
[Tuesday, Afternoon]

"Fuck me, it's hot." Is something a lot of people say on a day like this.

Simply put, we are in a heatwave. Since Saturday, things have been a little bit hot. Almost a little bit too hot. I'm stuck indoors dying in front of a TV. My parents are working like always and Ethan and Sean are doing something that doesn't involve me. Although I complain whenever they get me involved, it does make me feel kinda lonely… Actually, no it doesn't. I'm glad they have left me alone. Some peace and quiet for once.

It feels really good to relax in front of a fan, half leaning off the side of a chair whilst a melting ice cream drips down my shirt.

"I think I'm going to die…" I said out loud.

"Why is it so hot…"

I was supposed to be productive today, but with this heat, there is nothing I can do. My parents wanted me to clean the house but that isn't happening. The amount of heat that I will produce from just moving will cause me to overheat and shut down. I thought about having a cold bath or shower but that will just get hot and sweaty regardless. This weather is bringing out my peak laziness.

No one knows how long this will last, we all thought it was only for Saturday. Just like then most parents are off work, except for mine. Since they are important doctors they have to go to work. The heat doesn't even affect them, the hospital has air conditioning. Aren't they lucky?

Ding dong.

"Ah, that's the doorbell. I'll just ignore it."


Great, now my phone is going off. I don't have any friends so who could possibly be messaging me?

"Get two for one pizza on Tuesday." What a great text message. I forgot the only messages I receive are adverts from the pizza place, but that being said, today is Tuesday. But do I really want hot pizza? Of course, I do!

Ding dong.

"Leave me alone," I said ordering my pizza through their app.

Ding dong.

"What is it?" I said opening the door.

After opening the door I was exhausted, it wasn't even anything important, just a parcel for my mother. I guess she did also tell me to listen out for the door. This heat must be messing with my brain.

Anyway, back to ordering the pizza.

It is Tuesday so I can get two large pizzas for the price of one, but I can't eat two large pizzas.

This is the problem I'm currently faced with. Either I get a normal medium pizza and a side and eat by myself, or I can get two large pizzas and invite someone round to eat it with me.

I spent a while looking through my contacts.

Ethan and Sean are busy. I'd rather die than talk to Ruby. It would be awkward if it was just me and Kaylee. I don't think Lily would want to come over, and I don't even know how Charley's number got in my phone, I better delete it just in case it's some sort of virus.

Maybe I could call Bella… Actually, that sounds like an awful idea let's not do that.

"Well, I guess I'll get a medium."

I ordered my pizza and also got a tub of ice cream with it. Since it was hot, I thought I should treat myself to a cold treat, even if I did just have one.

About 30 minutes later, the doorbell rang again and the holy gift of pizza was delivered to me.

The smell alone gave me all the energy I needed to get on with the day. It was like a golden circle. The cheese was so bright that it almost blinded me. My mouth couldn't stop watering from it. I didn't know my body could produce saliva in this heat. I shouldn't waste time staring at it. This was the reward that I gave myself for completing my exams. My reward for doing the chores my parents wanted me to do which I haven't gotten around to doing yet.

After devouring the pizza I was filled with energy, so much power that I wanted to get the chores over with. Except, that power didn't last long. I quickly entered a food coma and had to force myself to clean the house. It wasn't very fun. It was too hot to be doing something like this, but at least the pizza was good.