"And that's what happened yesterday," I said. "So I've come to you for advice because you've known her longer than I have. Sure you have broken up now and you seem pretty upset about, so you have no reason to help out an enemy, but I thought that maybe it would be cool if you could give some advice. Even if it's bad. I accept any and all advice.
"Right," Simon said looking at me as if didn't understand a single thing I said.
"I understand," Claire said who was sitting next to Simon. "You want them to be happy but you don't know how to make them happy without messing it all up."
"Exactly," I said. "Finally, someone understands love just as much as me."
"I don't think you understand love," Simon said interrupting my awesome love talk with Claire. Does that sound wrong?
"Listen," Simon said. "I still haven't given up on Kaylee, so the only advice I can give him is that he should give up."
"Wow, that's harsh," Claire said.
"I agree," I said. "That's very harsh."
"I'm not saying that to be harsh," Simon said. "I think it's pointless to keep trying."
"Why do you say that?" We asked.
"Because she is stubborn. She told me that she felt bad for going out with me and that she was lonely. The way I see it, it's that she doesn't want to make the same mistake again and won't go out with anyone regardless. It may be that she may never fall in love with anyone for years because she thinks she is just lonely the whole time. Unless she turns to a life of leading people on to sleep with them and ruins their and her own life."
"What a strange thought," I said despite seeing the logic in Simon's argument.
"I don't get it," Claire said. "I don't think she is like that. I think she's just a bit confused as to what love is."
"And what do you know about love?" I asked which seemed to have piqued Simon's interest.
"Yeah. tell us." He said.
"Well. err... From my last relationship, I felt something similar." Clarie said. "I understand where Kaylee is coming from but she just needs to meet the right guy. I think she's scared to commit to it as she feels like she'll only be upsetting the other person by dating them. If I were her, I'd try and date whoever she prefers in hopes to get her out of that mindset. Maybe that way she can understand her feelings better."
What Claire said made some sense. Simon was equally as shocked to hear that and tried to work out where she gained that knowledge from by questioning her nonstop. I decided to leave at that point as I felt like I was intruding on something that should be told at a later date. I haven't spoken to Claire much but she seems nice. She seems to understand love just as much as me. A true ally in love.
On the next stop for advice, I went to the best place I could. That being, Sean and Lily. The two of them were clearly in love but won't do anything about it. We already had a chapter on that though so that's not what I'm here for. They can take things at their own pace.
"So you've come to the love expert," Sean said arrogantly leaning against a wall and chewing a piece of gum.
"You were literally the last person I could have gone to," I said.
"Well, it's nice that you thought about us," Lily said quietly.
I explained it all to them. I basically read the last chapter out loud to them.
"I see…" Sean said. "I have no advice for you. Sorry."
Well, that was as helpful as expected.
"Umm, I think you should let Kaylee handle it herself," Lily said suddenly. "I think she should be the one to decide. I know it may hurt a lot but I think she won't come to an answer she will be satisfied with if she didn't do it herself."
Surprisingly, Lily gave me the best advice of all time. Even if it conflicted with all the other advice I had been given recently. I think what Lily says is correct. I would feel the same. I would feel as if I had to do it. I would at least want an answer and conclusion that I came to myself.
"What Kaylee needs is a push to get her out of her comfort zone." Lily continued. "She just needs that one person to help her."
"You sound like you speak from experience," I said.
"Ah… U-um… n-no… it's just… um. I do a lot of reading."
"I think Kaylee should give Ethan and Simon a chance," Sean said. "Leaving something like this alone will only get worse later on."
Sean coming in with some solid advice. Now I think I'm set on this approach of letting Kaylee do it all, but I guess there is one more opinion I should get.
"So, why was I last?" Ruby said as she kicked my shins.
"No reason. Just couldn't find you."
"Hmpf… whatever. Here is what I think." Ruby said. "Kaylee should do it herself but Ethan is a bit pushy. I mean, we are about halfway through this year already and after that, we have one year left together. Who knows what will happen after then. She should decide who she wants to go out with but she's acting like a child about it. I wish she would just grow up."
Wow, aren't these two supposed to be close friends?
"I see," I said. "It's true she is being childish, but I understand it is a lot to deal with."
"No," Ruby said suddenly. "You are just being used. You are being pushed around by her to do her dirty work for her. If I was you I'd tell her straight that she should do it herself."
"I see." was all I could say around Ruby. It's not like I had anything interesting to say. I've gotten all these conflicting opinions and different ideas about Kaylee that it almost makes me feel bad about what I'm doing. This is just so confusing. I need to come up with a battle plan.