[Monday, Lunch]
As we sit on the first day back, starting Year 13, our final year. We find ourselves surrounded by new people. The common room was shared between both year 12 and 13 and it meant that the newbies wouldn't understand the rules. Basically, since the start of last year, our lot; myself, Sean and Ethan, have a table at the back. When lunch started we had to make sure that none of the new year 12s stole our beloved table. Which brings us to this moment. We were let out of lessons late meaning we couldn't get to our table quick enough. We thought that we would just let it pass and claim another table, but since I was the first in the room and after seeing the single person that sat on the table, I was confident I could get it back.
"So, I see you joined Sixth Form," I said to them as their face turned sour after seeing me.
"Ew… it's Owen," She said looking past me.
"Chi…" I said to her annoyance. "Do you mind sitting somewhere else? This is our table."
"Oh, it's Charley," Sean said coming over and sitting down accepting the situation. "Haven't spoken to you in a while, how are things?"
Ah, I see. This could be my weapon. I can use Sean to force Charley away. Her past feelings expose weakness in her. She will run when she finds out that Sean is currently in a relationship. Maybe I can go the extra mile and get Sean and Lily to kiss in front of her? That would truly be an instant KO.
"Y-yeah... it's been a while." Charley replied before snapping her head to me as if telling me to do something. I'll just act as if I can't see her.
"Congrats on passing your exams," Sean said continuing the conversation to which Charley didn't want to participate in.
"T-thanks…" She said retreating into her chair. I just need to do one little push.
"Hey, Sean." I casually said, "Where is Lily?"
"Lily? She said she was with Ruby and Kaylee somewhere. Didn't say where though."
"Oh, I see I see," I said with the best acting possible. "Must be nice… talking to your GIRLFRIEND." Gotta make sure to emphasis the girlfriend part.
Charley looked at me with flies buzzing around her. She was dead. Her body had withered and rotted right on this chair. Her last moments were of her looking at me. At least she died looking at something beautiful, I'll see her in hell.
"Y-you and Lily? Are dating?" Charley said coming back from her trip to the spirit world seeing as there can't be two satans in hell.
"Yeah… it's kinda embarrassing."
"Oh please, tell us more," I said pushing it as far as possible. "What about kissing? Have you guys done any of that? What about S-"
"ALRIGHT!" Charley screamed throwing a chair at me. "You can have your table. I don't even know where my friends have gone. They told me to hold this table for them but haven't returned."
Oh, this poor girl. Once again back to what she knows. Being pushed around and forced to do the other's dirty work. Such a sad existence she has.
"Oi, you were thinking something rude just then, weren't you?" She said as I forgot she has the power to read my mind.
"So what subjects are you doing?" Sean asked as he sat down next to her.
"English Language, History, and Photography."
"Oh, English Language and History." Sean said rather excitedly, "That's the same as Lily. If you ever get stuck you can ask her for help."
Sean was an idiot. He didn't understand the situation. A girl that liked him talking to the girl that was accepted. Seems like we have a lot of confusing relationships on our hands. I'm loving every moment of this.
"That's cool…" Charley said as if she couldn't think of anything else. I could see she was breaking down. Her hair looked as if it was falling out from the stress of it all. She's only just started Sixth Form and is already stressing out about the wrong things. She'll go a long way.
"Well… thanks, guys." She said taking her bag and running away but not before quickly returning and taking me as well. Carrying me like a bag.
"What was that?" She said to me outside the room.
"What do you mean?" I responded.
"You didn't tell me they were dating?"
"Didn't I? I thought I did?" I said with sweat pouring down my face as I stared into the soul of a murderous child. "I must have dreamt it. Really you should have seen it coming. They always flirt with each other."
"HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW!" she yelled into my ear.
"Well, sorry… you lost?" I don't know what to say. If only she was over something that happened almost 2 years ago.
"Well, I guess it's ok…" she said, "I moved on ages ago."
As I looked at her, a girl that witnessed not being chosen, I thought to myself about how she handled it all. I also took those words that she spoke. Words about moving on, and I didn't believe a single one.