looking into the world around them, the flames that tried to rival the stars in the clear sky.
"Oi, stop daydreaming," Ethan said kicking Owen whilst he was staring at the sky.
"What was that for?" he asked.
"You seemed out of it, so I thought hitting you would help."
"I'm just thinking," Owen said.
"What about?" Sean asked.
"Hmmm, just things."
"What things?" They both said in unison, only to get annoyed at each other for being in sync.
"I can't stop thinking about the exams," Owen said.
"Thinking about it now won't change anything," Ethan said. "It's over now, all we can do is wait."
The three of them looked back into the fire and threw some more books in to keep it alight. Each book they picked up reminded them of previous times.
"Hey, Owen? Do you remember this?" Ethan called out handing him some old and wrinkled paper.
"Dancing within the shadows. This was our Christmas performance. To think you originally confessed to her back then, it was rather strange when she straight up forgot it ever happened."
"Yeah, yeah, don't remind me," Ethan said snatching the papers back. "I think we've made progress."
"I'm sure you've made more progress than you think," Owen said.
"It's kinda sad when you look back on it all," Sean said. "All the stuff we've been through in year 7. They say time flies when you're having fun."
"Yeah, well… I didn't have fun for all of it." Owen said.
"Me neither," Ethan added.
The fire began to dim as the last of the paper was added. All their books from all the subjects they studied over the years were turned to ash in front of them.
"What's the plan for next year?" Sean asked.
"Hmmm. Who knows." Ethan said. "I'd like to go to the Sixth form at our current school."
"Me too," Owen said. "I hope we can all get in."
Most secondary schools have a sixth form which is the next step in education. They are also referred to as year 12 and year 13, they are the final step before heading into university.
It's not easy to get into Sixth form, and it was a worry for most, including these three.
"Do you think we'll get in?" Owen asked.
"I hope so," Ethan said.
"Ah!" Sean screamed. "The fire is going out and we have on more fuel."
"I didn't realise how long we had been here for. I guess Sean was right." Ethan said.
"Quick, guys. Come up here," said Sean. "There is something I want to do."
The three of them stood in front of the dimming fire, facing one another. The light from the fire lit up their faces, illuminating the unease that was in their eyes about the future.
"We first met in year 7," Sean said. "And we've been friends ever since. So no matter where we end up in September, we will always stay friends. Even 50 years from now, we will always be there for each other!"
Sean finished his speech and held out his hand for the others to fist bump, they were shocked at first as anyone would be but Ethan quickly added his hand and both of them looked towards Owen.
"Well…" he began to speak. "50 years does seem like a long time."
"Oh stop being so depressing," Ethan said. "Come on. We've been through the worst so what could possibly break up this fine trio?"
Owen looked at the two of them and smirked before putting his hand in.
The three of them watched as the fire dimmed, and shared a few stories from their past, before leaving and taking a picture to remember the moment they shared. Stories of their experiences together. Memories of moments filled with anger. Stories of how they met. Stories which can be told another time.