[Wednesday, Night]
"What are we even doing here?" Ethan said as he stepped into a house he has never stepped foot in or even seen in his life.
"Come on guys," Simon said. "I thought us guys should get together once in a while and have a chat."
"I don't see a problem with it," Sean added as he made himself at home.
"It's a pretty nice house," I said staring at all the pictures on the wall and all the interesting knick-knacks that looked as if they were hundreds of years old.
"So… Since we are old enough to drink, I thought we could at least have a beer or two. Even though it is a school night I won't let you guys get drunk."
To say this was my first time drinking alcohol would be a lie. My parents are never home and when they are they don't care. Although you should always drink responsibly. It's fine to have one now and then, especially with friends. Just a casual thing. I know I'll be fine dealing with it but I wonder if the other two have had some before. And for a fourth wall break disclaimer and warning, the legal age of drinking varies depending on the country and make sure you take care whilst drinking. Know your limits. Now back to your regularly scheduled chapter.
"I'll just take water," Ethan said.
"Apple juice for me!" Sean added
"I guess I'll also have water." I said crushing Simon's hopes and dreams of having a true 'lads' talk with us all. Maybe in a few years after we graduate, we will celebrate.
"So what do we talk about?" I asked.
"Isn't it obvious?" Simon said "Girls!"
Of course, It was obvious from the start. How could I be so foolish? All I had to do was read the last few chapters to realise the mess everyone was in when it came to girls. At least I'm perfectly fine.
"You are not perfectly fine," Ethan said reading my mind out loud.
"Oi! Don't interrupt my monologue."
"What are you talking about?" Simon asked.
"Haha… Don't worry, you'll figure it out soon." Sean said sipping his apple juice from a little cup.
"So, let's start with the obvious one," Sean said.
"Kaylee!" Ethan and Simon said simultaneously before getting into a ferocious staring contest that would rival the supreme beings.
"Calm down idiots," I said. "If we are really doing this let's go in alphabetical order."
We sat around for about 10 seconds singing the alphabet in our heads before I realised my mistake.
"K!" Ethan screamed
"KAYLEE!" Simon chanted resuming the staring contest.
"How are we doing this?" Sean asked.
"I have an idea," I said hoping to get all attention off of me for the night and just focus on these two. "Let's have a debate. Ethan vs Simon. Things you like about Kaylee and why she should date you. Of course, it goes without saying that whatever is said today will be kept secret until we die."
The two of them were on board with the idea and quickly separated themselves to the sides of the table. Sean and I sat at the end looking at them both. I don't think anyone has blinked yet.
"Let's start, Ethan. One minute to introduce, BEGIN!" Sean announced creating a panicked Ethan.
"W-well, errr, is it not obvious?"
"Indeed it is." Simon interrupted.
"No interruptions," Sean said. "One warning to Simon."
It was strange to see Sean taking this seriously. "Ethan, continue."
"Kaylee is amazing. Sure she rejected me, and sure she seems to hate me a lot. Sometimes I even get the feeling that I'm upsetting her and annoying her. She even talks to Owen more than she talks to me now, but overall, she is perfect in every way. I wouldn't ask for someone better."
What a wonderful opening statement from Ethan. I was almost moved to tears, and by that I mean my eyes have never been dryer.
"Simon. You may start."
"Where do I begin?" Simon said. "I've known Kaylee for many years now. I remember when we first met and she started talking to me at a party. It wasn't easy for me to be there as I knew no one, but she spoke to me first. She didn't even know me. She came up to me and spoke as if I was her closest friend. I will never forget that moment."
Well, compared to Simon, Ethan was awful. Good thing he went first so we could easily judge this.
"This match is clear," Sean said after only hearing the introductions. "We don't need to hear any more… I will announce the winner."
Already? This was short? Are we just running out of words? Are we nearly at the word count? What? Only 800 words in? I better keep talking then!
"The winner is…" Sean was building up tension. He could easily make a room so thick with tension that air can't get in.
Oh wow… Simon won. I mean, who would have guessed.
Simon cheered as Ethan fell in defeat. He had no way to recover. He was out for good today. I even had to help take him home. If it wasn't for Simon being able to drive this would have been extremely difficult.
Remember kids, NEVER drink and drive. Although Simon did say he was drinking, he didn't drink any as he didn't want to be the only ones, meaning he has not had any alcohol in his system.
Wait, really? Are we really ending it like that? What is up with this chapter? Who is this? Who am I speaking to? What is my life?