[Monday, Afternoon]
"Err? Excuse me?" I said nervously as I was being dragged around from shop to shop. "Why am I here?"
"This is what happens when you stalk someone. You should learn from your punishment." Charley said tightening her grip around my neck.
"Stalking? I have no idea what you are talking about. I don't remember doing anything like that. I don't even remember your personality or name. Who are you again?"
"This is exactly why you are coming along with me."
I didn't understand… well, I actually did. This was a punishment from the gods. If only I wasn't caught when I was with Ethan, I wouldn't be in this mess.
"Don't you have other people to drag around? If I remember correctly you were pretty good at being the person that people dragged, so how did the tables turn?"
"Watch what you say," Charley said slapping me. "I don't want to commit a murder."
Why does she feel eviler each day?
"Ah!" I exclaimed. "I get it. It must be that time of the mon-"
Before I could finish my sentence I was kicked with such force that I almost broke the window I was launched into. I pulled myself up to look at a rage-filled Charley. Clearly, she didn't like the joke.
"What exactly are we doing here?" I asked.
"My mums birthday is coming up. I need to buy her something."
"You have a mother?" I said. "Someone actually gave birth to you? I thought you ended up on Earth by crawling out through hell."
If I keep getting flung into this window it's going to end up breaking, and I'm not paying for it.
"What exactly does your mum like?"
"Normally I just get her chocolate."
"Ah, I see," I said. "Fattening the witch that gave birth to you so you can cook her. I assume you've been doing this for years now."
"What is wrong with you?" She said as if she was about to open up hell back up and drag me down with her. "I didn't invite you so you could insult me and my family. I invited you because you seem like someone who knows a bit about cooking and chocolate."
Why does everyone assume that?
"Why do you think that?" I asked.
"Because you live alone." She said.
Ah, I'm getting a strange sense of deja vu.
"Well, lucky for you, I do the same thing on my mum's birthday. I'll show you the good chocolates."
"Thanks." She said quietly hiding her voice.
"Even when you try and be cute, you aren't. Seems like you're just not cute." I said being flung into the window for the third time today. It's strange how we haven't moved away from this one window yet.
"Okay! So. Allow me to show you the best shops for your parents. Well, first off, there is this one. This one. That one is pretty good. Can't go wrong with this one. That's it. If you need me I'll be at my house, please don't follow me. Byeeeeee."
As I attempted to sneak off Charley caught me by the collar and started to drag me in each shop. It was kinda hell, I don't understand how people can stay in one shop for so long. Were human bodies made to be able to stand up for this long? Is this what marriage is like? God, I feel sorry for whoever marries this girl.
"Alright, I think I'll buy it."
"Can't go wrong with that," I said. "It's cheap and pretty tasty."
"Then I have to go for it since you've recommended it."
I didn't understand the logic there but if it meant leaving then I'm all for it.
"What are your plans for next year?" Charley asked.
"I'm going Sixth form," I said stuffing my face with some chocolate I just bought.
"I guess that means I'll still be seeing you around school."
"Hmmm. I guess. Hopefully, I get in. I mean, you'll be doing your exams next year. You should focus on those."
"Speak for yourself," Charley said. "They say Sixth form is a major step up from Year 11 exams. The gap between Year 11 and 12 is massive but the gap between year 13 and university is a tiny stepping stone."
"Where did you hear that?" I asked searching for more chocolate. "Seems like you've been worrying about your future?"
"W-what? N-no I haven't."
"Okay then," I said ending the current conversation as I didn't really care about her life and had already experienced one too many deep conversations about the future this summer.
"Well?" Charley said.
"Well, what?"
"Are you going to ask if I'm ok?" She screamed.
"Do I have to?"
Conveniently for Charley, we had looped and made it back to her favourite window. You know what they say, fourth times the charm.
"Fine fine. Are you ok?" I said with zero enthusiasm.
"I'm alright, just worried about the future."
"I know that dipshit. What about it?" God, this therapy stuff is hard. How have I managed this stuff before?
"About exams. I'm worried about studying." Charley said.
"Just get a group of you together and study. If you start now you'll be fine."
"Will you help me study?" She asked.
"Absolutely not. 100% no. Not a chance in hell. I'd rather die."
Charley's concern about the future was understandable. Exams are stressful and school does nothing to help with that. It is the cause of it all, but what can it do? It's impressive how much school effects some people. Almost as impressive as how the window didn't break on the fifth time.
"Look, I'm going to explain something to you," I said. "Whatever worries you now, forget about it all. Simply because It will only get worse from here."
Charley looked at me with a deadpan expression. She was about to go for round six but I luckily managed to stop her.
"Before you hit me again. Let me just say that it will get worse. If you keep thinking this way. Actually, even if you think another way you'll probably end up the same. School sucks. There is no other way to put it. You have to ruin the time of your childhood by slaving away in front of books and notes, but each year you progress, the amount of books ends up doubling. It doubles until it's swallowed you whole. So just think about how lucky you are at the moment. Future you is probably going to cry, but there is nothing wrong with that. Present me cries. Future me also will and past me has cried. It's a one step at a time thing. Just take it slow, think about the year you are currently in, not about the year you're going to be in."
Charley clearly didn't understand my speech, but I was proud with it so I walked off into the distance like a figure that will never appear again. I was hoping to confuse her so she wouldn't notice when I leave. Seems like it worked. Maybe she can get some truth out of my words though. English teachers are always analysing speeches, maybe someday someone will analyse something I've said… Nah, I'm not smart enough for that. I just want to sleep all day.