[Saturday, Morning]
The following morning the group had to head back. They had only spent 1 night away and had to take a coach back since none of them could drive. The journey back was about 4 hours of none stop sitting. It was a relatively empty coach full of old people who probably couldn't hear.
They sat at the back and drew lots to determine who sat next to who. Perhaps this was another one of Owen's schemes, but Ethan was lucky enough to sit next to Kaylee.
"Well, aren't you lucky," Owen said whispering in his ear from behind.
"What are you doing, creep?" Ruby said hitting him in the side.
"I wasn't talking to you? Why am I next to you? I'm surprised the sea didn't ruin your hair. Did the fish think your hair was food?"
"Funny. I did attempt to drown you yesterday, but I felt bad after seeing how awful of a swimmer you are."
"What a terrible insult," Ethan said turning around.
"Guy, guys. Come on." Sean said from the opposite side next to Lily. "Why are you arguing now? We still have 4 hours to go."
"Wow, Sean is so smart," Owen said facing the window.
"Why are you next to the window! I WANT TO BE NEXT TO THE WINDOW!" Ruby screamed causing another argument.
"Did you just hiss at me?" Ruby asked.
The journey was long and tedious for many reasons. The completely random pairings turned out to cause more problems than they thought. Owen and Ruby continued to argue for another hour before they gave each other the silent treatment.
Kaylee and Ethan both sat in silence, with Ethan awkwardly trying to make conversation at points only to be rejected by Kaylee.
Sean and Lily were the peaceful ones. Lily rested her head against the window and pretended to imagine herself in a sad music video. Sean just went on his phone until it ran out of battery and he had to borrow Ethan's portable charger.
"So, anyone want to play any games?" Sean suggested.
"No!" Owen and Ruby said together.
"Ah, why not? It'll be fun."
"Fine," Owen said. "Let's play the silent game. Ruby should start."
"Wow, you're really good at this Ruby." Owen kept talking. "You should just stop talking for another few years and maybe one day someone will love you."
Sadly, Sean's plan to play games didn't work out well. Ethan and Kaylee had fallen asleep and Owen received a large bruise on his face from his earlier comment. Sean decided to leave everyone alone and talk to Lily, in hopes that she will end his boredom.
"So, how did you enjoy the trip?" Sean asked.
"It was fun," Lily said. "I've never done anything like this before so I enjoyed it a lot."
"That's good."
The two of them went back into silence staring at the back of the seat in front of them.
"How did you find the exams?" Sean asked
"They weren't bad. I think I did well."
"I see."
"Can I ask something?" Lily said.
"What is it?"
"Next year. Are you going into Sixth form?" She asked.
"Hmmm. I hope so." Sean replied. "I know Ethan and Owen want to so I hope to join them. What about you?"
"Ah, I don't know. I think I will, but I haven't decided yet."
"I see."
"Can I ask something else?" Lily said.
"What is up with those two?" She said looking at Ethan and Kaylee.
"Ah, it's complicated. Owen knows more than I do about it. He's the one trying to get them to end up together."
"What about those two?"
Sean and Lily looked over to the four on the other side and watched them as they slept. Some would say this is creepy, but they couldn't help but stare.
Ruby rested her head gently on Owen's shoulder who slept peacefully. In front of them, Ethan and Kaylee were doing the same thing.
"I don't know what's up with those two," Sean said. "I don't think Owen sees her that way. I didn't think he had that emotion."
Lily continued to watch the rest as Sean attempted to secretly put Ethan's charger back in his bag.
Lily looked at them with a mellow stare. The confusion she felt was strange to her, she didn't know why. Perhaps the emotion she felt was something new to her. She sat back down and faced out the window again, thinking to herself before getting tapped on the shoulder by Sean.
"Wanna listen to music?" He said handing her one of his headphones.
The journey back was a 4-hour journey. For most of it, the idiot couple slept with the arguing pair also resting. Sean and Lily, the surprisingly laid back pair, spent it listening to music and playing games between themselves. A total of 72 games of Rock-papers-scissors was played between them, with Lily winning 61 of them.
Although their summer holiday was coming to an end, and they would be getting their exam results soon and going to the school prom. The 6 of them wanted to enjoy it to the fullest.