"Yes yes yes," Owen said looking at a variety of metal boxes and random objects that made no sense to him. "Isn't there a song about this? The something bone is connected to the something bone? the red wire or something."
"Yes," Ethan said with his hand on his face. "Except this is a car, not a person."
"I see," Owen said looking closer at the engine. "But don't some people refer to their car as 'she'? Is yours a she? How can you tell? Is it under here?" He lifted up the first thing he saw without a care as to what it actually was. He looked into it and saw a bunch of liquid that he didn't want to have to deal with so he closed it back up.
"Is there meant to be liquid in there?" he asked.
"Yes," Ethan said having already given up living.
"I see. have you tried turning it off and on again?"
"OH SHUT UP!" Ethan screamed. "I came to you because you seem like you know something but clearly you don't! I should have gone to Simon. At least he has a car."
"You and Simon? what a combination." Owen said closing the bonnet. "Well, there you go. She's as good as new." He said dusting his hands.
"YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" Ethan screamed trying to run Owen over with a car that wouldn't move.
"Calm down for a second," Owen said. "Why not call a professional?"
"That would be smart," Ethan responded with an intense glaze. "I can't afford that."
"I see. it's cheaper to do it yourself. How about turning it off and o-"
"FORGET IT!" Ethan said as he pushed Owen as far away from his car as possible. "I'll figure it out on my own."
"Why not ask your parents?" Owen suggested.
"That would be too easy. They would laugh at me or something. That would be admitting defeat. I am a man. I can do this."
For some reason, when Owen heard that coming from Ethan, he didn't believe any of it. His mind kept replaying moments of when Ethan wasn't a man, or anything close to a man. Owen kept trying to hold back the laughter at the thought but that only annoyed Ethan even more.
"I have an idea," Owen said sitting in the driver's seat. "I'll turn it on and press the peddle thingies whilst you look at the engine."
"Good idea!" Ethan said. "OK. I'm looking."
Ethan looked closely at the engine that made a sound as if a cat was stuck in it. He didn't know what he was looking for but then neither did Owen. It was up to chance that the problem would eventually fix itself, and that was what Owen was hoping for. He hoped that the car would magically fix itself and he could get a lift home.
"Anything?" Owen shouted over the sound of the engine.
"No, don't think so. Here, swap. You take a look."
The two swapped places with Owen now watching the engine. He looked at it with his hand on his chin and quickly pulled out his phone to search for the issue whilst Ethan's vision was blinded by the bonnet.
"Anything?" Ethan shouted.
"Not yet. do it again." Owen shouted to buy some time.
To search for a problem online was a smart idea. If you know the right thing to search you can get good results, or you can find out that you only have a few days left to live. For Owen, someone who lives on the internet, searching is easy. He types quickly and his phone was super fast so his results should be here soon. That being said, as mentioned, searching is easy if you know what to search for. Should your car break down and make a funny noise and you search 'Car go Glub Glub glaglalglagla." You will probably not find the results you are after.
"I got nothing," Owen said quickly giving up and hiding his phone.
"I guess I'll just have to call a mechanic," Ethan said pulling out his phone. "It's a shame. I thought we were smart enough to do this."
Owen looked at Ethan as he admitted defeat and saw him type in the phone number.
"STOP!" Owen said slapping his phone out of his hand and onto the hard pavement.
"Dude that was my phone."
"We don't need someone else. We can do this. Just the two of us. We are smart! Now get back in the car and try again."
Owen's words convinced Ethan who jumped back in the driver's seat and tried again. During this time Owen tried his hardest to figure it out without the help of anyone else, just Ethan, himself and the internet on his phone. Owen made sure that Ethan didn't find out so when they figured it out he was more impressed with him.