The succubus in the past

[Wednesday, 4 years ago - Year 8]

"Guys, guys, guys guys guys," Ethan said running over to Sean and me without a care.

"What is it?" I asked.

"So, you know that girl in our class, that I was just talking to. The girl whose name I don't need to mention because you all know who I'm talking about."

"She doesn't love you," I said as harshly as possible. "She's nice to everyone."

"Noooooooo," Ethan said with a drop of denial.

"I don't know," Sean said as if he cared. "I think she might do."

"See, Owen!" Ethan screamed into my ear. "Sean believes."

What is he doing? I don't understand why he cares about finding a girlfriend, we are only 12, even if we speak like adults we are still young. Who cares about a stupid girl.

"So, what happened?" Sean asked causing Ethan to recite his whole life story and even future plans that he came up with for this girl. I can't tell if he is making this up on the spot or if he's written a 100-page fan-fiction about the two of them. I really hope it's the fan-fiction.

"Ethan." The girl called her servant.


Oh, shit. What are we going to do about him now? He's got a full case of lovesickness. I'm sorry, but it seems like we are going to have to put him down.

"What's up with him?" at lunch Sean and I stood by ourselves without our trusty punching bag. Turns out he grew legs and walked off to talk to the succubus.

"You seem lonely?" Speaking of the succubus. Here is one that drains your life by just existing.

"Hey, Ruby," I said forcing a frown on my face, not that I needed to.

"Ethan has left us," Sean said.

"Finally learnt how rude you are?" Ruby said as if she wasn't wrong.

"Come on, we both know he will never abandon his friends. He's just with that demon girl."

"Demon girl?" Ruby said thinking through every girl in our class and trying to work out which demon we were talking about. "Oh, that demon girl. The class rep."

"Yup, she's bitten into Ethan and he's being pushed around," I said.

"Earlier, I saw him carry her bag and books," Sean said. "I don't know why he didn't just put the books in the bag."

"Well, that girl isn't exactly nice to boys," Ruby said. "We girls hear a lot of rumours about her."

"Wait?" I said. "You're a girl?"

I was proud of my comment, even if it meant I got punched in the stomach. It was worth it.

"What kind of rumours?" Sean asked.

"Just stuff like she comes from a rich family so she's a spoiled brat. She could pay the boys to do what she wants but she uses her self-proclaimed 'cute charms' to do so. If I hung around her I would have punched her a long time ago."

"Well, That's very rude of you Ruby," I said very condescendingly, only to receive another punch.

"Ouch... well..." I said climbing back up off the ground. "Now you've just proved it to all of us."

"Like I care." She said. "Go cry or something."

"Anyway, stop with the insults," Sean said forcing us apart. "What do we do about Ethan?"

"It's simple," I said, "We kill him."

"I agree," Ruby said. "It should be rather easy."

And just like that, we decided to kill Ethan. That's why he is no longer with us. Every Ethan after this is just a ghost and not real. We failed to move on and keep imagining him. We regret murdering him.

"Let's not do that," Sean said removing the fun from my joke. "Why not just talk to him."

"Alright," I said. "But, you do that, I need to go to the toilet."

I didn't want to talk to Ethan, what would you even say? Would you just talk to him about the girl? I'm not good with that kind of talk, that's why I escaped. A quick and easily executed escape route is always needed.

"So, yeah. He is a bit funny to push around." I heard a voice from outside the toilets say.

Oh, great. It's the Demonic Class Rep, what is she talking about now?

"He's weird." She said. "How can anyone like him."

Ouch, whoever she is talking about must really suck. I feel bad for them.

"Really?" Her equally as demonic friend said. "I guess he is really clingy and cringy."

Poor, poor boy. This girl truly is evil.

"Yeah, but Ethan is fun to push around. He did carry my bag for me and help me with my homework. All I had to do was act cute. What an idiot."

Ah, of course, it was about him. It only made sense.

When I returned Ethan and Sean were speaking, I don't know what it was about but I interrupted them to explain what I just heard.

"Hey, Ethan I need to talk."

"Don't say it. I already know." He said with a drooping smile on his face. "I heard it from Sean."

"Oh, I see… Well… Ok then." That makes my job easier.

"Who would have guessed she was just using me?" Ethan said.

I mean… we all knew it.

"Yeah, who would have guessed, haha," I said. "So, what do we do know?"

"Well, I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to never speak to her again."

"That's smart," Sean said.

Ethan stood slowly shifting from side to side. He stood with an isolated smile whilst tightly gripping the books in his hand. "Well, it's not like it matters anyway."

I don't really know what to say. I can't say I've experienced something like this before. Should I have? Should anyone have?

"Maybe." I began to say. "Maybe one day, you'll find a girl that truly cares for you, and only looks at you."

It was unknown what happened after that. Many rumours spread about her treating the boys unfairly and she suddenly transferred schools. Although everyone says it's because of how she treated everyone, it was actually because of her failing grades. Turns out she was unfit to be a class rep. She only passed her exams thanks to Ethan's and other's help. Without them she was nothing. She used those around her to climb to power and then kept her act going until it came crumbling down in her face. No one heard from her, even years on we don't know what happened to her. Her name was quickly forgotten out of all our minds and even the others in the class wanted to forget about her. She quickly made her mark on the class and left, creating a strange level of isolation between certain groups. Perhaps she is the reason we are the lonely group, or maybe we are just lonely because we are weird.