[Saturday, Afternoon]
Here it is, the biggest event of the year. The biggest event for most. Something that only happens at the end of year 11. The end of year prom.
It's strange to see everyone wearing suits and the girls all dressed up in some fancy clothes. I even had to go out and buy a fancy suit for this event. I'm rocking a rather bluish suit today, and Ethan and Sean have gone for more traditional black. If I'm honest, I didn't really want to go to this event. I'm only here because Ethan forced me to come. He has been having a nervous breakdown every day for the past week since he asked Kaylee to go with him. At this moment, we are all gathered at the school. The main party begins later. We have a little bit of time to take pictures with teachers and friends before we have one last assembly, then off to the main part, a boat ride. It may sound pretty shitty but it's not that bad. From what I've heard some of the teachers end up getting drunk which seems pretty funny.
"WOW KAYLEE! YOU LOOK STUNNING!" The blind lover boy said to his prom date.
"Thank you!"
'Isn't it bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding?' I thought to myself.
Ethan and Kaylee were staring at each other rather awkwardly. It seems as if the two of them were actually shy. I'd be lying if I said Kaylee looked bad. She had the glamorous dark blue dress that was kinda overkill for an event like this, but I guess Ethan likes it.
"Stop being awkward," I said pushing myself between the two and handing them both drinks of the fruitiest juice.
"So? What's the plan?" Kaylee asked.
"We have to sit around for hours. Apparently, there is an award show of some kind where the students voted for the funniest student or teacher." I said.
It did seem like a waste of time to me, although, I could win the funniest student.
"Why don't we go inside?" Sean suggested. I'll be honest, I forgot he was here.
"Oh, Sean," Kaylee said. "Where is Lily?"
"She is coming. It's a bit too much for her to handle."
"I see," Kaylee said looking into her drink. "I kinda feel like we've been forcing her to do things she doesn't want to."
"I'm sure that's not the case," Sean said. "She enjoyed the trip we went on and is happy to spend time with us. It's just getting dressed up isn't her thing."
I never really thought about it much, but we forced Lily to join us and she suddenly accepted. It's not like the things that happened to her have suddenly vanished. People may still be bullying her but we don't know about it.
"I see," Kaylee responded.
"What are you talking about?" The last person to arrive was Ruby. She looked pretty ugly to me. A pinkish-red dress and even a flower in her hair. Maybe ugly is a strong word? I guess she does look slightly better than normal.
"What are you looking at?" She said to me cause she noticed I was staring.
"Nothing. Just surprised you managed to convince your stepdad to let you come."
I looked at Ruby but saw she didn't answer. She was staring off into space looking at Kaylee and Ethan who were laughing at one another.
"Hello… Excuse me… Turnip head… What are you spacing out for."
"Ah. Oh. Nothing." She said patting my shoulder "I'm going to go get a drink."
'What a strange girl' I thought.
"Today. Is an important day that marks the end of a journey." The head students said on the stage talking to everyone. The head students represented us and change every year. Not that it matters. All that matters is that they stop talking. All the boys are dying from heatstroke because it's boiling in this room and we all forgot to take off our blazers.
"Don't take the future, lightly." They said. "It will come at you fast and knock you over. There will be times where you don't want to do something. Well, suck it up."
What an amazing speech. You can tell its written by a student, they'll be swearing in a minute.
"You will feel awkward at times but it's ok. Just do it. Don't wait outside the room for them to let you in, knock on the door and go in for your meeting. It took you ages to organise that meeting, and you felt very stressed when they didn't respond to your emails. SO GO DO IT."
What is this example? It feels as if it's actually happened to them.
"Thank you for listening."
Good, we can finally get out of this hell pit.
"We'll be moving on to the awards."
"Who are these people?" Ethan whispered to me as we clap for some nobody who is receiving the award for most likely to be successful.
"I have no idea," I whispered back. "Just some minor background characters. Sometimes you forget there are more than 7 people in this school."
"Kinda like Simon." He replied.
"Yes. Kinda like Simon." Who was that again?
"Stop talking," Sean said hitting us. "I want to see if I've won anything."
I guess it's possible Sean has won something. The chances of us winning anything is very unlikely, especially when against all these background characters.
"The award for the happiest person."
Well, that definitely sounds like something I could win. I'm the king of positivity.
"The award goes to…"
Yeah, yeah. Get on with it. No one cares about some minor character.
See, what did I tell you? A minor character who isn't important to this story in any way shape or form.
"Well done, Sean," Ethan said.
"Yeah. Congrats. I guess." I said.
"YAWWWN. Thank god that's over." I said stretching all the bones in my body. I hope I never have to sit down for that long again.
"The night has only begun," Ethan said full of energy again.
"What do you mean? How long do you think this thing will last? It'll be over by midnight."
"Maybe so, but that doesn't matter. I am excited to spend time with Kaylee. This is my moment."
He wasn't wrong. This is his once in a lifetime opportunity. If he messes this up, then I'll get arrested for murder and then I'll be murdered. In a few hours, Ethan will confess to Kaylee. Or at least, he will when we get off of this boiling coach without air conditioning that's stuck in traffic.