[Saturday, Afternoon]
"What are we doing?" I asked as I am indeed curious as to this strange situation I was in. It was strange for me to be blindfolded. What I didn't understand was why all of us were blindfolded? Is this a filler episode? What is happening? Wait? What do you mean this isn't filler? Alright then…
It was clear we were in a park. You could hear the birds and feel the negative temperature. It was not enjoyable.
"Ok. remove your blindfolds on three," Kaylee said as she was most likely about to reveal her strange sex dungeon to us. At least, that would be better than the park.
"One, two, three."
At three we all lived up our blindfolds and I looked around to see what seemed like a surprise party, this would be a cool surprise. Except looking at the sign, it did make it seem less special.
"Happy birthday, Owen, Ethan, Sean, Ruby, Kaylee, Lily and Simon." Wow, were we all born on the same day or something?
"Since we didn't have time, or the chapters, to celebrate your birthdays we should all do it now."
Kaylee's plan was indeed a plan. In fact, I'd go as far as to say it was something. I don't know what to make of this.
"Didn't we celebrate my birthday?" Sean said.
"Oh yeah," Ethan interrupted. "April 1st. What a strange day."
"That doesn't count," Ruby added. "We are mainly doing this because you all forget about each other's birthdays."
"What about mine?" Simon said. "My birthday was yesterday, November 3rd."
"Alright alright," I said stopping him. "No one likes a showoff. I'm here for the free food and that is it."
"Ah, we have cake. But first, we must do it in order of birthday from the start of year 11 to now. Since we missed all of those. I also have a present for you all. Starting off, October 9th, Lily!"
"Wooo, Happy birthday." We all sang for what I can only imagine would be the first time today.
"Here is your present." Kaylee handed it over but it was immediately destroyed by Lily who unwrapped it like a wild animal.
"A left-handed pen! Thank you very much."
"We know since you are the only one of us who is left-handed we wanted to give you something special."
"Aw, thank you."
"Ok, now we are onto Simon," Kaylee said. "I have this for you."
She handed over a neatly wrapped box. I guess no matter who it was they were getting an actual present.
Simon opened the box and inside was a small key ring of a miniature replica of his car.
"Thank you, Kaylee. I will make sure to look after it."
Following Simon came Ruby, January 1st. We sang Happy Birthday for the third time, except since it was Ruby, she made us get it right until we sang it perfectly with zero mistakes.
"Here, Rubes. I got this for you!" Kaylee said handing it over.
Inside was a book of musical scores, comprised of all of Ruby's favourite pieces of music. She seemed extremely happy and charged at Kaylee with full force almost knocking her out with her hug.
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." Ruby kept repeating.
"Don't thank me, thank O-"
"Ahem." I coughed. "Can we move on?"
April 1st was Sean's birthday. He received a football and didn't want us to sing happy birthday as we did already technically celebrate it but we had to anyway as Kaylee was watching over us.
Entering July, Ethan was first. As in, his birthday was on the first. Aren't I funny? We sang happy birthday as he stood awkwardly as know one knows what to do when people sing happy birthday.
"Here you go," Kaylee said handing him a somewhat messier box.
Inside was a variety of chocolate. It looks really neat on the inside and even looks expensive. I must say, I'm somewhat jealous.
"Ah!" Ruby exclaimed.
"What is it?" Kaylee said.
"I'm really sorry about this," Ruby said as her smile fell. "I have to run off. I've got to go home as I have plans with my parents. I'm sorry about this."
Ruby quickly ran away as we all watched. The wind blew her hair as she ran, which caused my hair to also covered my own eyes, watching her vanish.
"Strange," Kaylee said. "And right before Owen's birthday."
"What does it matter?" I said.
"It's just she's been doing it a lot lately," Kaylee said.
"Whatever, just sing happy birthday for me."
Sure I sound cold, but I wanted to move on. There was no point worrying about Ruby. She's allowed to have her own life. I don't blame her for wanting to leave.
My present was similar to Ethan's it was chocolate but I also received a small piano Keyring. It was rather cute…
"And finally?!" Kaylee said as if we were supposed to keep track. "IT'S ME!"
We all sang happy birthday to Kaylee as she pulled out a present for herself. I could see Ethan and Simon both hiding something behind their backs but it was just the wrong time to give it to her.
"Here you go," Ethan said completely destroying my expectations of him.
"Here you are." Simon also said making me wrong in every way imaginable.
Kaylee opened both their presents. I can imagine it was hard for them to both buy her something. It was an awkward sight for the rest of us. She opened the boxes simultaneously and instantly thought there was a glitch in the matrix. Inside was a few pieces of rather expensive chocolate. They both were the same flavour and even from the same shop. It was the same everything. Looking at it again, even the boxes are the same just one is blue and the other is red.
"Thanks, guys!" Kaylee said with a smile on her face. "Let's enjoy this day together."
The day continued as expected. We were outside in the cold so Ruby was lucky to escape. Even if she did stay, nothing would have changed. This day was uneventful like the last. Even if I didn't realise it now, the event that I witnessed here today, would only be the start of something that would cause a lot of pain. For not only me but also for her.