[Friday, Night]
"Why do we always do this at my house!?" I said in a rage as I threw about pillows.
"You always have an empty house," Ethan said. "We don't have to worry about siblings or parents here."
"My parents will be home at some point, so don't trash the place."
This evening was one like no other, is something I wish I could say. This wasn't a planned event, I wouldn't even say I wanted to do this. Today, on this Friday night, Ethan and Sean invited themselves into my house and we are now having a sleepover.
They already got permission from my parents and their parents so I can't complain. This was just thrown on me and I had to run down to the shops to get some sweets for this. If they had given me more time to prepare I would have set up some more games.
What seemed suspicious to me, was how they said they didn't want to play games. Normally that's what we do, but I have the feeling Ethan wants to brag about something.
"So, guess what." He said to an unamused Sean and me.
"What?" I replied.
"So, I was at work yesterday, and this girl came in, I started talking to her all normal and serving her whilst trying to hide my awkward side. But it didn't work because earlier for lunch I spilt water down myself so it looked like I had wet myself."
God, this kid just keeps talking. Does this story even go anywhere? Is he setting up a joke?
"So, I cleaned myself up after serving that girl, and later someone else came in and I handled it well. I only stuttered 5 times and nearly used the finger guns 3 times. So overall, an improvement. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, so Kaylee was also working on that shift and she came up to me and said… you know what, it doesn't matter."
"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN IT DOESN'T MATTER?" I snapped. "You wouldn't stop talking about it so why stop now!?"
"I didn't think you were interested," Ethan said.
"I was," Sean said causing Ethan to continue his shitty story.
"So, back at work, she said something about the manager wanting to give me a raise."
"Congrats." I interrupted. "Let's talk about something else before I jump out of a window, please."
We moved on from topic to topic, but it was all hell. This is why they didn't want to play games. They wanted to torture me with Ethan's shitty love stories. Normally, I enjoy juicy gossip, who doesn't. It's only when it's the same story told again and again in various ways that I get tired of it.
Hearing his failing love life is always good fun but it's no longer fun since I know it will probably work out for him.
"Let's talk about you then, Owen," Sean said.
"No thanks," I said. "Nothing interesting happens to me."
"Oh really?" Ethan said jumping over to me. "What about the school festival?"
"That was ages ago now, move on. Get with the times grandpa."
"What about the festival?" Sean asked.
"Oh, who knows?" Ethan said pressing further and further.
"Oh yeah!" I added. "What about Sean. I hear Lily went by herself to his football game. Well, what about that?"
Ethan saw another opportunity and pounced at it. His claws were out and he was hungry for some gossip. He had no intention of letting Sean go.
"Oh, she didn't show up," Sean said anticlimactically.
"I see…" Ethan said thinking. "Back to you then, Owen."
"FINE!" I said giving in. "What do you want to know?"
"Nothing too interesting. Just what did you think of Ruby's song."
"Didn't I tell you?" I asked.
"Well, it was a good song. Better than I thought it would be. There. Happy now?"
Of course, Ethan wasn't happy. I know what he wanted me to say but it was stupid so I wasn't going to say it. There was no reason for me to say anything. This is like a courtroom, anything I say will be used against me so I shouldn't speak until my lawyer has arrived.
"Just tell me what you think about Ruby?" Ethan asked as Sean's eyes opened wide and he listened in.
"I think she's… she's… hmmm… indescribable I guess. Perhaps even unmemorable."
"What? I didn't mean it in a bad way. I just said that, to me, she isn't anyone special. She's just… Ruby."
"Hmmm." Ethan and Sean were suspicious of me. I don't know why they are, it's not like they should care. It's my life so why are they trying to get involved.
"I guess that's an acceptable answer."
What does he mean by acceptable? Was this some sort of test? Am I being recorded?
"What would you do if Ruby said she had feelings for you?" Sean asked.
"Well, since she doesn't, I'd probably just do nothing. I have no intention to date, anyone, at the moment."
"Oh, you poor thing." Ethan looked down on me. I have never seen a face full of pity as the one I was about to punch.
"You don't want to date because you think no one likes you. Your past hasn't done you well so you don't try to make any moves and hope that someone will come to you first. Sadly, life isn't a fairy tale and your princess won't make the first move. Sure everything will be easier if more people made the first move but if we lived in a world like that, then it would be easy to see who is and isn't likeable. I say that but there are some dickheads in our year that I'm surprised have girlfriends for over a year."
Counsellor Ethan spoke as if he had a PHD in love. A true love doctor. He seemed to be speaking his mind and felt as if he could go on for a long time. As much as I hate to admit it, there was some truth in there. I really don't understand how those people have girlfriends. I mean is it really cool to be a dick?
"Alright, that's me off to bed," Sean said suddenly hiding at exactly midnight.
"That was quick," I said. "We should also go to sleep I guess."
"Yeah, sure."
The three of us slept in darkness. I couldn't close my eyes as I was worried someone would attack me, but when I was finally able to close them, a little mouse squeaked.
"Owen." the little mouse Ethan said.
"What is it?" I replied.
"I hope you find someone to love."
What is he talking about? Is he sleep deprived or something. Of course, that will happen someday, I just don't know when.
I guess, it was nice of him to think about me, but I couldn't help feeling extra lonely that night. Even when surrounded by my friends.