"Hey, Bella. What are you doing? We are going to be late?"
Tsk, why do I have to be at school. Why must it be like this?
"What are you spacing out for? Come on."
Alright, bitch. Calm down it's only the first lesson it's not like it's important.
I spent most of my time at school surrounded by idiots. I'm also around the biggest idiot when at home but sometimes these people manage to be even more annoying.
"What do you want?" I asked this girl who I call my friend.
"I just want to borrow a pencil. I want to write a note to my boyfriend."
Alright, bitch. We are only 15 and you've already got a boyfriend? I can't wait for it to explode in your face and you to come back crying.
"There you go," I said handing her a pencil with a smile on my face.
Of course, the smile is fake. I can keep up this persona for at least 12 hours, but recently I've noticed that some people are getting suspicious of me. Ethan had already caught on to it and that dickhead, Owen, is the worst of them all. I hope I don't have to see him again.
"Hey, Ethan look. It's Bella." A voice said from outside the classroom.
"Oh yeah," Ethan said standing next to Owen who looked as if he knew everything about me. I bet he thinks he has some advantage over me just because they are now in Sixth Form. I'll show him. I'll make sure Owen never finishes this year. They'll find his body buried under the school field and they'll dance on his corpse.
"Bella. Are you ok? You seemed to be spacing out a lot today."
Tsk. Who does this bitch think she is interrupting me.
"Oh no," I said cheerfully. "I was just thinking, that's all."
God, what a bitch.
At lunch, me and my 'friends' went out to the field. I would prefer to stay inside in the warm but these people just want to watch the boys play football. A bunch of boys kicking around a football. What's so cool about that?
"Woohoo! GO!" one of them called out deafening me.
"Hey…" I began to speak. "Can we go inside it's a bit cold?"
"Wooo! YEAH!! GOAL!"
Did this bitch just ignore me? Does she also wish to be granted a place under the school field?
"Sorry, Bella. Did you say something?" Bitch asked as if she was concerned about me.
"Oh no. It's fine."
You are probably wondering if I like my friends. Of course I do. These people have been with me for a few years since joining this school. It was because they all got boyfriends and left me behind that things ended up like this. Although I call them bitches, because that's what they are, I care for them greatly. But will still kill them if I have to.
"Hey, how did you confess to your boyfriend?" One bitch asked the other.
"Oh! I just told him I liked him and we started dating that's all."
What a shit story. At least try and make it more interesting. Add some aliens, robots, ninjas anything to spice up that poor excuse of a story. What will they tell their kids when they ask, "Mummy, how did you meet Daddy?"
"Well, you see, I confessed to him because he knows how to kick a ball."
"Wow what an interesting story, mummy. I love you!"
YEAH RIGHT! What an awful awful life that is. That poor kid has a lame story and will probably be spoiled to shit by her mother and father, that is if they don't get a divorce.
"You alright, Bella. You seem to be holding onto your bag quite tightly?"
So now, bitch has the nerve after bragging about her love life. Just because some of us can't, I mean don't want boyfriends doesn't mean you can brag about your future husband, you pig.
"I'm fine. Just a bit cold that's all."
"Oh, we can go inside if you want?" How kind of her to finally ask. Clearly, I'm not her number one priority.
"No, that's ok," I said. "I'm fine here."
What does she mean by ok? She clearly wanted to stay out here to watch the boys. WHEN WILL LUNCH END?!
"Did you hear about the year 11 prom the other week." One of them said.
"What about it," I asked.
"Some people were saying the teachers got drunk."
I'm not surprised. I heard from Ethan prom went 'ok' but what does that even mean. I heard he invited that Kaylee girl but haven't heard anything since. I would ask Owen but that would involve talking to the bitch. I better bring a knife just in case.
"Hey, dickhead," I said to Owen who was walking down the corridor after school.
"What a vulgar tongue." He said. He's gained some kind of confidence over the years. I must not have threaten him enough that one time.
"What makes you think you can say that to me?" I asked.
"Hmmm. Good question. I guess it's because I've seen your vulnerable side when it comes to Ethan and Kaylee."
"Huh? Would you mind repeating that? You seem to have a foot in your face."
"I'm sorry. I apologise. Please stop stepping on me." Owen begged.
"So what do you want?" He asked.
"Ethan and Kaylee. How did prom go?"
"Ah, you didn't know?" He said as if it was obvious.
"Should I?"
"Don't know." I wish he would stop being so cryptic. "I thought Ethan would tell you."
"He just said prom was ok."
"I see," Owen said creating an awkward silence. "Well, see ya."
"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE ASSHOLE!" I said grabbing his bag, choking him. "TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!"
Owen explained everything to me. It didn't seem as if he was lying, he didn't have a reason to. He seemed disappointed as he was explaining it. I guess he was also hoping it would work out.
That day, when I got back from school in the evening, I saw Ethan sitting in the living room watching TV as if everything was normal.
"Hey," I said throwing my bag on him.
"What's up? How was school?" He asked.
"What do you want for dinner?" I asked.
"Excuse me?"
"I'll make you whatever you want. Just tell me." I said tying my hair into a ponytail to prepare for dinner.
"Oh, you know with your hair like that you're kinda cute."
"WHAT WAS THAT!?" I said throwing everything in the kitchen at him, but he didn't seem bothered by it. He just laughed as if everything was normal.
"Thanks. I'll let you know when I think of something."
Tsk. It's already 6 pm. He better think of something quickly. What an idiotic brother.