[Monday, Night]
The king game. A simple game that is fun which requires at least 5 or more people. All you need to play it is some sort of identical stick, chopsticks work really well, and a cup. You draw a little crown on one of the sticks and write numbers 1 to however many players there are. At the start of each round, you all pick a stick but make sure to hide your number. The person who gets the king stick announces themself and can ask any two people to do whatever they want, but they can only refer to their subjects by the number on the stick (they can also include themself). So make sure to hide what number you are and hope you don't get called. This is a fun game that is often enjoyed when there are people in the room who secretly have feelings for each other. Which is why Kaylee suggested such a game. This room was only filled with people who have feelings for each other, if you were to draw a chart to represent who liked who, it would be a pretty simple diagram as most of them aren't conflicting but it would still be interesting to see.
"Are we all ready?" Owen said as he passed the cup around.
"Make sure to hide it well," Kaylee said not even looking at her own number because she was too scared someone would see when she was looking.
"Alright, so everyone has one." Owen said, "Who is the king?"
It took a bit for the king to reveal themselves, as the first king is usually the worst. The first king needs to test the waters and figure out where things stand. All future kings will be influenced by the last, often getting more and more extreme with each round that passes.
"I am the king!" Simon said. "Let's start off with something easy… How about number 4 and 2 sit next to each other whilst holding hands."
A smart move to test the waters. A very nice dip in the sea. Everyone knew this game was going to be love related and this was the start of it.
"Who is number 2?" Sean said showing the 4 on his stick.
"I am..." Ethan said walking over leaving behind a trail of tears.
"Aw, you two make such a cute couple," Kaylee said.
"Alright, next round."
The sticks were redistributed and a new king was chosen.
"Ah-ha!" Ruby exclaimed standing proud. "I am the king! Let's have number 5 and 3 kiss the other person on the cheek."
Typically, games don't progress like this. First hand-holding now kissing on the cheek. It was clear what was going through these people's minds, although there were a few, who if became king, wouldn't do such a thing.
"I'm 3," Owen said standing up only to receive a look of pain and panic from Ruby.
"Oh!" Kaylee screamed "I'm 5! This game is fun!"
"Yes, Fun…" Ethan, Simon and Ruby said as they all contributed to buy a katana to slice down their newly found enemies.
"Alright, who is the next king?" Ethan asked.
"'Tis I!" Owen said jumping up. "I'll go easy for my first time, how about number 6 go and slap number 1"
"How is that easy?" Ruby asked.
"It's easy depending on who it is. I just didn't want to do anything else involving love."
Number 1 was Simon and Ethan had prayed that his number would suddenly become a 6 when he saw Simon stand up. Claire followed Simon quickly and showed the number 6 without making any sound. She faced him with a smile and unleashed a hellish slap that rippled through the air like thunder, almost knocking Simon out. All they could do was watch in and be thankful that they were not number 1.
"Who's next king?"
"I-I am." Lily said as she stood up quietly. "Number 4, u-um… hold my hand?"
"That seems easy," Sean said standing up and moving next to Lily. "I'm number 4."
"That doesn't seem righ-" Simon said before getting slapped again by Claire, as well as Owen.
"Just leave it," Owen whispered.
To assume this was cheating is correct, everyone has a plan for how to uncover what number everyone else is. Lily's plan was simple, it was simply to go to Owen for help. He was sitting in between the two of them at the time and saw Sean's number, tapping Lily on the back for the number he had.
"This is nice," Claire said still smiling from the slap.
"It is fun, isn't it?" Kaylee said. "Shall we do one more?"
At this point, those who hadn't become king were on full alert, but there was one man who wanted the role of the king more than anyone. That man, the one who is considered to be the poorest of peasants, was Ethan.
"Ok, everyone pick a stick,"
Both Simon and Ethan had plans to get what they wanted. They were both after the same thing, except they both had multiple people stopping them.
"YES!" Ethan screamed. "Oh, fuck," he said after looking at it again.
"Looking for this, Ethan?" Owen said holding up the king.
"Whatever do you mean? Now then. Let's have number 1 and 2 to end it," Before the challenge was even announced, Ethan had already stood up as he was number 1. He admitted defeat and held back an intense flood of tears.
"Number 1 and 2 should hug," Owen said giving a rather simple and easy final order. "Who is number 2?"
Several seconds of silence went by before Kaylee stood up and showed the number on her stick. "I'm 2…"
At this point, Ethan was throwing every bit of money at Owen. Ethan didn't know how he did it but he was happy that it had happened. He didn't care if it was cheating or what it was, even if people like Simon attempted to call cheating to redo the round, no one could prove it.
It was then that the two of them, Ethan and Kaylee, shared an awkwardly long hug in front of 6 other people. Ethan looked too happy for how long it was going on for whilst Kaylee clearly didn't know what to make of the situation. She wasn't sure if she was meant to enjoy it.
"Let's never play this again…" Kaylee said snapping her stick in half.
"So much for moving on," Ruby whispered.