With little time left, results day had approached. Owen, Ethan and Sean arrived as early as possible to make sure that they could get rid of all the nerves quickly. Even if they wouldn't go after they found out the results.
"OK…" Owen said. "Are you guys ready to open them?"
"Let's just go over the miniature bets…" Ethan said. "I wanted a perfect score and you wanted to beat me in averages, right Owen?"
"That's correct," Owen said with Sean as the judge of the bet that doesn't even have a prize.
"I'm nervous…" Sean said opening his first.
"Oh my god!" Owen said looking at Sean's results.
"What?" Sean said as he had his eyes closed. "Is it bad? Did I fail?"
"Holy shit… not at all… Your lowest mark was only 53… you passed all of them!"
Each exam was out of 100. Of course, it isn't like that in real life but for the sake of simplicity, it is here. Getting above 40 was what you wanted. The average mark doesn't mean anything as some subjects have more exams than others, however, it can be used as a guide and in this case, that is all that mattered.
"An average of 66.6," Ethan said shocked at how much Sean had improved. "The devil must be at work…"
"See!" Sean said with a huge grin over his face that wouldn't fall no matter what. "I knew I could do it! Oh! I have to call my mum! I'll be back!"
Sean skipped off with his envelope in had, practically dancing with joy at his improvement and the fact that he was passing the year and moving on.
"Alright…" Ethan said. "My turn, let's see…"
He opened his paper and cried when he saw that he failed.
"Damn it," he said as he hit his hand against the floor. "Only 98… I was so close, so close to perfect…"
"An average of 87.1. I don't think I can beat that…" Owen said as he opened his results. "Yeah, thought so, only 77.2. So close."
"What are you guys doing?" Ruby said as she walked in to find both Ethan and Owen frustrated on the floor, crying over their failures of not getting what they want, despite getting good results.
"I failed," Owen said which caused Ruby to go into a frantic panic and almost cry, only for her tear ducts to dry out when she saw his actual results.
"What is this music score?" She asked. "Why are you so low?"
"Who knows," Owen said as if he didn't deal with everyone's problems last year which appeared to have affected his studies.
Ruby went to get her envelope and opened it, obviously beating Owen in music, except her victory wasn't as sweet as she thought it would be.
"What was your average?" Ruby asked. "Did I beat you?"
"77" Owen responded which caused her to drop her paper on the floor, showing she also got a 77 average.
"Wait wait wait wait," Ruby said. "We have to go to decimal places, What was it really?"
"77.2" Owen responded, still on the floor.
"AH HA!" Ruby screamed. "77.3! SUCK IT!"
"She seems excited," Claire said walking in with Simon. "Shall we go and see what we got?"
They both returned quickly and opened them without worry. It was as if they secretly knew they were going to pass. Despite Simon's fear during the exam, he felt strangely confident about his results.
"73…" Claire said. "I'll take it!"
"I got 79," Simon said trying to hide his happiness but failing to as a smile came over his face that wouldn't fall.
"Don't get too happy," Ethan interrupted. "I got 87,"
"Tch…" Simon responded.
"What is everyone doing?" Kaylee said as she and Lily were the last to arrive. "We saw Sean. He seemed happy."
"I'm glad…" Lily said holding her heart. "We get to spend another year together,"
The group all listened to Lily's cute love that leaked out of her body. Causing Lily to go red with embarrassment.
"What was your average, Lily?" Ruby asked.
"I got 83," She said trying to sound modest.
"I got 64," Kaylee said with visible disappointment on her face. "I passed but I wish I did better,"
"Damn, you did so much better than I did on History," Simon said to Lily looking over her shoulder at her results.
"At least we are all together next year," Owen said.
"And we know each other's weakest and strongest. We can help each other better next time." Claire said.
"I have one more year to get a perfect score!" Ethan said determinedly.
"You need to improve your music grade…" Ruby said hitting Owen.
"And you need to do better at art," Owen replied.
"Yeah yeah… whatever…"
With their results in hand, they kept comparing scores with each other. They kept talking as if they were old friends who hadn't seen each other in years. They were all happy to move onto next year and despite the awkwardness lately, not one of them was upset. And so, with only one year left, their final year of Secondary School was about to begin.