Today is a Wednesday. It's like any other Wednesday. It's a normal day for me, Owen, the cool one. Except instead of having the usual annoying people stand over me, I have someone different who wants my help.
"I don't think I understand?" I said. "Explain it slower, Kaylee."
"Alright," Kaylee said. "I want you to make Ethan get over me."
"Right," I said. "I still don't understand. Why would I do that?"
"Because it makes everything easier for everything."
She isn't wrong. My life would be easier if Ethan had forgotten about Kaylee or never met her. But that would be unfair. This situation isn't an easy one for someone to deal with. I have to think morally about this. Should I force Ethan to get over Kaylee or should I just let it all be as is?
"What's in it for me? Will you pay me?" I asked.
"You want me to pay you for this? Are you some sort of professional mover-oner?"
She has a point. I should really be charging for my services.
"Alright. I guess I shall think about it some more and get back to you. I still don't think it's right to be doing this but I guess it can't be helped. I do accept card payments." I said pulling out a card machine from my bag.
"That's not happening." She said.
I had to think seriously about this. There were a lot of factors that I needed to consider. First, why would Kaylee ask this? Second, what does Ethan want, and finally, what do I think is best. I need to consider these three to find the answer. I'm sure someone will say you can't use logic on emotions but who cares. I'm an outsider in this so I don't care if it all burns down. It won't affect me.
"Hey, Ethan," I said.
"What's up?"
"What do you think about Kaylee," I asked without holding anything back, hoping it wouldn't be as bad as I thought and hoping to deal with the anxiety as it came.
"Words cannot describe how I feel about her. She's perfect in every way. Every time I spend with her I always smile. Even though I know she doesn't feel the same way I still enjoy every moment of it. I'd be happy to die right now."
I was wrong. This was worse than I thought. Much worse. I don't know what to do about this. I can't suddenly tell him to stop right now. What if it all comes crashing down.
Let's play this through in my head for a bit. Let's say I ask him to give up,
"I think you should give up."
"What the fuck?" Ethan would say. "You can't say that. You are such a bad friend."
Ok, so that's obviously what would happen if I asked him to move on. What about if I asked him to try his best.
"You should try your best."
"What the fuck?" Ethan would say. "You are really creepy, are you planning something? Are you terminally ill? You are such a bad friend for not telling me."
Is how it would go if I asked him to keep going.
Seems like either way my chances don't look good. Maybe I should just go with plan C, and forget this conversation ever happened.
"Why do you ask?" Ethan said.
"Sorry, what?" I replied.
"About Kaylee?" he said.
"Who? Sorry I don't know who you are talking about."
"Ok," Ethan said leaving me alone.
Well, that went poorly. Now, what am I supposed to do? All the situations I play in my head and imaginary arguments I have all seem to end badly for me. I was worried that one day I'll just start crying like in the fake arguments.
"I think it's unfair," I said to Kaylee at lunch.
"What is?"
"That you are getting me to do this. Why not just tell him yourself or give him a chance."
"Not happening." She said. "I'm not good at dealing with feelings."
"And you think I'm better? I'm the black plague of feelings. I'm the worst of the worst. All I'm good for is being laughed at."
"Alright… Fine." Kaylee said. "I do wish I could tell him. I was going to but when the time came I started to panic and don't know what to do. I keep feeling sick and wanting to escape any situation that involves it. Please. Just please do it for me. I know I'm asking a lot, but this is too much for me. I can't deal with it."
Kaylee was a good actor. She could become an actress in the future, but I can't say she was acting at this point. It seemed real and part of me did feel bad about the situation. I still don't get why it's been pushed onto me.