As Sean and Lily walked on a quiet night, at the start of winter break. The two of them laughed and smiled as they stared at the festive Christmas decorations.
"Lily?" A voice called out from behind. "I haven't seen you since Primary school! I see you are still wearing those hoodies..."
Lily looked up at a girl who she wanted to forget. Her old friend back when she was in year 4.
# # #
[Monday, 8 years ago - Lily's Primary School]
Back when I was not even 9-years-old, I enjoyed time at school. As a child should they should enjoy life.
"Hey, Lily." The teacher called, "Can you come here and help with this."
Around this time, the school was planning for a sports festival. It was rather early in the year for a sports festival, but this wasn't strange. Even though it was before Christmas, this school just wished to do something in reverse.
"Sure!" I cheerfully stumbled over and began painting with the rest of the class, helping them create a banner for the event.
"Hey, Lily! Let me help!" I looked up to see her friend Olivia standing above me, smiling greatly and wielding a paintbrush like a weapon.
The two of us were close friends, who would never be separated. Olivia's active imagination often dragged me into her fantasy worlds and we found ourselves playing endlessly.
"Die! Evil beast!" Olivia screamed pointing her brush at me as I let out a cute faint scream before falling backwards. "Ahhhhh…"
"Stop it you two." The teacher said. "Come on, let's get back to work…"
"Hey, Lily!" At this point, a guy walked over. To say he was popular was an understatement. He was the smartest in the class and all the girls loved him, except for me, and all the guys wanted to be his friend.
"Oh, Hey ****." His name is not important in this story, so I'll leave it out.
"Can I help?" He said with an innocent smile.
"Sure!" I wasn't reluctant to let him help. I had no reason to. The more people that helped the easier it was for us. We needed to finish the banner in time and I wasn't going to reject help.
"So, ****," Olivia said as she started to talk to him. "What event are you doing?"
"I'm doing the mixed 100m. I'm the fastest after all!"
"Looks like you'll be against Lily!" Olivia said for me.
"Are you two on the same team?" I asked. "I thought you were on the red team, Olivia?"
"I am, you are on green whilst **** is on blue, seems like we are all against each other."
"Seems like it," **** said.
For the sports festival, we all split up into teams amongst the other classes in our year. As mentioned I was on the green team, I don't remember who else was on my team, but I know it didn't matter. I was just looking forward to playing with my friends. The three of us continued to work on the banner until Olivia had to leave. When she left I stayed behind with **** finish it up. I was in the after school club so it didn't matter how late I stayed, I still had to wait for my parents to pick me up after they finish work.
"Are you busy tomorrow after school?" **** asked. "Wanna come round mine?"
"I don't know," I replied. "I'd have to ask my mum…"
At the age of nine, you aren't going to know anything about love or romance. You may say you like someone but who knows if it will always stay like that.
The following day, I did go to his house. I don't remember anything that happened but I remember his parents being really nice to me.
The day after was just like the last. Each day continued with me talking to **** more and more. During this time we worked on the preparation for the festival, but that was when the first incident happened.
One morning we arrived to find a bucket of paint had been kicked over from the night before. It didn't fall on the class banner that we had spent so long working on, but it fell on the team banners.
"What happened?" Everyone was asking. "Who did this?"
Thinking back at it, we were all smart kids. The only banner that didn't have paint on it, was the green banner. My team's banner.
"So it was the green team?" "It must have been the green team!" Everyone kept saying.
"It must have been Lily!" A voice called. "She always stays back after school. She wants us to lose!"
I couldn't hear who said it, I don't think I could hear anything at all. The noises were too loud. Even Olivia, who tried to defend me, I couldn't hear her properly.
"No!" Olivia screamed. "It wasn't her!"
"That's right" **** said. "I was with her, it wasn't her"
The two of them attempted to defend me but it was pointless as the class was already set on blaming me.
"I'll fix this," I said. "I'll work on all your banners for you."
"I'll help" **** said.
"Me too!" Followed by Olivia.
The three of us worked endlessly until the day of the festival. We were only 9 years old but we felt like adults. We had so much fun working together that the smiles back then felt so real, but I guess they weren't. Either way, that day of the sports festival, quickly arrived.