[Friday, Lunch]
"So, why have you come back to me?" I said slinging my arms behind my head whilst leaning in my chair. I was truly the coolest person in the room.
"Because you caused this mess," Charley said as I looked at her with a face of serious confusion. I'm hoping she won't catch on to the fact that I'm lost.
"I see," I said as I looked out of the window into the school field, as the sun shone above us. "And what am I meant to do?"
"Well," Charley spoke as if she was about to start a flashback. "This all started because you threw a drink on her face last year."
"I see," I said thinking about all the people that have had me throw a drink over them last year, except, only the water fight comes to mind.
"You don't remember, Do you?"
"A wise man once said, it is ok to forget but as long as you remember yourself, that is important."
"Oh yeah, and who said that?" Charley asked.
"I did, just now."
"Stop trying to be cool dumbass!" Charley screamed at me kicking at the legs of the chair hoping I'd fall and break my head. I don't blame her, I'd also do the same.
"So, Owen," Charley said. "Last year you threw a drink in her face and she got mad all because you were protecting me."
"I think I remember that." Of course, I remember it, I can't forget the adrenaline that occurred at that moment. I've never been more alive, some would even say I was never alive.
"Listen, Chi," I said placing my hand on her head as she looked up to me with hopeful eyes. I looked back down at her and with a smile on my face, I said, "Please take your problems somewhere else."
Charley didn't find my comment funny and instead broke down crying. I would say I should feel bad, but I've never experienced this situation before and do not know what emotion to feel.
"Look… Ok…" I said trying to console her. "I'll help. What's wrong? I didn't mean the earlier comment."
"Really? Then it's a deal!" Charley said as her tears evaporated in front of me.
"Oh, dear," I thought. "What have I gotten myself into?"
The two of us walked around the school. Charley walked around aimlessly whilst dragging me behind, I didn't know what to do so I kind of followed. I'm starting to get worried that she has forgotten the original plan and I'm just extra baggage.
"There," Charley pointed to a girl sitting by herself. "Look at her."
Although I could see what she was pointing to, I could only see a girl sitting by herself, eating lunch. I'm not sure Charley sees this the same way I do, maybe it's the memories of a similar experience that have affected my judgement.
"What do you think she's thinking?" Charley asked.
I'm not sure if I should care? I'm more worried this girl who has become isolated will suddenly start crying.
"So, What did you guys fight about?" I asked.
"The same thing as always, she keeps talking about boys and how none of them will go out with her. She drags others down by calling them ugly but can't get a boyfriend. Karma is a bitch."
"You don't have a boyfriend though," I said as Charley's eyes widened and my soul was gripped by her gaze. "What's your point?" she said as my breathing slowly disappeared.
"So, what do I do?" I asked.
"Go up to her and talk. Isn't it obvious?" Charley said as she attempted to push me, except I wasn't moving.
"I'm not going up by myself, this is stupid. I don't have to help your friend just because you all can't stand to be around her. Why do I always have to put up with your mess?!"
"Alright Charley, I understand," I said hoping to calm her down. "Just talk quieter and think about what you are going to say from now on because she may or may not be standing right behind you."
Charley turned around and was greeted with the swollen face of her old friend. I wouldn't say the situation was awkward, I just really, really, really didn't want to be there.
"C-Charley?" The girl said wiping away her tears, it seems as if she has forgotten who I am.
"W...What are you doing here?" The girl was hiding her face, even if it was too late for we had already seen her crying and eating alone. Truly a sad time, I'm getting PTSD. All those painful memories of eating alone. What made it worse was when Ethan came along. Eating alone was so much better than eating with him!
"I...Er…um…" Charley kept stuttering and returning to her old ways, back to how she acted around her before. All I could do was give Charley a kick on the back and hope that gives her confidence, except I may have put a little too much power into it, I didn't expect to send Charley flying into the other girl's chest.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU SHIT BAG!?" Charley screamed as she repeated to hit me with her bag.
"Look… OW… I- OW… I'M SORRY!"
"U-umm." The girl said. "I'm just going to leave."
"NO!" I screamed causing everyone to give me funny looks, "I mean, Charley has something she wants to talk about. Good luck guys." I said as I fled the scene but secretly hid around the corner to get a front-row seat of the action.
"Look," Charley began to speak. "For my whole time in this school, I've put up with you. I've put up with all the running around and chores you've forced on me. I've helped you with your homework, spending money on you and even restricted my own interaction with other people, just because you got jealous."
"I...I'm sorry," The other girl said breaking down into tears. I couldn't exactly see what was going on, but it sounded like someone was filling up a bath.
"I'm not saying that I don't want to be your friend," Charley added. "I'm just saying that a lot of people are sick of you. We want you to change, we want you to apologise for everything. We want you to treat us like friends."
I can't say I fully understood what this argument was about. I'm not even sure I understand anything Charley says. I don't know what her history with that girl is, but to say that she has definitely come a long way since I first met her.
I didn't need to hear the rest, I walked back to class as if I was never there. Acting cool one last time, before I disappear for good.
As much as I wish that was the case, I heard from Charley her friend did apologise. So, I guess I wasn't needed after all. The main character such as myself was reduced to extra baggage.