[Saturday, Afternoon]
"Come on, Bella. We are going to be late."
Tch… Who does this bitch think she is pushing me about? I wouldn't be here if you had any other friends… Why must people hate you?
"Come, on…" She said again as if I couldn't hear her the first 10 times.
"Yeah, yeah… one second,"
To think that I would be invited out like this? Forced to hang out with someone when I could be doing other things. I don't know what those other things are but I could be doing them.
"What's taking so long?" She said as if we didn't have 10 minutes before our film started.
"Alright, alright… calm down,"
At the cinema, with my 'friend', we decided to hang out and watch a film. What else do you do at a cinema? As mentioned, this person only invited me because she had no one else to go with. She is boring. This could be the reason why she doesn't have any friends.
"Are you alright?" She asked as I slowly dragged myself into my seat.
"Yeah… yeah… I'm fine,"
The film we watched was something she suggested, probably something boring to go with her.
"Psst…" She said acting like someone who was trying to sneak in some words during the film even if the film hadn't started yet. "Isn't this fun?"
How is this fun, I wonder? The film hasn't started and I don't even know what film I'm watching. This could be some sort of porno or the goriest film to ever exist. It could even be some sort of film involving my brother... I think I'd rather just watch the goriest porno.
The film started in no more than 10 minutes. As always, the adverts were first and were the best part. Seeing all these companies try to advertise to people who just ridicule their adverts for not making any logical sense. Truly the best part of the cinema experience. Also, why are there so many car adverts in cinemas?
I looked over to the person beside me who had invited me to this event. She was happily snacking on her popcorn with a large smile on her face. Looking at it made me feel kinda bad about all the stuff I've thought about her. Oh, well.
"Popcorn?" She offered quickly after me thinking that.
"S-sure…" I took a small handful of popcorn and slowly ate it like a chipmunk. I had my own snacks but she was too happy when she offered it to me that I just couldn't refuse. Plus, it was free food.
After the adverts, the film finally started. I was expecting a slow boring rom-com or documentary thing, but when the title appeared and it said 'Deathblow: Heavy metal rock explosion Mix 2.' I was shocked. I hadn't even seen the first, would I understand the story?
The film started with a loud bang, as you could guess. It dropped us straight into a war zone filled with what looked like a heavy metal band shooting grenades out of their guitars. The drummer even used a certain beat to communicate with the bombers flying above to tell them when to drop the bombs. What a truly unique movie.
Several minutes later we were in what looked like a city. I can't imagine this place staying peaceful for long, it seemed as if this was where one of the rocker's mum lived. I wasn't expecting a normal person, but I didn't expect an 89-year-old dressed in heavy clothes and so much makeup that he face was dragging across the ground from the weight of it all. I should also mention that she was communicating with her son through beatboxing because that's a normal thing.
I couldn't tell what they were saying but thanks to the subtitles I figured out they were arguing.
Due to the son always being at war he never comes home to see his mum who worries about him. Apparently, the only messages his son gives her is a piece of some random guy's hair. I can't say I was following along at this point, but the hair belonged to her dead husband. How the son was getting this hair I have no idea.
Later in the movie, the villain faced off against our heroes, with his plan to make the world deaf through a really loud explosion, it only made sense for the villain to be a mime. Dressed up in stereotypical black and white with face paint on, he communicated to our metal heroes through the use of charades. I didn't expect there to be audience participation within the movie, but you would think they would subtitle what the mime was miming so we didn't have to yell at the screen trying to work it out.
The final showdown came sometime later, and the mime ends up getting defeated thanks to the heavy metal's mum's long time rival and failed classical musician friend. What a world…
We left the cinema and my friend's eyes glowed as if she just saw heaven. I can't say I felt that same. She asked me how it was but I just stood in silence trying to imagine words that could possibly be used in this situation.
"Did you understand it all?" she asked.
"i-I think so…" I was scared to reply.
"Oh, I see… you haven't seen the first one." She said as she pulled out a large notepad out of nowhere. "Allow me to explain…"
For the next 3 hours, I got the entire plot of the first movie drilled into my head. I can't say I hated Deathblow: Heavy metal rock explosion Mix 2. But I don't think I'd want to watch Deathblow: Heavy metal rock explosion Mix 1. It seemed to have some strange plot point that was apparently important to this story about how the mime villain was the long lost brother of one of the pilots in the plane that dropped the bombs at the beginning. Talk about breaking the norms of film.
To review, Deathblow: Heavy metal rock explosion Mix 2, It was an experience. I started thinking that my friend was boring, now all I can say is that they are weird and I'm never going to the cinema with them again.