[Monday Morning]
"Alright everyone, gather round," Ethan said causing Lily, Kaylee and Ruby to join us all on our table.
"Today, we will have a competition," Sean said.
"Stop stealing my thunder, Sean." Ethan interrupted. "Today, we will have a competition. A writing competition."
"Alright, We've done something like this before," Ruby said.
"What's the plan?" Kaylee asked.
"10 minutes to write something based on the theme of Love. However, you have to write a poem. You can do a Haiku, a limerick. Doesn't matter. Best of luck. Time starts now."
It was a rather strange condition for it to be a poem. Perhaps Ethan was still trying to express his feelings for Kaylee, either way, I'm fucked. I have no idea what to do. I looked over to the others and Lily was on fire. She seemed so excited to start writing that she had already done 5 drafts. I don't think I stand a chance against these people.
"What are you all doing?" Simon said as he arrived late.
"We are writing poems," Sean said. "Care to join?"
"Err… no thanks. I'm not very good at writing."
"Didn't you write something for me before?" Kaylee added.
"HE DID!?" Ethan's neck snapped and his eyes locked on. Ready to shoot lasers to kill his target.
"Ah, no… I've got to go. I have a meeting with a teacher."
"What a strange person," Ruby said. "He certainly isn't what I expected."
"What were you expecting?" Kaylee asked.
"Well, you know. Some sort of confident, large ego, clingy but badass so it doesn't matter."
"What an active imagination you have," I said.
"Shut it, don't act like you didn't think the same."
Well, she isn't wrong. I did think the same.
"Once you get to know him, he's a sweet guy," Kaylee said. "We just broke up because I felt like it was unfair for us to date, I didn't see him the same way he saw me."
What a strange turn of events. Here we are meant to be writing and now it's all coming out. I wonder what Ethan thinks of this?
I look over to him to see that he isn't listening. His eyes were still locked onto Simon who had left the room. Even though he was on the floor below us now, Ethan was able to see him through the walls.
"Alright, is everyone ready?" I asked.
"I think so," Ruby said.
"I'm ready." Sean and Lily said together.
"This is bad, but I think it's done," Ethan said worriedly.
"Ready as ever," Kaylee added.
The first one to start was myself. I decided it would be easiest to go for a Haiku, all I needed was three lines, the first being 5 syllables the second 7 and the final back to 5. Seemed easy at first, but then I realised that writing a good haiku is hard. So this is what I have.
"Love is a big treat
I wish that someone would see
That love is a lie."
It was a rather simple poem. I think it was very effective at getting my point across. Even the others are speechless at my amazing attempt.
"I also did a Haiku, I shall go next." Sean volunteered himself.
"I really do love
To play sports and run all-day
Sports is so much fun."
The others clapped to Sean's little and simple haiku. I mean, sure it was good but it wasn't as good as mine.
"I shall go next," Ruby said.
"I saw an old man dance
He smiled at me in the middle of France
I don't know how I ended up there
But he seemed to be eating a pear
This seemed like his attempt at romance"
It was decent. I'd give it a 6 out of 10. Attempting to rhyme dance and romance was a bit of a stretch but I guess it works in some cases. Can't say it's about love thought.
"Me next me next." Kaylee jumped with excitement.
"At the dock, I always see people in love
They just fit like a glove
Perhaps they each want to live
I wonder if they have any to give
Would it be bad if I gave them a shove?
Damn, that was pretty funny. Kaylee got all of us to laugh and smile. It was simple and cute. It had a rather warm ending to it.
"These are all so good. I don't know if I can beat them." Lily said as if she wasn't about to bring out the Mona Lisa of the writing world.
"Do you remember when you saw me that day?
I looked at you for so far away.
Our eyes noticed one another.
It seemed as if you were with your brother.
I attempted to talk but couldn't speak.
I wonder when my voice became so meek?
I wish I could fly with you.
If only you knew.
Would it be easier if I explained?
I hope you noticed how I'm chained.
The day you spoke made my heart flutter.
I wanted to say it, the three words I mutter."
It didn't matter at this point what Ethan had written. It was pointless to compete against Lily. Her writing ability is unmatched so we may as well all concede.
"That was beautiful," Kaylee said through tears.
"I know right," Ruby said drowning.
"Ethan, do you still want to attempt yours?" I asked
"Ah, well, I'm not sure. After that, I can't compete."
I didn't blame him for not wanting to try. It would discourage anyone. I looked over to his paper to see if I could catch a glimpse of what he had written. It didn't seem like much but the title stood out to me. "Love is dead." It read. Well, now I have to make him read it.
"Well, Ethan. Why not give it a go, you might just have something."
"I don't know. It seems pointless."
"Why not give it a go?" I said tightening my grip on his shoulders forcing him down.
"Ah, ok…"
"I wished it was like the stories.
But here I am stuck in these quarries
Forced to never climb
I never did find the time.
I wanted to say I had fun.
But I just watched you run.
I didn't call out
I really wanted to doubt.
I never saw you again.
You said I was your bane.
I didn't understand then
But when I looked back, I noticed it all."
We were all shocked at Ethan's poem. It was good. It was surprisingly good.
"Sorry if it seemed rushed." He said modestly.
"Yeah. No worries." I said. "ALRIGHT! Hands up if you think Lily wins."
It was unanimous. Everyone voted for Lily. We didn't expect anything less. She was simply the best. Each time we try something like this, it will always be Lily.