[Friday, 8 years ago - Lily's Primary School]
The sports festival arrived but it wasn't as important as I've been making it sound. It ended terribly, so I'll only mention the race that mattered.
The 100-meter sprint was the race I was in, against ****. I was up against my friend so I was excited to battle it out against him.
The race started with all the parents excited to see their kids run a pointless race. I was in the lead, I had a strong start and I saw **** falling behind, limping. It didn't matter where the others were as we were the fastest. I looked back as I continued running and slowed down right before the line. I don't know why I did. He looked as if he was injured and I wanted to help him. He must have pushed through all the pain at the end because he certainly looked fine when he was sprinting past me.
My memories of the rest of the festival have vanished. I didn't want to remember them primarily because it consisted of my team blaming me for not coming first. It seems like they saw me slow down and let **** pass me. I kept trying to tell them that wasn't the case but they kept saying that I was in love with ****. What a stupid thing to say. I was never in love with ****.
The teacher eventually managed to calm down my team, but when we looked at the scores, we could see that we were the lowest in our class, and the lowest team overall.
Thanks to that, the blaming never stopped. I continued to be blamed for the rest of the week and the rumours became worse.
My favourite one was that **** would date me if I let him win. It always made me laugh hearing it. I thought it was stupid back then and I still do now.
I kept going back to Olivia for help, she was the only one who believed me, but that quickly went away.
"Sorry, I don't want to talk to you." She said to me one day. Randomly. Suddenly. Almost as if planned.
The following day, whatever day it was, the rumours evolved. Almost as if by magic.
"Don't hang around her, she'll only upset you. She makes everything go her way. She's manipulative and a liar. That's what my mum called her."
Even the parents didn't like me. They must have seen what happened at the race and joined in on the fun.
Not that it matters, but I should mention that even **** stopped talking to me because of the rumours.
I was left alone for the rest of year 4. I didn't mind it, my parents didn't care. They didn't know.
I stayed back after school each day and waited to be picked up. I would always smile and scream about my day to them. They must have thought that I loved school back then.
Some day later, the bullying started. I was fine with the rumours, but people started to draw on my desk. Insulting me, telling me to kill myself.
"Hey! I got her bag!" One kid called out as he began throwing it about the classroom.
"Ah… U-um." I tried to say but lost my voice.
"Here catch!" They threw it around like it was theirs. They continued to do it with me trying to stop them, but I was too scared to. Maybe scared isn't the right word, perhaps I didn't want them to stop.
"Lily?" The teacher called. "Why is your bag in the bin?"
"Oh… U-um. They took it."
"Lily…" The teacher said handing me my bag. "Please don't lie. I understand you are young but kids shouldn't lie."
"Ah... S-sorry."
"Stay back after class."
That was the first time I was given detention. I didn't do anything wrong but I didn't question it, it's not like I could have been picked up from school anyway.
By the end of the year it became worse, my parents found out about me being bullied and they pulled me from school.
I had to transfer for the first time and started year 5 in a new school. I looked forward to it. I hoped to start a new life, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't.
These people that I had to call my classmates never spoke to me once. They sat me at the back of the classroom and isolated me from the rest. As you can imagine, a bunch of 10-year-olds, only saw me as weird.
Year 6 started and I transferred again, this time because of parents work.
I attempted to skip as much as possible but it wasn't easy. My parents would force me to go in. Sometimes hitting me if I refused. They would scream at me just like the teachers did and hit me just like the kids. I would leave home with bruises and come home with new ones.
My parents would ask where those bruises come from but they would only hit me for lying.
"Just 6 months left." I counted. Six months until the start of secondary school. The start of a new life.
"Just 4 months left."
"3 months."
"2 months."
"Next month."
These months may have been 30 or 31 days, but for me, they felt like a million. Each day was blurry but I looked forward to starting secondary school.
"Hey, Everyone! My name is Lily, I hope we all get along this year!" I said as the class clapped to my introduction. It seemed like everything was going to go well for me.
"Um… My name is Olivia. Nice to meet you."
I thought I must have heard things. I probably was. It was a common name. But I still didn't look. I was sat at the back of the class so I could see everyone but my mind must have forgotten what she looked like. How long had it been? Two years? I hadn't spoken to her in 2 years?
I thought something very foolish. Stupid. Idiotic. Retarded. I thought that we could be friends again.
"Hey, Olivia?" I said slowly walking to her.
She looked at me but didn't say anything. I'm sure she didn't smile either.
I attempted to talk to her for the next few days but had no response. It wasn't until the end of the first week where she gave up and told me what happened after I left.
"I tried to stick up for you." She said. "I attempted to defend you. But they hated that. I was bullied because of what you did. I want nothing to do with you. Stay out of my life. You are a curse."
The day ended and I didn't say a word. Sometimes I forget I have a voice. I just always assume I'm not allowed to use it. Sometimes it does come out, but I have to force it down. In the dead of the night. When I'm alone in my room, as the tears roll down. I have to make sure I don't disturb my parents.
I arrived at school the following day to see everyone ignoring me. A girl approached me and talked to me about my past as if she was there. I don't know who this girl was, but she claimed to have overheard what was said yesterday. She mentioned the sports festival, which was strange. I don't remember that being said.
My life continued like this for about a year and a half. Year 8 would be the next major event in my life, except, I don't remember how it happened.