"RUBY HURRY UP!" Kaylee screamed as she stood atop the remains of a car fending off a wave of zombies.
"Sorry, sorry, this is too complex for me." Ruby rummaged through her bag looking for something to help her situation. "FOUND IT!" She exclaimed pulling out a small pistol and proceeded to shoot several zombies creating a path for them to escape.
"Well, that was close," Kaylee said as she sealed the doors to the school behind her.
"Where were you guys?" Lily said coming down to see them, "I heard gunshots."
"It's alright," Ruby said slightly out of breath. "We managed to survive. I need to rest."
Several days ago, a virus spread around the world, causing the world to go into a land full of zombies. These zombies were rather slow but somewhat smart and strong. Ruby, Kaylee and Lily stayed in the barricaded school, living their lives there as the only known survivors. The doors and all stairs were barricaded stopping most from getting past. They lived with what little food and water they had left and often would have to eat whatever school food was leftover.
"What's our next plan?" Kaylee said as she slumped onto a custom made bed, created from cushions and bedding stolen from the medical room.
"No idea," Lily said. "Still haven't got any signals. No one is coming for us."
"Great," Ruby said leaning against the window, looking at the zombies that gathered at the door below. "It seems our gunshots caused more problems."
"That's fine," Kaylee said. "I'll take the first shift, you guys get some rest."
Kaylee sat atop the advantage point of the school, the CCTV room. A small room located on the ground floor but it had eyes on every location within the school. The room had many advantages but little disadvantages. However, one of these disadvantages was drastic in the event of an emergency. That Kaylee was about to find out what it was.
"What the hell?" Kaylee said staring at the monitor of the room her friends were sleeping in. "How did a zombie get in there?" She said picking up her weapon and sprinting as fast as she could to the other side of the school. The CCTV room was at the opposite end of the school, and the barricades they built made it even harder to quickly run from one location to another. Luckily Kaylee was athletic, she sprinted with ease and jumped up the stairs several at a time, determined to save her friends.
As she opened the door she saw Ruby and Lily cowering in a corner, calling out for Kaylee to help.
"Hurry up and shoot it!" Ruby screamed as Kaylee pointed the gun at the zombie, unable to do anything.
"I can't," Kaylee said. "The gun jammed."
"THE GUN'S WHAT?!" Ruby said as she proceeded to throw chairs and pillows at the approaching zombie, crippling it. With the zombie crippled Lily didn't waste time and detached a chair leg, piercing the zombie's rotten skull.
"That was close," Ruby said fainting to the ground. "Pass the gun, I'll fix it,"
Kaylee went to the science rooms and used the chemicals inside to burn away what remained of the zombie. They didn't know how the virus spread and they didn't want to take any chances.
"We must have a breach somewhere," Kaylee said examining the cameras with the others.
"There, look," Lily said pointing to the sports hall. "That door is open."
"How did that happen?" Kaylee said. "Right, shall we move out."
They decided quickly to end it. If they could shut the door they were safe. They knew how many zombies there were and it didn't seem like many. With the gun unjammed and several close-range weapons, they felt as if they could succeed.
At the doors to the sports hall, Kaylee slowly walked in and looked at the few zombies that slowly moved towards her.
"Ruby, you ready? " Kaylee said only to get no response. "R-ruby? Where are you?" She said turning around only to see her friends weren't behind her.
"R-Ruby? L-lily?" Kaylee called out retracing her steps and leaving the sports hall door open.
She retreated to the main hall she used to perform on and saw Ruby and Lily resting on top of the stage facing at the lights, surrounded by glass.
"Oh. I see," Kaylee said sitting next to them, reminding herself of the memories they used to have.
As Kaylee sat next to her friends who rested quietly, she watched the zombies approached from the only entrance.
"I guess this is it…" She said loading a gun she took from Ruby's pocket, pointing it to the lights above her.
# # #
"Damn… we didn't last long." Kaylee said packing up her things.
"It was fun," Ruby said. "Who would have thought those idiots could come up with something fun."
"I liked the twists…" Lily said still fantasizing over the strange plot.
"I didn't get it…" Kaylee said.
"I did… I loved it…" Lily said shining brightly as if she was going to continue it herself later.
"Well, time to go home," Ruby said.
"Yeah," Kaylee said also leaving. "It was fun, thanks for hosting, Lily."
The two of them went home that night knowing there was no zombie apocalypse, and that there may never be a zombie apocalypse. At least for now, they were safe.