[Monday, 3 years ago - Year 9]
"I think I want to move school," Ethan said as we all ate our lunch without caring about whatever it was he was talking about.
"Please do," I replied to which Sean spat out his drinking laughing.
"Why do you want to leave?" he said once he stopped laughing.
"Because I don't want to do the exams next year."
"You do know that no matter what school you are in, you'll have to do exams next year, right?"
I said as Ethan decided to look at me as if I've told him the answer to every question in the universe.
"That makes sense," He said shutting up and eating. "What's our next lesson?"
"Drama," I said. "Should be an easy lesson, just messing about."
"Wonderful," Ethan said moving on from the previous embarrassment. "So what were we talking about?"
At our current point in our school lives, we were getting to the point where we need to figure out what we want to do with the next two years. We had to pick three subjects to do next year, we all knew we were going to do computer science but we didn't know what our other subjects would be. Which brings us to this moment, we are sitting in our drama lesson hearing a number of reasons, none of them really good, about why we should pick drama.
"It's fun!" they said, "you get to be active and move about whilst messing about. As long as you are having fun and get the work down the teachers will have no problem with you."
What a lie, there are always rumours about the drama teachers, the bullies of judges. They will pick their favourite students on the first day and make sure they get the best grades while everyone else gets a lower grade because they weren't the teachers favourite.
"I think I'll pick drama," Ethan said. "It could be fun."
"It could be. Or it could be a lot of stress that we will regret in the future."
"True, but we have no way of knowing," He said.
"I'm not picking drama," Sean said. "It's pointless to me. This lesson has always been a messing about lesson for me. I just want to relax and take it easy."
"See, even Sean thinks it will be stressful," I said to Ethan who had already written that he will do drama.
"I don't have anything else to pick," he said.
"Come join me in media," Sean said. "We can work on group projects together."
"Smart," Ethan said writing media down because that was all he needed to decide his subjects.
"I can't do media," I said. "It's at the same time as music."
"You are picking music?" Ethan asked.
"Yeah, the teachers want me to. I guess it shouldn't be that difficult. Should just be a bit of fun."
"Like drama!" Ethan said trying to convince me to join him.
"What will you do for me if I pick drama."
"I think I can make your next two years, and maybe even longer, more enjoyable."
When he words it like that, it makes it sound like some sort of sex thing. I'd prefer if he didn't say it the way he did or if he said something normal like buying me a drink. Either way, I'm still not convinced.
"Nope, sorry, not happening."
"Why not?" Ethan begged.
"Because it seems like a lot of work. I don't want to do it."
"What are you going to pick instead?" Sean asked.
I had thought about this, I had spent the last few days of my life thinking about it. I'll be honest, drama was one of the choices, I did want to pick it as I had no other subjects to pick. I knew I wanted to pick Music and Computer science. I was going to go for history but it seems like that will involve even more work than drama and be a bit boring sometimes. I guess I could pick drama as I'd be stuck with someone I know… but then, isn't the tomato picking drama?
"Alright," I said. "I'll do drama but on one condition."
"What is it?" Ethan said.
"For the next two years… no… let's just say for Year 11. I want you to try your best at whatever directions I give you. If we are ever in a group in year 11. I want you to do what I say and listen to me."
"That seems easy," Ethan said shaking my hand, finalising the agreement.
The story of how I chose my subjects is a boring one. This was it. Ethan and Sean picked subjects based on their interests but I didn't have anything besides the piano. I just hope drama won't end up causing drama.