Following on from last time, with myself and Kaylee now trapped with Ruby, we wondered what the others were doing, before they joined us. Well, luckily for us, and for story reasons, we know.
Ethan and Sean were the next to arrive, we weren't expecting them, but somehow they ended up with us.
"Where are we going?" Ethan said as he followed Sean around the school.
"I saw a rat," Sean said. "I want to catch it."
"How old are you? Who cares? Why am I here?"
The two of them chased a pointless rat all the way into the walls of the school. I don't know how they got there but somehow they were trapped inside the school. They struggled to continue their searched but never gave up. The two of them had hoped they would catch this rat, who knows why but if that's really what they want to do then I guess I can't stop them.
"This way, this way." Sean led Ethan through what we can assume to be some sort of ventilation system. They crawled through a tight space as if they were veteran explorers looking for the lost treasure of the school.
"AH!" Sean said as he stopped moving.
"Why did you stop?" Ethan replied.
"Did you hear that?" Sean said as the sound of the floor breaking continued.
"I think we might die," Sean said before falling through the ground, only to be joined by Ethan.
"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING!" I screamed in both pain and rage as they both sat on top of me.
"Oh, hey guys," Sean said. "What are you all doing here?"
"GET OFF!" I screamed but it was pointless, I was trapped and so were they. We had become a puzzle that we couldn't even figure out.
"It's rather dim here," Ethan said as he elbowed me in the face, getting comfortable.
With Ethan and Sean now joining us, that left two people, Simon and Lily. The two of them were walking and talking, don't know what but that's not important.
"Hey, what's this?" Simon said as he looked at a giant hole in the side of a wall.
"A hole?" Lily said as she was tempted to go in.
"Wait!" Simon said pulling her back. "I'll go in, you call me and follow me from this side."
Simon was the oldest of us lot, but no one in this world is fully serious. Simon still has a childish side to him. "A-alright," Lily said slowly pulling out her phone.
They walked communicating with the weak signal they had as Simon unknowingly followed the same path as Sean and Ethan.
"Can you still hear me?" Simon said.
"Yeah, I can. I'm walking passed some old classrooms. Room A, Room B… I've never heard of these before."
"Well… I… Do… Go… In…" Simon said as the signal began to fade.
"What was that? Go in? Alright…"
"I'm… there… D… Go…"
"D? Room D? Alright, I guess…"
Lily walked through the door as Simon hurried through the vents, missing the giant hole Ethan and Sean previously created, falling through and landing at the same time as the door closed behind Lily.
"WHAT IS HAPPENING!" The pile screamed as more weight was added. "PLEASE GET OFF!"
"I can't," Simon said. "My legs and arms are stuck."
"Oh, wonderful. Amazing! I guess we'll die here." I said being swallowed.
"What are you all doing?" Lily said as she casually ignored the death stares Ruby and Kaylee were giving off.
Bzzbbzzzbzt Ping
"AHHH!" Someone screamed. "The light died…"
"Wow, it's really dark in here," Simon said. "Is there a backup?"
"Hang on, I'll check the wall," Ruby said as she slowly moved around the room.
And so that brings us back to the present, with all of us stuck. We didn't know what time it was and we couldn't use our phones. They didn't even have enough battery to give us light. We were all truly screwed.
"So, Ethan?" Ruby said. "Are you going to apologise for getting us into this mess?"
"ME!? What did I do!?"
"You told me that Owen was somewhere so I went looking for him. I ended up here because of you."
That was a bit of a stretch, but I understand. We should blame others.
"Yeah, Simon and Lily," I added. "You were last to enter."
"What?" Simon said. "I can't do anything, I can't move."
"I'M AWARE OF THAT!" I yelled reminding them that they were in fact on top of me. "I'LL BE A PANCAKE BY THE TIME WE LEAVE!!!"
"I blame you, Owen," Sean said. "You were here first meaning that you are to blame."
Damn, what flawless logic. He has me beat. If only I wasn't standing in this exact spot when these two people came falling through the CEILING! What is he expecting of me! WHY WERE THEY IN THE CEILING?!
"Alright, let's not argue," Ethan said, but that only caused us to turn onto him.
"Why were you in the ceiling?" Kaylee asked.
"What were you doing?" "It was your fault." "GET OFF ME!"
We stayed like this for some time. I don't know how we got free, but somehow Simon fell off the top and landed on Kaylee. He quickly climbed up in a panic and stood up, luckily for him we couldn't see what happened, but we heard Kaylee scream and the sound of a slap so we can guess.
From Simon's 'accident', Ethan was given strength to pull himself out, leaving Sean and me to easily untangle ourselves like headphones.
"Well, that was easy," I said.
"All this pain has given me an idea," I said. "As I was stuck looking up, I thought why not just climb back into the vent and get someone to open the door?"
This was a simple task, one that would be made easier if we weren't in complete darkness. Those of us boys got on each other's shoulders and eventually managed to get Sean back up. It only took him half an hour to find a way out, then another 10 minutes to find the door. We were so happy to finally be freed. When we saw the light come through the door, we knew we were saved. It was here, the moment we were waiting for. Freed from this prison that I've spent too long in. I've never said that God exists, I for one, don't believe in god but you could argue about it. Except at this moment, when Sean walked back into the room, with the door closing behind him… I knew… I just knew… that there was no such thing as a god.