[Saturday, Night - Halloween]
"Well, this certainly is suspicious," Simon said taking on the role of detective. "Just three remain."
"What are you talking about?" Owen said. "Kaylee is still out there."
"Exactly," Ruby said agreeing with Owen. "We were all together when Sean was killed. It was obviously Kaylee."
"Yes... It would look that way." Simon said searching Sean's body. "Except. This piece of evidence was on Sean's body!" Simon spun around to add a dramatic effect to this murder spree. In his hand, he held a tiny zipper.
"A zipper?" Ruby said.
"Of course! I must ask you, Owen. Your jumper has been undone this whole night. You can claim it was because of the heat, but we all know that you appear to be missing a zipper on that jumper of yours!"
Simon shot Owen with a bullet of evidence. All the evidence was stacked up and presented to Owen who had no way of escaping.
"His jumper is always like that," Ruby said suddenly.
"I see," Simon said, trying to hide his disappointment. "Well, let's all return downstairs for now. I have more to discuss."
The three of them returned, leaving Sean's body.
"One thing I don't understand. Is how you two are agreeing with each other so much?" Simon said shining a light on Owen and Ruby.
"Can we not agree once in a while?" Owen said.
"Look, Simon. I don't want to agree with him." Ruby said poking Owen's cheek harder at every sentence. "I just can't go my whole life saying the opposite to him. It wouldn't make sense.
"Hmmm." Simon sat staring at them twiddling his thumbs. "I'm going back upstairs. Don't move."
Simon left the two alone with visible looks of annoyance.
"He certainly is commanding," Ruby said. "Anyway, more importantly. What do we do? Is it Simon? Is it Kaylee? What if they are working together?"
"Don't worry," Owen said standing up. "I'm sure we'll find out soon. Anyway, I'm going toilet."
Owen left Ruby without her saying anything. He returned shortly whilst Simon was coming down the stairs.
"Find anything?" Ruby asked.
"Nope, now I'm looking down here," Simon said with heavy steps.
"Call us if you need us."
The two of them sat in silence, listening to Simon explore in the other rooms. The two of them almost asleep in each other's arms, except they were suddenly awoken by a Simon screaming.
"AH!" he yelled.
"What is it?" Owen said running into the room, to witness a blood-covered Kaylee on the floor, just able to talk.
"O…O-Ow." Kaylee faintly said.
Everyone was panicking, Simon held Kaylee in her arms as she was able to lift a finger, pointing it towards Owen wielding the zipper from before, pressed against Ruby's neck.
"Don't do anything," Owen said holding Ruby close.
"Owen…" Simon said. "Calm down. Take it easy."
"Don't come any clos-BLAH" Before Owen could do anything he quickly received a knee to the stomach, causing him to pass out.
By the time he woke up, he was tied to a chair. Sat across from him was Kaylee who had managed to stop the bleeding, also tied up.
"So it was you all along," Simon said.
"I knew it," Ruby said.
"So, why did you do it?" Simon asked. "How long were you working together."
"Well, It's rather simple," Owen explained. "It all started when Ethan came to me one day at school and told me something he never told anyone."
"What was it?" Ruby asked.
"Money," Simon responded for Owen.
"Yup, Money. Ethan has a lot of money saved up somewhere but I didn't know where. I thought I'd get him to talk and found out that the only way was to kill him. Kaylee got involved when she overheard my plan. Luckily for me, she was also interested and already had more knowledge than I did to the whereabouts of the money."
"And where was it?" Simon asked.
"On his head," Owen said. "Someone wanted him dead, and he knew it. You were all just in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"What a sick bastard," Ruby said kicking him.
"Do you want to know how we did it?" Owen said as he felt his sanity leave his mind.
"Tell me," Simon said. "I want to know everything."
"First, we attempted to poison Ethan with a drink, but we watched Lily drink from his glass by mistake. We didn't panic as I knew this would happen. Just like I knew that Lily would put up with the effects of the poison."
"So you killed Ethan when the lights went out?"
"Not exactly," Owen said. "The zipper was our main weapon. As soon as we arrived I made a large cut on his back, luckily for me, his coat covered it. He didn't even know he was bleeding out. I could see he was getting weaker so I turned off the lights and forced him outside. It was all too easy. And as you can probably guess, I set Kaylee free during the blackout."
"How did you cause the blackout?" Simon asked.
"I overloaded the circuit. This house is rather old and the family isn't the richest. Turning it back on was difficult the first time but Kaylee managed to do it both times."
"I understand," Simon said. "Except, why was Kaylee bleeding out on the floor?"
"I didn't want her to have any of the money. I attempted to silence her whilst you were upstairs."
"When you went to the toilet!" Ruby said figuring it all out.
"Yup," Owen said continuing with the explanation. "Kaylee and I were transferring the zipper to and from each other in secret to do the killing. When she hid it and Sean found it she took him out to reclaim it. Except we couldn't. I managed to get it while you weren't looking. It is rather small. Then I killed Kaylee when I went to give it to her, except it wasn't deep enough. I could see she was about to betray me, just like I did to her. I had to end it all there. I had to kill you two. Except I didn't expect Ruby to be such a brute. Nothing girly about you. OW-" Owen said receiving multiple punches in his face.
"I must say, " Ruby said. "I did have my suspicions when you kept agreeing with me. You also made the most logical decisions out of all of us. As if you planned to say those things. Like you were reading from a script."
"Well, I tried my best."
Several days later, Kaylee recovered but was quickly arrested when she healed. Owen was also arrested for murder. Simon and Ruby went separate ways. Ruby moved out of the country and Simon continued to study. Who knows if the two of them will meet again. The nightmares they have may never leave, just like the constant lust for revenge, that will never leave Owen.
# # #
"Good job guys!" Sean said climbing up off the floor.
"That was a lot of fun," Lily said.
"Why did I die first? I wanted to be the detective before I died." Ethan said dragging his body up.
"I just wanted to kill you," Owen said.
"I can't blame you," he replied.
"Just think of this as rehearsal," Owen said. "Remember, there is always next Halloween."