[11 years ago - Ruby's past]
I can't recall exactly how long ago it was, it may have been around 11 years but it could have been 12 years. I was at my music lessons, I started with singing lessons but quickly picked up the violin alongside them. The music school was one of the few in the area. It wasn't popular and it wasn't big. The building was sort of rundown so it was cheap. Even if the teachers weren't the best, the price was good for us. As I prepared one day for my violin lessons, I arrived earlier than expected. Since I arrived early, I just sat and waited whilst they finished the person before me. It was when I first encountered him.
"But I don't want to play it!" A voice called out from the piano room as if no one could hear.
"Look, Owen…" a deeper voice said, I could only assume it was the teacher. "You can't play what you want for the exam. You need to play one of the pieces they suggest."
"But I don't like these pieces!" The kid said throwing a tantrum.
"The exam is on Friday… just go home and practise. You'll be fine, you smashed every other exam."
The two of them walked out through the door and looking at him back then he didn't wear glasses. He had a chubbier face but the same blue eyes. He looked very childish and seemed as if he was annoyed with being here. We made eye contact as he left school. It was a strange exchange, perhaps I looked at him because he was the same age as me. I didn't have long to look as I was called in by my teacher soon after.
Back then I remember the date running through my head. He said his exam was on Friday, the same day as mine. I always wondered if I'd see him that day. I was curious as to see if he could play. He didn't seem like the type of person who would play an instrument like the piano. He didn't give me any impression that he cared about music.
"Are you ready, Ruby?" My dad said to me as he drove me to my exam.
"I-i think so…"
My dad was someone I admire. He always wanted the best for me. His bubbly attitude always made me smile. His passion for music and the piano was what inspired me to learn. I wanted to see the world he did and once I did, I never wanted to leave.
"Just remember!" he said to me once. "You are amazing at both singing and the violin. Your mother always says how great we sound when we play together. I know you'll do great!"
His smile always lifted my mood. It was as if he always knew what to say and when to say it. To a child of my age, he was the perfect parent.
We got to the exam room and had to wait outside while someone was taking there. There were only two rooms for the exams, one for the piano and one for the violin. As someone was already doing the violin exam we had to wait in the kitchen. It wasn't a school or anywhere fancy. It was just a house. It was a simple house.
I listened to the person in the piano room to calm my nerves. I could hear their playing well as it travelled through the walls. I listened to their perfect playing. No missed notes, perfect tempo, perfect emotions. Each note bounced around in my ears never leaving. His playing created a vision inside my heart that dripped a sunset into my eyes. The view he created transported me to a world that I'd never seen before.
My dad who I considered to be the best pianist in the world, also complimented them. My dad said the name of the piece as he recognised it, but I can't remember what he said. I had the piece stuck in my mind. Never wanting to forget it.
"Ruby?" the examiner called me in.
"Y-yes!" I said standing up and taking in my violin.
"Knock-em dead!" my dad said, releasing all nerves from my body.
The exam went well for me. Even if the whole time I was focusing on the pianist in the other room. I performed well and manage to pass my exam with ease. I wanted the exam to be over so I could see who was playing the piano. It may not have even been a student, it could have been an examiner.
I rushed out of the room as soon as my exam was done, looking for the pianist in the next room. Only to see an empty room. I asked my dad who it was in the other room but he said it was some kid. He didn't know their name or anything else. Just that it was someone performing for an exam.
I never saw the person in the other room, nor did I see that boy who had his lesson before me and then, 3 years later, the worst happened.
I had to perform at my school. It was a small after school performance and all the parents of the students in my class showed up to listen. I remember my parents saying they would come after work. The performance was late so I knew they would make it on time. Even then, when I got up on stage and looked into the crowd, I could only see my mum. Just like me, she was frantically looking for him. He was nowhere to be seen. I had to play without my dad being there. I couldn't wait longer. The person I wanted to see it the most, wasn't there.
After the performance, we left but were greeted by police at the entrance. They told us what happened. I didn't want to believe it. No one would. The man I admired. My own father. The one who got me to see the salvation of music had passed away in a car accident on his way to see me perform.