"Ow ow ow… Ethan, what are you doing?" I screamed in agonising pain. "Can you get off of me?"
"What do you mean? I'm not on top of you! Simon is the one on top."
"Well, whoever it is can you please move? You are crushing my ribs!"
"Guys?" Sean said. "I think I'm on top."
"WHO CARES! JUST SOMEONE FIND THE LIGHT SWITCH!" I screamed to the ones in the room who weren't trapped under a pile of bodies.
"I can't find it. Isn't bulb broken?" Ruby said as she slowly moved around in the dark tripping over everything in hopes to find the switch.
"Ah, I think this is the door?" Kaylee said. "Ah, it's locked."
"OF COURSE IT'S LOCKED! IF IT WASN'T WE WOULDN'T BE HERE!" I screamed. "Well, we can obviously blame Simon and Lily for that one. They were the last ones to enter the room."
"What?" Sean said. "It was your fault! You and Kaylee were the ones in here, to begin with?"
"You were?" Ethan said as he continued to crush me and somehow made himself heavier.
"It was Ethan's fault," Ruby said.
"And yours." Lily joined in.
In case you don't know. We are somewhere in the school. We think it is a science room, or perhaps it's not even a room. We blamed each other for a while, even though we couldn't see each other, we kept complaining and shifting the blame. To explain how we ended up like this, we have to go back to the start of today and explore everyone's viewpoints, a little over 7 hours ago.
As Sean said, I was the first one in the room. Along with Kaylee the two of us were alone, and no matter what you think, you are probably right. We were arguing.
"What's up?" Kaylee asked as I approached her in the morning.
"I was told to give this to you by the drama department. I don't know what it is but take it." I handed over a brown envelope that looked like it was straight out of a movie set.
"Oh, it's this?" She said rather disappointingly.
"What is it?" I asked, not that I care.
"Instructions. I have to get some props around the school and this is a list of them."
Although I did say I don't know what it was, I did, in fact, know that it was a list. I read the first few items, 'blood, bones, knives'. With items like that, I assumed it was cursed and wanted to get rid of it right away. I don't want any weird curses.
"You can come with me," Kaylee said as she sprinted out of the room, dragging me with her.
"Excuse me?" I said as I attempted to fully grasp what was going on.
We walked around the school looking for a room we have never seen or heard of before. Room D was what it was called. Apparently, it was used back before this building was a school. People say this building used to be a prison but who can tell. Apart from some of the barred windows, is it that much of a prison?
"Since it's just the two of us," Kaylee said whilst she pulled a knife out of her bag, at least that's what I thought was going to happen.
"What?" I said.
"I want to carry on the conversation from the other day."
It was strange for her to mention it. As I said, I've been acting like that conversation never happened. As far as I can tell, so has she.
"What about it?" I said.
"I've decided to try and think about Ethan's feelings seriously, alongside Simon's."
Wow, that's a sudden improvement. I was worried she would turn out to be true psycho and just treat people like stepping stones and play with them for the rest of her life. What a great view I have of my friend.
"That's good." I said, and that was all I said.
"I can't promise anything." She said.
"I don't expect you to. knowing you you'll probably take it back and act like THIS conversation never happened."
"What was that?" She said as she pulled a prop knife out of her bag this time. At least I hope it's a prop.
We both carried on walking until we approached the room with a giant letter D on the front. If there was ever a room to be called 'room D' this was it. We were in the dark reaches of the school. I've never seen teachers go down here, and it looks like a scene from a zombie apocalypse. It'll be ok, all I have to do is outrun Kaylee.
Kaylee opened the door and walked in without a care. She jumped straight into the horror. She will be the first to die in a horror film.
Inside desks were stacked around the sides of the room. Towering us. The lights were dim and there were no windows. Bars remained where the windows would be but for some reason, they must have been taken out.
"This must be it." I said as I walked in with the door slamming behind me.
"Ah," Kaylee replied. "It's stuck."
Around what felt like an hour later, Ruby, for some unknown reason, walked into the room we were trapped in.
"Here you are." She said as she ran up to me.
"NO DON'T CLOSE THE DOOR!" Kaylee and I screamed, but it was already too late.
"Do you know how long I've been looking for you? I was given your music sheets and was told to give them back, I tried calling you but you didn't answer. Ethan said you were somewhere, which wasn't helpful."
I didn't care about what Ruby was saying, I could tell my face was redder than her hair.
And so, that concludes how myself, Ruby and Kaylee ended up trapped in this creepy classroom. As for the others, they all ended up here in rather strange ways. Even now, as we are all trapped here, we don't know who is to blame.