Trip to the theme park


"YAY! A THEME PARK!" Ethan, Kaylee, Lily and Sean, aka the little kids, shouted as they ran into the large park flooded with customers.

"Where do we go first?" They all spun around filled with excitement and the pure joy of being able to witness something which we can only assume is for the first time.

"Wherever," Owen said slowly walking behind.

"I don't mind," Ruby said studying the map. "But I'd like to try the biggest ride they have."

"Are you sure?" Owen said. "Your hands are shaking? You seem scared."

"This isn't scared shaking, this is excitement shaking."

Owen looked at the group he came with and saw how he was the only one that wasn't excited to be there. It's not that he felt no excitement at all, it's just that he didn't feel the need to express such emotions openly to the crowd around him.

They spent a while walking around trying to pick which ride to go on first. Everyone leads the way trying to drag each other to the ride they wanted to go on. They each pulled and tugged trying to get the majority vote. It didn't matter much. They each wanted to go somewhere different making Owen the deciding vote since he didn't care. He decided the best way to do what everyone wanted to do was to play rock, paper, scissors. Which is why they are starting at Sean's ride.

"A haunted house?" Owen said.

"It seems fun, don't you think."

"Not really," Owen and Lily said barely holding onto this plane of existence.

"Let's draw lots!" Sean exclaimed. As it was a two-person at a time ride. They all drew lots to see who would go with who. Luck must have been on everyone's side, or perhaps it was rigged this way, but it seems as if Sean and Lily were going on first.

During the ride, Sean closed his eyes and acted as if he could see everything. He managed to convince Lily, who also had her eyes closed and held onto Sean very tightly. They both came out of the tunnel claiming to have enjoyed it to the fullest and would happily go again.

Ethan and Kaylee followed them.

"Don't worry. I'll protect you!" Ethan said as he entered the tunnel only to hear an extremely feminine scream.

"Was that Kaylee?" Ruby asked from outside.

"N-no," Owen said. "I'm sure that was Ethan,"

During their ride, Ethan kept telling himself that it was all for entertainment and none of it was real. He tried to hold Kaylee's hand and successfully executed his plan of holding it for at least 2 seconds before she pulled it away.

"That was fun!" Ethan said happily as he lasted 2 seconds.

"Well, our turn now," Owen said slumping into the seat next to Ruby who was already attempting to hold Owen's hand.

"O-Owen," She whispered. "I'm scared." Ruby attempted everything she could do get to hold onto Owen. As soon as they entered the tunnel she held on without any regrets. She closed her eyes and tightly gripped his hand which squeezed back. As soon as they left, she looked up to Owen with a smile only to see his white eyes and his body slumped in his chair. Owen had passed out.

"That was fun." He said when he woke up. "What's next?"

"Let's see. It was my go." Kaylee said.

Kaylee's suggestion was similar to Ruby's but slightly different. Whilst Ruby wanted the fastest roller coaster. Kaylee wanted the one that would make everyone sick. She picked a roller coaster full of loops and turns and spins. All to make the others sick.

"Thanks," Owen said getting off holding onto Ethan's shoulder. "I hated that."

"It was fun!" Ruby said filled with adrenaline. "MY GO NEXT!"

As to not waste the high that Ruby was experiencing, she ran straight to her ride and had all the others follow her. When she got there, Lily and Sean were too sick from the last one to attempt to go on the ride and decided to stay at the bottom.

"It looks really scary," Lily said rapidly drinking from her water bottle.

"Yeah, I'm happy to stay here."

"Me too," Lily said shuffling closer to Sean. "This is nice."

The two of them sat close to each other without looking. Their legs were touching and they both had a smile on their face. Sean turned to look at Lily who smiled brightly back. Sean continued to stare at her with a warm smile, unlike anything he had felt before.

"Phew!" Ruby said getting off the ride. "What a lot of fun!"

"Yeah, fun..." Owen said leaning on Ethan again.

"Well, I'm up next so it's a nice relaxing one," Ethan said. "I just wanted to see the aquarium."

Ethan wanted an easy life. He came to the park filled with joy and a list of what to ride, but the main goal was to go to the aquarium and see the underwater tunnels.

The fish swam above, there were many varieties of fish and the setting light beamed through the water above illuminating up the path and the people that walked slowly through admiring the view.

"Wow," Owen said looking everywhere. "This is something else."

"It really is," Ruby said as everyone watched the fish swim above them.

There was no noise in the tunnel, everyone was too busy looking at the fish swim. From the ones that searched the floor to the giant one that cast a shadow on the people walking.

They all stared at the fish around them unaware of the time until a message began to play on the park's speakers.

"The park will close shortly."

"Ah!" Lily said.

"We should hurry," Sean said. "We need to do what Lily wanted."

They all ran following behind Lily blindly. She leads them to the centre of the park at the base of a Ferris wheel.

"The Ferris wheel?" Owen said.

"Yup! I've always wanted to go on one."

"Should we go in with the same pairs?" Ethan suggested.

"Nope!" Lily said dragging them all. "I want us to all go together."

At the top, they looked at the orange sky filled with the setting sun. They saw the customers walk and all the kids still jumping up with joy that they experienced what they did.

"C-can I get a picture?" Lily said pulling out her phone. "I-i want one of all of us at the top, with the park behind us."

No one questioned Lily's request. It was one they were all thinking but too shy to ask for. Lily pulled out her phone to take a selfie of the day with their memories behind them. The photo was sent to all of them and they all saved it, making sure it would never be removed. As their first year of Sixth form was quickly coming to an end, everyone wanted to remember the times they had together.