[Friday, Night]
In the boys' room, Ethan and Kaylee faced one another. Ethan possessed two cards in his hand whilst Kaylee had one, hoping she wouldn't pull the joker. Ethan, being the gentleman he is, was hinting at which card was the joker, in hopes Kaylee wouldn't pick it. However, this tactic would only confuse people. Thousands of thoughts ran through Kaylee's mind as she was about to pick.
'Is Ethan hinting to the joker? What if that is the card he wants me to pick? Would he want me to pick the correct card? Is he bluffing? Which one is the joker?'
The others watched on with Sean and Lily focusing closely on the game they had already won.
"Please hurry up," Owen said losing patience.
"Sorry sorry. I'll pick now."
Kaylee reached forward for the card she thought Ethan would want her to take. Picking up the joker. Causing the game to go on even longer. When Kaylee picked out the joker an exhausted sigh filled the room from Ruby and Owen who wished to do another round. The two of them were the first two safe, and they had been waiting for almost 20 minutes on the stupid couple.
Ethan picked a card at random. Picking the joker.
"FOR FUCK SAKES!" Owen screamed before smothering his face with a pillow and screaming into it.
Kaylee picked again and it was the joker. Ruby joined Owen with the pillow screaming.
"Alright. Finally, this game is over." Owen said as he prepared another round.
"I can't believe I lost," Ethan said. "I don't think I've ever won this game."
"Just like back in year 8," Sean added. "You had to do the punishment remember?"
"Punishment?" Kaylee asked. "What punishment."
Although Ethan attempted to silence Owen in hopes that Kaylee wouldn't find out, it was impossible to silence Sean.
"He had to confess to his sister."
"Oh. A confession?" Ruby said. "Sounds. Fun. Won't don't we make it so the loser has to confess to someone?"
"Suddenly suspicious Ruby is right," Owen said. "We should do that."
This may seem like a rather sudden thing, but it has actually been in the planning stages for months. Every since the summer trip was planned, Owen and Ruby wanted to create the perfect situation for Ethan and Kaylee to flirt more. This may seem annoying to most, but Ethan's cringy awkwardness was always enjoyable.
Owen had already told Ruby about their last old maid game. He was also the one to suggest playing it. He was aware that if he brought it up Ethan would attempt to cheat, which is why he enrolled help from Ruby.
"Is everyone ready?" Owen said as he dealt out the cards.
"Yup!" Ethan sounded confident as he started. He was the person with the fewest cards in hand when starting off, meaning he was technically winning.
The game progressed quickly, with Owen and Ruby easily being the first two that were safe. Perhaps it was their cheating method that allowed them to easily win.
Ethan wasn't happy that they were the first two to escape. He questioned at each possible opportunity that they were cheating, but he had no proof to back up his claim. Every guess was shot down by Owen and Ruby who had carefully prepared for this all. By the time Sean was out, leaving only Lily, Ethan and Kaylee, the complaining stopped.
"Why am I always in the final two?" Ethan said going back to complaining.
"Maybe you just suck at this game?" Owen replied.
"You've cheated." Ethan said. "I don't know how. I have no idea what you did. But somehow, you've cheated."
"Yeah yeah, stop complaining and draw a card."
If Ethan drew the joker than Kaylee would get a chance to win. If not then the game would be over. It doesn't matter which one draws the joker. Ruby and Owen had already succeeded with their plan and they were looking forward to the confession.
Ethan has a 0% win rate on this game, he hasn't won any time they've played it. Each time he has been the loser. Perhaps it was his bad luck, or maybe it was that it was always rigged against him. Either way, today marks the first day that Ethan had won a game of old maid.
"YEAAAAAHAHAH" He screamed fist-pumping the air. "I won!"
Ethan's screams signalled victory, he screamed for a solid minute before remembering the punishment. He was looking forward to it, he knew that the punishment was for Kaylee confesses to him. He was certain that Owen set it up that way. He looked over to his best friend and smiled. Tears of excitement began to roll down his face, this was the moment that he had to take. This was his once in a lifetime chance. Owen raised his thumb towards Ethan telling him "go for it. You've earned this"
"Well, Kaylee," Ruby said. "Time to confess."
"Right." Kaylee moved closer to Ethan but quickly turned away to face Ruby.
"RUBY I LOVE YOU!" She screamed stunning Ethan whose eyes had turned white from shock. He didn't even notice the two girls hugging in front of them.
He quickly snapped his neck to Owen who was looking at Ethan as if he was the smallest creature on the planet, accompanied by his middle finger. Ethan leapt across the room and began strangling Owen. Sean attempted to break them up whilst the girls went back to their room for the night.
It is unknown if Owen survived that night. Ethan had warned him to sleep with one eye open, but Owen didn't. He slept happily, with a smile on his face because his plan was executed flawlessly.