On the hottest days, there are a few thoughts that go through people's minds. The biggest one is always how to escape the heat. There are many ways to do this but none of them beat going swimming.
"THE POOL!" Sean screamed as he dived in splashing everyone else who wasn't prepared.
"Well… That certainly was something." Owen said cleaning the water off his glasses and trying not to complain about his damp hoodie that was mid-way off.
"Isn't this fun?" Ethan said forcing a laugh to help him get through it all. "Right, Bella?"
"Why am I here?" she responded to her brother's pointless question.
"Because mum forced you to join us. Now stop complaining."
"Hey, Sean!" Matt called out to his brother. "We'll set up over here. Don't forget."
Today, was a cast filled day. Matt, Owen, Ethan, Sean and Bella were all together at the pool. It was a group event and they weren't the last to arrive. They were, in fact, the first of the groups to arrive.
"What time are the others getting here?" Sean said as he floated around on a rubber ring.
"Don't know," Owen said. "Can't imagine it'll be too long."
The 5 of them lounged about in the pool sticking to their usual antics. Bella was in an uncomfortable situation and was latched onto Ethan the whole time. She didn't know Matt and didn't like Owen. As a result of this, she wanted to stay by the side the whole time, not getting in the way of the others.
"Hey, Guy!" Claire said as she pushed Simon straight into the pool without hesitation. Causing the lifeguard to blow his whistle and give her a warning. "Sorry, sorry…" She said despite not being sorry.
"So nice of you to join us," Ethan said with a peaking Bella behind him. "Just ignore her… She's my sister. You can forget she even exists if you wa-glauglaugluagh."
Before Ethan finished his sentence he found himself being forced down by the sister he was attempting to ignore.
"What are you looking at, pervert?" Bella said as she saw Owen witness her attempted murder. He was smart enough to know when to look away. He wasn't going to call the police as it was much more trouble than it was worth.
"Nice to meet ya! I'm Matt, Sean's brother."
"I'm S-Simon… Good to meet you…" He said as if he had introduced himself for the first time ever.
After the introduction, they stood awkwardly with smiles on their face breathing in the air.
"Well, time to smoke," Matt said as he pulled out a cigarette in an attempt to break the awkwardness only to get them confiscated by the lifeguard.
# # #
The group played around in the pool for several more minutes before the rest of the group arrived. Ruby, Kaylee and Lily. Lily, unlike the time at the beach, was prepared to go swimming with Sean. She wanted to spend more time with him today and was determined to take part. She brought a two-piece swimsuit with the help from Ruby and Kaylee to make herself look, in their words, cuter. A simple black swimsuit that covered up enough for Lily to not lose all confidence but also enough for her to panic and hide with only her eyes popping out of the water.
"W-what are you looking at?" Ruby said as she pretended to cover herself up from Owen who didn't understand what was going on.
"I wasn't looking." He said.
Ruby, just like Kaylee, wore the same thing they did the same time they went to the beach. It wasn't new enough for people to care, not that they would. The only one who would care would be Ethan and potentially Simon, but after recent events, they are resisting all urges to look.
"Alright!" Claire said. "I should get in!"
Claire stood up and took off her hoodie, as she slowly stepped into the pool, revealing her swimsuit and body that made Lily and Ruby not want to come out of the water.
"Damn…" they both said looking down at their chests.
"What's wrong, Ethan?" Owen said approaching the man who had ideally drifted to the side.
"N-nothing… I'm just trying to enjoy myself."
"I thought you'd be all over this. Isn't this the type of perverted thing you normally do?"
"N-no… just leave me alone ok. I'm fine…"
"A-alright," As per Ethan's words, Owen left him alone. He didn't know what to do as he wanted everyone to enjoy themselves but didn't know how. He had no choice but to go to the one person who would be able to help him, except he knew he would have to explain the whole situation to her.
"What do you mean he's moved on!?" Bella said as she forced Owen under.
"You were supposed to get them together! How did you fail so badly!"
"Well…" Owen said as he was prepared to throw every excuse he could. "I kinda forgot. After all the times Ethan claimed to move on who could tell what his feelings were. So, I forgot."
"YOU FORGOT!" The demon said as the water slowly evaporated around her.
"A-actually no…" Owen said changing his excuse. "I just think we shouldn't force them together. If they don't want to be together there is nothing we can do."
"Shut up, Pervert."
"Yes, master," Owen said submitting to the Bella. Despite previous events where Owen has the confidence to talk about, this was one where he couldn't.
"What do you want me to do?" Bella asked.
"You are his sister? You can cheer him up… Just be honest or something? "
"I-I can't do that. What do I even talk about?"
Owen really wanted to talk back to her as her stupidity on the situation was annoying Owen. However, he knew that would lead nowhere and tried his hardest to cooperate.
"Just… try... He trusts you."
Bella's eyes shot up after hearing the word 'trust'. She had never heard it directly from anyone that Ethan trusted her. With her newfound confidence, she was prepared to speak to her brother and hope to solve the situation.
Simultaneously, whilst Bella and Owen were away, Kaylee was stuck in an awkward situation, the same issue as Ethan. With no way to escape this situation of awkwardness that is, going swimming, with not only someone you used to date and recently rejected, but also the awkwardness of going with someone who you rejected only for them to reject you. It was a situation that no one wanted to be in.
Luckily for Sean, Matt and Lily, they didn't have to. The three of them were happy. For Sean, this was him hoping that Matt liked his girlfriend. Lily tried her hardest to make sure she was liked and as polite as possible when meeting Sean's family. Despite this, she was unaware that whoever it was that Sean chose, they would love her just as much.