[Wednesday, afternoon]
"I'm going to do it!" Ethan said as he approached me filled with determination.
"Oh thank god, finally," I replied. "I can't wait to never see you again!"
"Huh? What are you talking about? I was saying how I will ask out Kaylee to the prom."
"OH! THE PROM!" I exclaimed, hoping he'd forget my mistake or was it a mistake? "We are now in the same boat. I understand what you are telling me. Forget what I said before and never seeing you again."
"I didn't even understand it," Ethan said
All I could reply with was "Good" as I'm glad he didn't understand my dark humour, but although I found it kinda funny. Does that make me a bad person?
"So, I'm not sure how I'll ask her out. But I think I have an idea." Ethan said.
"Ok, lay it on me."
"So I rent out a limo."
"Nope stop there," I said before things got even weirder. "Why are you getting a limo?"
"Because isn't that what most people do? Has TV lied to me?"
It was upsetting to tell Ethan the truth. I didn't want to shatter his tiny heart but it had to be done. TV had lied to him, one too many times.
I didn't know how to break it to him. So all I did was put my hand on his shoulder, looked him dead in the eye and said: "I'm sorry."
"So forgetting the limo," I said. "What else are you going to do. Think about asking her first. You need to make sure she says yes. Prom is on Saturday and you won't see her until then so you better think of a way somehow."
The sudden realisation drowned him in anxiety. He began pacing around my room nonstop, which caused me to wonder, "Why are we always in my room?"
"SO WHAT DO I DO?" He kept screaming. It's kinda relaxing hearing the panic from someone other than myself.
"Why not just call her and ask her?" I suggested but was only met with a glare.
"You are so dumb," Ethan said. "You clearly don't understand women at all do you?"
Does he claim I'M the one that doesn't understand? Yet here he is dancing in my room because he can't talk to a girl.
After minutes of pacing in silence and glancing over at me in hopes I'll help, Ethan decided to stare at Kaylee's phone number in hopes that she will call first. He started chanting something weird, I don't know if he hopes to summon a demon to do it for him, or if he is just an idiot. But I'm betting money on idiot.
"JUST DO IT ALREADY!?" I screamed attempting to press the call button on his phone.
"NO!" he replied running away from me holding his phone as far away as possible.
"Well, this is going nowhere," I said regaining my breath.
"I agree."
We sat around as time ticked by. The sound of the clock was annoying and the sound of Ethan thinking was even worse. So I decided the best thing to do was to take matters into my own hands, it's what Bella would have wanted.
"Hey, Kaylee?" I said talking on the phone, attracting meerkat Ethan's attention.
"Yeah, I have Ethan with me, and he wants to ask you a question. I'll pass you over to him."
I handed the phone over to Ethan and in typical comedic fashion, we both were mouthing words to each other. I wouldn't want to bore people with whatever it was he was saying, but let's just say he wasn't happy.
"HI KAYLEE!" Ethan said overly passionate.
"Um… So… um… Yeah… Um… I… I… Um… Yeah… I… em… yes…"
Jesus, it's like he's talking to his mum. What is wrong with this kid.
"Hurry up." I mouthed to him.
"Ok. I'm going to do it," he said into the phone causing me to facepalm.
"Kaylee!" He said. "This Saturday, I would like to invite you to the prom. If you would be willing to go with me, that is. You don't have to, but it would be pretty cool if you did."
Despite this incredibly awkward delivery, and finger guns despite talking on the phone. I'm proud of him. My baby boy has grown into a man. I thought I would excuse myself and leave the room for a minute, just in case he starts crying.
I returned several minutes later with his favourite sweets as well as a box of tissues.
"How did it go?" I asked.
"Um. She said yes." Ethan said still in shock. I dropped the sweets on the floor along with the tissues. I didn't know what to say, I was in shock, just like him. I had to say something to break the silence so I just said the first thing that came to mind.
"Well, Fuck me. She said yes!"