Continuing the events of the last two days, I went home yesterday to come up with a plan to settle this once and for all. I wasn't expecting anyone to go out with Kaylee, I just needed them to end this annoying game. All this talk about feelings and leading each other on and not actually doing shit like adults was too much stress for those around them. Mainly me. I'm the stress baby. I have my own problems to deal with and handling their dumb relationship isn't one.
As I was saying, my battle plan involved getting those two to talk it out. Which brings us to here.
Out of every situation I've been in, this is the worst. I'm basically a couples counsellor at this point. I have Ethan to my right and Kaylee to my left. What could possibly go wrong?
"So… guys," I said initiating the debate of a lifetime. "After some thinking about it. I've decided that this has gone on for too long."
"What do you mean?" Ethan asked.
"You two are too childish. This isn't primary school. You don't have to act the way you are acting. Kaylee, you say you don't have feelings for people but surely isn't it best to try dating them first to find out? It's more understanding for the other party that way."
"I did that," Kaylee said. "With Simon."
Damn, she's right. I forgot about that. I should have made more notes.
"Alright. Well, why not try dating Ethan?" I said.
"It would be unfair to date him. I think he is a great friend and a good person, but ultimately it comes down to hurting him. I don't want to hurt him and dating him would do that. To be in a one-sided relationship is the worst and I wouldn't wish that for anyone."
Ethan listened and couldn't get a word in. The conversation continued as if we had forgotten he was there. He looked as if he was panicking and worried about how it was all going.
"W-wait," he said. "Do I get a say?"
"Of course," I said. "but it would have been cooler if you yelled objection or something."
"I understand Kaylee's answer. I think that it is true that it would be unfair to date me. I don't think I could date her knowing that she didn't feel the same back. If I went out with her it would be when we both feel the same way. Right now that isn't the way. Therefore, I think it would be best if we both moved on with our lives."
What is this guy trying to say?
"What are you saying?" Kaylee asked.
"I think it's better for both of us to just see each other as friends. It's not healthy for our mental health to hang around each other if we feel that way. From now on. I will try and see you only as a friend."
Ethan didn't say anything else. No one did. Ethan decided to leave without saying anything. His head was low and it was upsetting to see this as the conclusion. Perhaps this way does work best for them both. They can find someone who they truly like and likes them back. Sadly, Kaylee isn't that person for Ethan.
"Are you ok?" I said to Kaylee who looked abandoned in her chair.
"Yeah." She said staggering her breath. "I don't understand. I thought this would be the best way for things to go. But why do I feel like such a dick?"
"That's just how it is." I can't tell what she's feeling. I'd probably feel that way after rejecting someone. Maybe I should have gone to Charley who is the queen of getting rejected.
"What do I do?" Kaylee asked.
"I don't know. Do whatever you want to do. Keep going on like normal. Find a hobby or something. It's not like you two were actually dating so nothing should change, right?"
"Y-yeah," She said still sat in place. "We weren't dating."
I decided to leave Kaylee alone in hopes to find Ethan. I didn't have to look hard, he was sitting in the common room with his head against the table. He looked as if he had been crying but I won't mention that.
"What's up?" I asked.
"I knew this would happen eventually," he said. "I didn't expect it to feel this shitty."
"It's not the first time she's rejected you."
"Yeah, but hearing it like that is different." Ethan didn't lift his head, nor did he move any part of his body. It was like there was a dead body in front of me.
"You know," Ethan said. "Part of me was hoping that during the talk today she would say that she would be willing to try and date me. Just to see if she developed feelings."
"I know," I said. "We all think stupid things like that. The world is cruel."
The two of us sat in silence in the noisy common room with people that didn't care about what was happening around them. I sat next to him but didn't go on my phone or bring out a book to do some work. I just sat there looking at him next to me. I know that this was for the best, but part of me feels bad. Either way, this had to happen eventually.