"QUICK QUICK QUICK GRAB THE GUN!" Ethan shouted as Owen kept dropping bullets on the floor as he shakily attempted to load them.
"Guys we don't have long. I can't keep this door closed forever." Sean said leaning against a door that was frantically being bashed and slashed against.
"OWEN!" Ethan screamed standing around, being the only one not doing anything.
"Alright, alright, it's loaded," Owen said as Sean dived out of the way, causing a zombie to fall through only to be shot clean in the head by Owen.
"Phew, that was close," Ethan said doing a quick 180 flip on panic mode.
"You need to calm down," Owen said putting down the gun.
"Sorry, sorry." Ethan said looting the dead zombie, "Food anyone?"
"Don't joke about that," Sean said. "Come on, let's keep moving."
Several days ago, a virus spread around the world, causing the world to go into a land full of zombies. These zombies were rather slow but somewhat smart and strong. Owen, Ethan and Sean stayed in the barricaded school, living their lives there as the only known survivors. The doors and all stairs were barricaded stopping most from getting past. They lived with what little food and water they had left and often would have to eat whatever school food was leftover.
"Hey, look over there." Owen stopped walking to point out the window to several zombies surrounding a car whose alarm was set off.
"Noise seems to be effective at distracting them," Ethan said. "Come on, let's go."
They slept in the sixth form common room and took turns sleeping. Sean was often the one to stay awake as he was the best sleeper out of all of them. Ethan was in charge of resource management and making sure no zombies got in. Owen was the sharpshooter, he was in charge of their one pistol and bullets.
When the virus broke out, everyone in school was in a panic, the police arrived quickly and lead people away but Owen, Sean and Ethan were last to leave, a few police officers returned for them eventually as zombies. In a convenient turn of events, the three of them stole their weapons, using it to defend themselves. They were the only ones left in the school and assumed that none of their classmates made it. They lived a peaceful life that consisted of Ethan spending most of it in front of the CCTV cameras, watching in case of a zombie intruder.
"Owen, we got one first floor," Ethan announced on the intercom.
"What's it doing?" Owen wrote on a piece of paper and held it up to a camera.
"Nothing," Ethan replied. "Doesn't seem to be an issue."
That night, they decided to leave the zombie alone and wake up the next day to find it still there. No new ones had entered and that one hadn't left.
"Seems like it's not moving," Ethan said. "Probably can't find the way out. Like a fly banging its head against the glass trying to get out."
"As long as it doesn't try and come up we are fine," Sean said preparing breakfast for everyone.
"Any news on the rescue?" Owen asked.
"Nope. I've tried to find people with the radio but no answers. I also don't know how much power we have left. We should assume we'll be out of power and should try and find ways to create backup power if needed."
"We can make a generator," Sean suggested as if it was an easy task. "We might be able to find the parts to make a bike generator. There will probably be a book in the library about it."
"That could work if there wasn't a zombie on the same floor as the library," Owen said.
"Well, we should be able to kill it without a gun, let's just whack its head."
The three of them went down to the first floor and looked at the zombie that aimlessly walked around like a teacher checking for students outside of class.
"Ok… let's do this." Sean ran up behind the zombie wielding a baseball bat and with one quick swing to the back of the head, the zombie was dead.
They approached the library door and tried to look through the dirt-covered glass.
"I can't see," Owen said slowly opening the door but quickly slammed it when he saw what was inside. "Run, now," Owen said as zombies pushed their way through the door, crushing Owen.
"Just run!" He said to the others who now couldn't see him under the pile of zombies that covered him.
"Shit shit shit," Ethan said. "There goes our gun."
"Shut up and keep running," Sean said gaining a lead due to his football training.
"Sean not that way!" Ethan said as Sean was about to run outside but it was too late as he had already pushed the door open, being dragged outside into the zombie wasteland.
"Shit, Sean!" Ethan screamed in frustration and he looked at the zombies now coming from both behind and in front.
"Shit…" He said to himself as he fell to the ground. "I guess this is it… without Owen and Sean… I won't survive on my own… this school life… it was fun while it lasted."
# # #
"Well, we didn't last long," Owen said standing and packing up his things.
"Wow, it's already that late?" Ethan said looking out the window. "When did it get dark."
"We did better than I thought we would," Sean said. "And you all called my zombie game stupid.
"It was fun." Owen admitted, "Shame I was the first to die but what can you do?"
"You shouldn't have opened the library door," Ethan said looking down on Owen.
"How was I supposed to know that the library was filled with zombies? We never went in there before."
"Well, it's time to go home," Ethan said.
"Yeah," Owen said also leaving. "It was fun, thanks for hosting, Sean."
The two of them went home that night knowing there was no zombie apocalypse, and that there may never be a zombie apocalypse. At least for now, they were safe.